Background of the Study
Environment is a comprehensive term, which comprises of all the factors which make up the surroundings. The air that one breathes, the land on which one lives, the water one drinks and all the living and non-living things that ar...
Background of the Study
Environment is a comprehensive term, which comprises of all the factors which make up the surroundings. The air that one breathes, the land on which one lives, the water one drinks and all the living and non-living things that ar...
Background of the Study
Keyboarding abilities are described as the ability of office managers to enter information into the computer's memory with the least amount of effort and energy. Office managers, according to Hames (2000), can be deemed good...
Effective contract planning in construction projects is not only crucial to attainment of project objectives but necessary if project failure is to be avoided, losses minimised and profitability enhanced by the Contractor. While research has shown general l...
The study aim at getting both learners and teachers of shorthand to identify the problems and difficulties which they encounter in their learning and teaching of shorthand. The subject were 255 students and shorthand lecturers made up of 155 sh...
Effective contract planning in construction projects is not only crucial to attainment ofproject objectives but necessary if project failure is to be avoided, losses minimisedand profitability enhanced by the Contractor. While research has shown general low usa...
Everyone uses the computer for one reason or the other. For those with poor eye sight, it is always a problem to read texts from screen, either due to small font-size or bad eye sight. This has led to the d...
For over two decades technology has been affecting the way libraries operate. Academic libraries have witnessed various changes with the advent of information technology, which brought about adjustment in physical space of the traditional academic libraries. Some traditional li...
Background to the Study
One of the most significant occurrences of the 20th century is the invention of the Internet and World Wide Web in the 1980s. This has remained so through the 1990s when Information and Communication Technology (ICT) took centre stage. These inv...
The transcription and distribution of reading materials to the visually impaired have remained grossly inadequate relative to their information need, and access. Studies have shown that the low transcription and distribution of reading materials for the visually impaired in Nig...