It is usually a concern over the chemical composition or contamination of foods and the effect this has on its value to the consumer that generates the need for analysis. The quality of food is based on the natural composition, the 10 balance between the nutrient and antinutrient composition (Woodget and Cooper, 1995). Our food should be our medicine according to Hipporcrates, 447-368BC (Serge, 2007). In spite of the modern technology which we frequently mistake for civilization, many people today are very unhealthy because the body is commonly weakened by either too much food or too little nutrition (German, 2007). Currently, life expectancy has dropped to a global average of 75years. There is no doubting the fact that excessive processing; cooking and refining natural products for food had contributed to the rapid fall in life expectancy (Don, 2008). A persons’ diet is a complicated thing, a smorgasbord of cultural influences, ingrained habit and personal preferences. Understanding what happens when someone takes a drug, an area in which metabolomics is a more established tool. “A drug has a limited number of active molecules, but foods have thousands of molecules that work together and have subtle effects” (Serge, 2007). Metabolomics is an interdisciplinary study of metabolites which are small molecules connected by the complex web of biochemical reactions called metabolism. Ultimately, metabolomics aims to make sense of the relationship between food and health (German, 2007). Nutrition experts are eyeing metabolomics as a potential tool for formulating diet guidelines. The field is not very ready yet, but its momentum is building towards making that possible (German, 2007). Thus, the analysis of these food samples eaten in Eastern Nigeria will enable us know and compare the compositions of such foods and with the aid of nutritional and biochemical knowledge, know what to eat, how to eat it, what to avoid or eat moderately either because it can make one ill or has little food value.
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