Environmental laws are meant to safeguard humans from extinction. It is also the responsibility of the Nigerian federal government to assist in the oil and gas sector in order to prevent oil spills into the oceans (Jane et al, 20...
The legislature is a genuine instrument charged with the responsibility of exposing, preventing and enacting laws to address the problem of corruption in a society. The power of the legislature to investigate and expose corruption in Nigeria has its basis and legi...
"Humanitarian law is a branch of public international law that owes its inspiration to a concern for humanity and which is oriented on the protection of the person," Humanitarian law is a part of public international law.
This citation from a work written by Mr. Jean Pictet de...
In Nigeria, the prevalence of online fraud and software piracy has risen over time. The federal government of Nigeria has committed significant efforts and funding to combating the spread of piracy in Nigeria (Asongu 2017). It is now commonl...
The police are state personnel who are in charge of 'law enforcement and order maintenance' in society. To carry out these dual tasks, the police have the authority to use force, even violence. The use of force or violenc...
Background to the study
The the destiny of any civilization is dependent on the type and kind of education imparted to the younger generation. Education is vital to human growth and development, making it a necessary instrument for every coun...
This study assess of the legal structure for the protection of women’s rights in Nigeria. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the platform provided under the Nigerian law for the protection of women’s rights as well as to study the...
The status of the right to economic self-determination for states and peoples has been firmly established in international, regional and domestic laws. However, the evidence of practical enjoyment of such right by the beneficiaries of the laws is scanty, to say the least, as ne...
Women in Nigeria are faced with various challenges both at the private and public
sector. As a result...
Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances are illicit drugs regulated under international law. They are harmful and they cause mental injury to individuals that abuse them. This is mainly because of the dangerous effect of the toxic resin contained in narcotic plants such as o...
The right to healthy environment is closely integrated in the basic concept of human right, namely the „dignity inherent to all members of the human family„‟ But an environment de predated by pollution and defaced by the destruction of all beauty and variety as in t...
Principles of taxation, especially international taxation, are one of the instruments through which Foreign Direct Investment, (FDI), is usually attracted to a country. These principles are invariably contained in bilateral or multilateral tax treaties signed between the host c...
This study entitled, “An Appraisal of the Ascertainment of Applicable Law of Torts in Conflict of Laws” aimed at ascertaining the applicable law of torts in conflict of laws situation in Nigeria by examining various rules that have been perfected to take care of suc...
Customary international law and treaties have evolved over the centuries by the willing and active commitments of nations to subdue criminals tendencies by punishing fugitive offenders who attempt to escape from justice by seeking refuge in another nations. Extradition has been...
The current wave of globalization and technological revolution has had a tremendous effect on companies‟ income tax in Nigeria. For instance, the e-commerce which is a relatively new technology epitomizes boundary, whereas the companies income tax law upholds the concepts of re...
This study examined the role of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (ECCJ) in the protection of human rights in the West African sub-region specifically, under the ECOWAS Treaties of 1975 and the Revised Treaty of 1993. The research focused on the ECOWAS treaties, Conventions...
Taxation is the key to a sustainable development. This is because no government can survive without sufficient revenue to finance its activities. This explains why revenue generation is one of the basic objectives of taxation. This actually prompts the analysis of multinational...
International Humanitarian Law which is made up of rules established by treaties or customs that limit the rights of parties to a conflict to use the methods or means of warfare of their choice and protects persons who do not take part in a conflict, is principally meant to red...
Treaties represent an important instrument by which States undertake and accept responsibilities in the international arena. Nigeria has in furtherance of its international relations entered into a number of multi-lateral and bilateral treaties. Nigeria has by its constitution...
The Child’s Rights Act 2003 (CRA) is a product of International and Regional legal frameworks on the rights of the child as treaties. It was enacted into law as required by the Constitution Federal Republic of Nigeria to have force of law in the country subject to ratific...
This research work significantly examines a very interesting area of Islamic law. It is the portion of the Islamic law which relate to war and peace. The study focuses on the desire to make significant contribution to the modern law of Nations which features inter-alia classica...
This paper explores the analysis of Obasanjo administration in International diplomacy. Since independence Nigeria’s foreign policy remains the same but however there was significant change to its foreign policy under the government of Presi...
Background to the Study
Nigeria’s federal legislative body, the National Assembly, consists of two Chambers—the House of Representatives and the Senate. All members of the National Assembly are elected directly for a tenure of four y...
Background to the Study
The foundation or idea of comparative study in the legal profession could be traced to two German Lawyers, K Zweigert and H Kotz1, where in their works on comparative law they stated that comparative law started in Paris in 1900, the year of Exhi...
Background Of Study
Education is the process by which individuals acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behavior to function effectively as citizens. It is regarded as the foundation of all aspects of a nation's development...
Background to the Study
One of the most discussed themes over the past two decades in scholarly studies, political discourse, and international media is regional integration. The extent of the emergence of regional integration remains closely linked to the rise of...
This research examines the impact of tax treaties on international tax planning in Lagos. The objectives are to analyze the benefits of tax treaties, assess the challenges in their implementation, and evaluate their effe...
The study aims to assess the tax implications of international transactions in public accounting, focusing on tax compliance, risk management, and the impact of tax treaties. A survey design was adopt...