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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

1 Background to the Study

The major purpose of education is to equip recipients with knowledge and skills needed to function effectively and thus contribute to the development of the society. Education has remained an instrument for change and national development. Education is a process through which humans become useful to themselves and the society through the systematic acquisition of knowledge, relevant skills, values and attitude (Aguba, 2016). Nations currently desire economic growth, improvement in the quality of life, human rights and peaceful co-existence among communities and education is therefore an important factor in achieving them. Thus education is the foundation for sound economic development, wealth-creation, values, attitudes and knowledge acquisition for efficient utilization of human, material and financial resources to produce goods and services that satisfy societal demands (Amadi, 2011). Nigeria is actively involved in the global deliberations on Education For All (EFA) as reflected in her policies and programmes such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which was developed, adopted and implemented since 2015. SDG has three critical elements namely; economic growth, poverty alleviation and inequalities. Also, the Federal Government of Nigeria (2014) stated that the goals of education are on the development of mental, physical and social abilities/competencies and acquisition of appropriate skills as equipment for the individual to contribute to the development of the nation. These goals of education can be easily achieveable through a well designed vocational and technical education programmes. 2 Vocational and technical education as a multifaceted, multi-disciplinary and pragmatic field of study is aimed at equipping individuals with requisite skills which will enhance their relevance and functionality in the society (Eze, 2010). Vocational and technical education is aimed at developing not only practical skills, but desirable work habits and attitudes that make the recipient very creative and resourceful. Furthermore, practical skill acquisition entails accumulation of different competencies and abilities that enhance task performance through integration of both theoretical and practical forms of knowledge.It makes provision for adequate training of trainee for self-employment using practical activities to enhance psychomotor skill development and practice in a conducive environment. Psychomotor skills are those capabilities involved in a task or various tasks that learners are expected to acquire as a result of persistent practice (Ayonmike, 2014). Moreso, psychomotor skills are those skills or special abilities required by a learner in human activities which can be acquired through learning and constant practice. Additionally, Ayonmike stated that principles that guide psychomotor skill development are necessary in the education process for it to contribute to the development of a nation through effective human capital development to meet employment requirements. Supporting this view, Eze (2010) asserted that psychomotor skill development begins with practice in schools, adding that employment opportunities await graduates who possess relevant skills. However, it is common knowledge that many graduates of Nigerian educational institutions sometime lack psychomotor skills relevant for gainful employment in industries. This could be attributed to the methods of instructional delivery. Psychomotor skills are more often done through developed technical education. 3 Technical education at all levels of the education system emphasizes acquisition of psychomotor skills. Uwaifo (2010) viewed technical education as education and training which encompasses knowledge, skills, competencies and structural experiences for securing jobs in various sectors of the economy and even enabling an individual to become self-dependent by being a job creator. The author further stressed that if technical education instruction is delivered appropriately to facilitate acquisition of psychomotor skills, individuals could explore their environment and harness the resources which could serve them and create wealth for the society. In view of this, Dokubo and Dokubo (2013) asserted that psychomotor skill is the major distinguishing aspect of technical education which makes it outstanding from liberal arts. The authors further stressed that in teaching technical trades (electrical installation and maintenance work inclusive) instructors should adopt teaching methods which can increase interest and motivate students to improve on their academic achievement.Teaching methods employed in electrical/electronic should be able to match the programme objectives (Okoye, 2016). Electrical/Electronic is an option in technical education programme and it is one of the trades in technical colleges which provide students the necessary skills to be self-reliant economically. The option covers electrical installation and maintenance work, appliance and repairs as well as radio and television services, including general electronic work (NBTE, 2013; UNESCO, 2016). Electrical/Electronic students of technical colleges are expected to secure employment either on completion of the entire programme or after completing one or more modules. It is also expected that they should be able to set up their own businesses, become self employed and able to employ others (FGN, 2014). To fully achieve the objectives of the programme as highlighted above, teachers should adopt effective instructional methods to adequately 4 equip students to be self-reliant and thus reduce unemployment and poverty. In furtherance, Okoye (2016) affirmed that electrical/electronic option of the technical education programme should equip students with salable skills and competencies to enhance their development of self-reliance initiatives. In technical colleges, electrical installation and maintenance work is a trade in electrical/electronic option and provides learners with practical skills and knowledge required for effective electrical/electronic technicians. Such persons are needed for employment in organizations like Electricity Distribution Company (EDC), manufacturing, mining, oil and gas industries. Electrical installation and maintenance work comprises three modules namely; domestic and industrial installation, cable jointing and battery charging and winding of electrical machine, (NABTEB 2010). Additionally, graduates of this programme are expected to develop psychomotor skills in installing, operating, maintaining and repairing of electrically energized systems such as residential, commercial and industrial building. Electrical installation and maintenance work ought to be taught effectively, as anything less would not only wreck havoc to the lives of electricity users but will also worsen unemployment and poverty to the trainees (Ogbuanya and Akinduro, 2017). The authors affirmed that students can only be proficient in handling the above stated tasks in installation when teachers employ appropriate teaching methods. Regarding the issue of appropriate teaching methods in technical colleges, Okoye (2016) asserted that since technical education programme is skill-based, teaching methods should be able to facilitate psychomotor skill in order to develop the capability and capacity of the individual to design, produce and use technological products and systems as well as assess the appropriateness of technological action. 5 Consequently, Okoye emphasized that there should be adjustment in the programme of technical colleges. In the same vein, Eze and Osuyi (2018) asserted that adjustment in technical education programme will affect the curricular implementation processes which are prosecuted through different learning experiences and contents. Similarly, FGN (2014) recommended that modern educational instructional methods should be increasingly used and improved upon at all levels of education system. Additionally, the implication of the recommendation of FGN (2014) is that educators must be in constant search of teaching methods and techniques that could improve their practice, encourage learners to participate actively in the learning process and adapt more perfectly to a particular classroom situation geared towards meeting the societal and industrial needs. Several teaching methods have been documented as being effective in teaching psychomotor skills, improving students‟ performance and interest in technical education programmes especially electrical installation and maintenance work. These methods include discussion, demonstration, guided discovery, project-based methods, problem- solving, and field trips among others. While many instructors are aware of the existence of these instructional methods and techniques, most technical teachers simply opt to utilize the conventional (chalk-talk) method. Over the years, the conventional method of instructional delivery has been dominantly used in Nigerian schools. This method of teaching according to Aguba (2015) is simply an act of spoon feeding learners with information or facts which has done more harm than good for courses that are skill based. Akem in Ayonmike (2014) stated that conventional method is good for large classes since much work could be 6 easily covered in a short time but it makes the teacher a custodian of informantion, ideas, and knowledge, thereby denying learners the opportunity to develop psychomotor skills which is needed for nation building. The resultant effect is the low achievements as evidenced in students learning outcomes portrayed both in the results of internal and external examinations. This could be the reason, Olokede and Olusanjo (2009) submitted that many researchers have adduced that low achievement in technical college public examinations is traceable to teaching methods employed by technical teachers. Futhermore, Edu, Ayang, and Idaka (2012) posited that conventional (lecture and demonstration) method cannot improve psychomotor skill development and interest of students in technical college trades. Supporting this view, Yinusa (2014) lamented that inspite of all the important roles science and technology play in the development of the nations; their enhancement in Nigeria has been low. In the same vein Eze and Osuyi (2018) affirmed that even though the indispensability of technical education in the production of skilled trade persons for nation building and development of society has been universally acknowledged, the outcome of the implementation of technical education programme in Nigeria is still not encouraging. This is why many researchers, technical educators and other stakeholders have been searching for more effective ways to ensure effective teaching and learning of psychomotor skills in technical education for the benefit of the students and the nation. A good number of researchers;(Omeje, 2011; Edu, Ayang, Idaka, 2012; Udofia, Udofia, 2013; Ayonmike, 2014; Amaechi and Thoman, 2016) recommended that demonstration and project-based teaching methods could be effective methods for teaching psychomotor skill in technical education because they encourage active 7 participation of students in the teaching and learning process and as well enhance their psychomotor skill development and interest. This could be applicable to psychomotor skill in electrical installation and maintenance work because when students understand the principles of a subject, they can construct knowledge of the subject, retain the knowledge and apply it practically in given situations. In support of this view, Abdulrahman (2012) averred that skills for practical knowledge are best learnt through demonstration and practice. Demonstration method is a teaching technique that combines oral explanation with “doing” to communicate processes, concepts and facts. It is particularly effective in teaching a skill that can be observed. Demonstration in this study will involve the teacher and student (teacher-student demonstration performance). This is because the technical teacher is expected to demonstrate the skill to the students and observe them display what they have learnt. Demonstration method of teaching allows students to make use of all their senses- sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch (Omeje and Onaga, 2015). Students learn physical or mental skills by actually performing those skills under supervision (Edu, Ayang, Idaka, 2012). Furthermore, Daluba (2013) affirmed that teacher-student demonstration method is generally effective in teaching practical subjects, science, technical and vocational education. However, Edu stated that in using demonstration teaching method, giving students assignments/projects is inevitable for their better acquisition of needed skills. Such measures enhance the teaching-learning process. Project-based method of teaching is one of the instructional methods used by technical instructors as it enables students‟ participation. According to Omeje and Onaga (2015), project-based teaching method involves units of activities carried out 8 by the students in a spirit of purpose to accomplish a defined, attractive and seemingly attained predetermined goals based on their background knowledge and experience. The authors further explained that project-based teaching method is like assignment method in which a task is given to students or a number of tasks are shared to students to carry out practicals allowing a great deal of students involvement right from the planning stage, the sketching of the project, the steps of executing it, the tools, equipment and materials to be used in the project. This will enable students to conceptualize the content and put the task into practice repeatedly in order to improve their psychomotor skill development and interest for societal development. The goal of effective teaching and learning is to enhance academic achievement and skill acquisition. Achievement is qualified by the measure of the students‟ academic standing in relation to those of other students of the same age (Okoro, 2013). In the school setting, academic achievement connotes performance (psychomotor skill development inclusive) in a subject or many subjects as symbolized by the score or mark obtained by students in a test or examination (Eze, Ezenwafor, Obidile, 2016). According to Eze (2006) psychomotor skill development of students includes their acquired and retained physical and mental skills through the course of study within and outside the classroom situations. Psychomotor development skills of students are quantified by a measure of the proficiency in demonstrating the skill in comparsion with other students of the same age. Students‟interest in a subject could determine students‟ academic achievement (psychomotor skill development inclusive) (Okigbo and Okeke, 2011). According to Okigbo and Okeke, interest is an emotionally-oriented behavioral change which determines students‟ vims and vigor in tackling educational 9 task or other activities. The authors emphasized that the choice of instructional method may impact positively or negatively on the quality of knowledge accumulation of learners irrespective of their interest in the subject. Moreso, students‟ interest and achievement in any learning activity is sustained by their active involvement in the teaching-learning process. Stressing on the need for teachers to stimulate and sustain students‟ interest in the teaching- learning process, Okigbo and Okeke affirmed that students‟ achievement will be minimal if they lack interest in either the subject or the teacher. It is, therefore, very essential according to the authors that the method teachers use in teaching skill courses should stimulate and sustain the interest of all students irrespective of gender. Agbejoye and Adegbola (2017) affirmed that gender could have influence on students‟achievement and interest in different fields of study. The authors further asserted that professions like engineering, arts and crafts are generally regarded as men‟s field while others like catering, typing and nursing are regarded as womens‟ trades. Generally, tasks that are regarded as complex and difficult are allocated to boys whereas girls are expected to handle the relatively easy and less demanding tasks. As a result of this way of thinking, the society tends to regard females as the weaker “Sex” and the average Nigeria girl goes to school with these fixed stereotypes.Therefore, there is need to investigate the relative effectiveness of demonstration, project-based teaching methods and gender effect in developing students‟psychomotor skill and interest in electrical installation and maintenance work in technical colleges in Anambra State.

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