ABSTRACT: Exploring the role of early childhood education in disaster risk reduction is essential for enhancing community resilience and preparedness. This study aims to investigate how early childhood education programs contribute to disaster risk reduction efforts. The objectives are to (1) assess improvements in children's knowledge and preparedness for disasters, (2) evaluate the integration of disaster risk reduction activities in early childhood education curricula, and (3) examine changes in community practices towards disaster mitigation. A survey design is justified as it allows comprehensive data collection from participants, providing insights into educational impacts on disaster preparedness. A purposive sample of 120 children aged 4-6 years, from disaster-prone areas in Lagos State, ensures relevant experiences. The case study focuses on an early childhood education center known for its disaster preparedness initiatives. Findings revealed significant improvements in children's knowledge and preparedness, effectiveness of disaster risk reduction activities, and positive changes in community disaster response. Recommendations include integrating disaster risk reduction education into early childhood curricula and fostering partnerships with local authorities for community-wide preparedness.
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Background of the study
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