Microflora contamination in laboratories and hospitals is becoming a serious problem worldwide, and the characterization of such contaminants offers hope for the treatment of some infections acquired in hospitals and laboratories (LAI). Microflora contamination in benches, floors, media and equipment can be affected by temperature, humidity, nutrient media in laboratories and media storage conditions. Therefore, microflora sources must be determined, contaminants must be isolated and identified when standard microbiological manipulations are performed. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the sources of microflora contaminants in microbiological laboratories in Nigieria (ii) to identify bacterial and fungal contaminants in biosafety laboratories selected based on morphological and biochemical properties and (iii) genetic determination Identity of persistent Nigieria bacteria in laboratory sites after disinfection with sodium hypochlorite. The isolation of pure cultures was performed on the basis of morphological differences, using the shape of the colony, elevation, pigmentation and size to distinguish bacterial and fungal contaminants. The results showed that (i) the laboratory sites examined were contaminated with different microbes. (Ii) macroscopic and microscopic observations of fungi confirmed the presence of Cladosporium sp, Penicillium sp, Aspergillus sp and Alternaria sp on tables, door handles, preparation rooms, gloves and biosafety cabinets, and (iii) the persistent bacteria identified were Shigella sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Corynebacteria sp., Bacillus sp. and Staphylococci aureus. The contaminants were similar to the standard strains, but there was a significant difference in contamination in the three selected laboratories (analysis of variance (ANOVA P = 0.00)). The size of the PCR product was 996 bp and the RFLP patterns of the bacteria were concluded that despite the disinfection with sodium hypochlorite, bacterial and fungal contaminants remain on laboratory surfaces and equipment and, therefore, they should increase the concentration or change the disinfectant.
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