Water can be said to be polluted when there is an introduction of a harmful substances in such a way that its natural qualities are so altered as to impure its usefulness or render i...
Problem Statement
Gas detectors are an essential application for home and commercial safety; they are also employed in numerous industrial industries. They are used in welding shops to detect combustibles and toxics and in nuclear plants, to detect combustibles. They a...
Water has an essential role in life and is inextricably intertwined with it; without water, there would be no life. Because of this, it is essential that water always get the appropriate amount of attention at all times. The provision...
Background Of The Study
Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with over 160 million populations, has witnessed a rapid population growth over the past decades providing a large market for manufacturing industries and organizations. These industri...
Water is essential and inextricably linked to life; without water, there is no life. This is why water must be given the proper care at all times. Good drinking water is not a luxury; it is one of life's most basic necessities. As a res...
Background to the Study
Poor environmental quality is widely recognized as posing a severe threat to social and economic development, as well as to human survival. Environmental deterioration, in the opinion of Adeniyi (2017), has a higher impact...
When it comes to preserving people's health, sanitation refers to both the policy and the practice of using sanitary practices. The World Health Organization (WHO), in their publication from 2014, defines sanitation as "...
Microorganisms are found virtually everywhere in the natural world, where they perform a wide variety of important tasks. Microorganisms like Halobacterium, which live in the Dead Sea, and Chlamydomonas nivalis, which is responsi...
In this study, a Laboratory-scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland has been designed, and three replicas constructed, cultivated with selected locally available aquatic plants Phragmites australis,Polygonum salicifolium + Ipomoea carnea, respectively, with the thi...
Climatic parameters are exposed to variation due to the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. Hence, it is essential to assess the water availability and demand under the climate variation in Goronyo Reservoir, Sokoto State Nigeria. since the supply of water is one of...
The septic tank system is the most widely used onsite treatment system for domestic wastewater. In fact, most developing countries (Nigeria inclusive) lack the technology and economic power to construct and operate sewerage systems for conveyance of domestic...
Excerpt from the Study
The following conclusions were be drawn from the work
1. Undoped goethite catalyst, copper doped (A) catalyst with 0.2 wt% Cu,copper doped (B) catalyst with 1.6wt% Cu and copper doped (C) catalyst with 3.3wt% Cuwere synthesized by precip...
The research titled Development of Eucalpytus tereticornis composite for chromium (VI) and lead (II) ions adsorption from simulated wastewater was aimed to establish the efficacy of Eucalpytus tereticornis composite as an adsorbent applied in the adsorption of Cr6+ and Pb2+ ion...
The discharge of dyeing wastewater containing high concentration of contaminants from the local dyeing industry has caused a serious environmental concern. The present study reports the synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride and itsutilization in degradation of dyeing effluent p...
In this work, ZrO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by green method using Plumeria acuminata leaf extract via the variation of pH. Subsequently, carbon and sulphur were incorporated onto the lattice layer of the prepared ZrO2 nanoparticles by wet impregnation method. The prepared...
Industrial wastewater has been posing a serious threat to the world, especially the African continent where the industrial wastwater treatment technology has not been fully developed and implemented by the industrialists. The industrialists are more concerned w...
The continuous industrial development in Nigeria has resulted in the generation of industrial wastewaters. Thwastewaters are usually discharged without proper treatment which affects the environment. There are severatechniques applied in the treatment of wastewaters but c...
Environmental pollution due to improperly managed wastewater has been a major challenge and of public health concern in Nigeria. Not many studies related to wastewater management have been carried out in Nigeria, hence the paucity of data on wastewater management in the country...
Background to the study: Soil has many varying functions aside from providing the primary form for which plant exist and reproduce it also has the function of separating and absorbing while also restricting the mo...
Background of the study
Water is essential to human life, agriculture and animal husbandry, and modern industrial society. The absence of water precludes human existence. People must have access to adequate amounts of water as well as clean water that d...
Background of the study
Water is essential to human life, agriculture and animal husbandry, and modern industrial society. The absence of water precludes human existence. People must have access to adequate amounts of water as well as clean water that d...
Background of the study
The internationally recognized definition for the marine environment was developed by Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), currently known as Aspects Of Marine Environmental Protection, which sta...
1.1 Background of the study
Water contamination remains a critical public health issue gl...
Background of the Study
Water is a critical resource in the brewing industry, serving as the primary ingredient in beer production and playing a key role in cleaning, cooling, and other operational processes. However, water scarcity and pollution pose significant challenge...
Background of the Study
The textile industry is one of the largest industrial consumers of water, with significant water usage in processes such as dyeing, bleaching, and finishing. In Nigeria, textile manufacturing contributes substantially to industrial wastewater genera...
Background of the Study
The pharmaceutical industry in Nigeria is a vital sector contributing to public health and economic development. However, the industry is also a significant contributor to water pollution, primarily through the discharge of untreated or inadequat...
Background of the Study
Water is an essential natural resource for human consumption, agriculture, and industrial processes. However, rapid industrialization has led to increased pollution of water bodies, posing serious environmental and public health risks (World Heal...
Background of the Study
Typhoid fever, caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi, remains a significant public health concern in many developing countries, including Nigeria. The transmission of this disease is closely linked to inadequate water sanitation a...
Background of the Study
Environmental pollution remains a critical challenge in Kano State, driven by rapid urbanization, industrial expansion, and inadequate waste management practices. Air pollution from industrial emissions, water pollution from untr...
Open defecation is a serious public health issue that contributes to the spread of infectious diseases, including diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. In many parts of Nigeria, particularly in rural and underserved regions lik...
Local governments play a crucial role in the provision and maintenance of sanitation infrastructure, which directly impacts public health. In Gombe State, like many parts of Nigeria, the local government is responsible for ensu...
Poor sanitation is a significant public health concern, especially in areas with inadequate access to clean water and proper waste disposal systems. Waterborne diseases, such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid...
Background of the Study
Vegetable consumption is a critical component of a healthy diet, yet in Gombe State, the safety of locally grown produce is increasingly under threat due to contamination from environmental pollutants. Contaminants such as heavy me...
Background of the Study
Water resource management is a critical determinant of economic productivity, particularly in a country like Nigeria where water is a fundamental input for agriculture, industry, and domestic consumption. In recent years, improved water management...
Background of the Study
Industrial effluents, discharged from manufacturing processes, have become a major source of water pollution in many urban and peri-urban areas. In Agbara Local Government Area, Ogun State, untreated or inadequately treated industr...
Background of the study
Industrialization has led to significant environmental challenges, particularly regarding the disposal of industrial effluents into river ecosystems. In Ota Local Government Area, Ogun State, untreated or poorly treated industrial discharges have markedly altered...