The general market and the majority of financial markets have changed greatly. In this sense, trading systems have evolved and adapted to market demands, with the goal of making business transactions as simple as possible through the developm...
1.1 Background Of The Study
The ongoing developments in information technology have resulted in huge growth in both the number of Internet users and the number of digital products (Probets, 2012). By taking advantage of the quick technology advancement and financial mar...
Biotechnology is one of the most important scientific revolutions of the twenty first century, with applications that have the potential to revolutionise many industry sectors. The rapid development and applications of biotechnology has tr...
Background of the Study
The success of any nation's education and manpower development is crucial to that nation's economic growth. Education is the bedrock of any country's economic development and technological advancement. Education, as o...
Background of the Study
The purpose of this study is to see how pornographic film exposure affects undergraduate students at the University of Lagos. As a form of communication, film is classified as part of the mass media. As a result, it is linked to...
Computer science plays a vital part in the lives of all people. As stated by Bajah, the government's ambition to produce a scientifically educated populace, as well as the necessity to successfully equip her industry with muc...
Background to the study
Entrepreneurship's dynamism is considered as capable of addressing new economic, social, and environmental concerns as globalization reshapes the global economic landscape and technological advancement creates more unpredicta...
Background of the Study
Man had been looking for ways to improve the efficacy of his communication for thousands of years. Aristotle defined those critical factors in the communication process over two thousand years ago. According to him, communication...
Background of the Study
As a watchdog and a mirror of the country, the media plays an important role in society and has a significant effect on editorial policy. We will include not only the mechanical devices that transmit and sometimes, messages (TV c...
Internet technologies have impacted how individuals generate and distribute knowledge, as well as the nature of social media communication, during the previous few decades (Aburub & Alnawas, 2019). According to Alasmari & Zhang (2019), social media is getting more popular among the young...
Background of the Study
During the past decade and a half, Nigeria had an extraordinary succession of agitations in the form of kidnappings and abductions, armed robberies, bombings, and carnages of varying magnitudes. Despite the fact that kidnapping h...
Background Of The Study
One of humanity's recurring concerns is the predominance of health-related issues, as existing diseases spread and new ones arise with little or no knowledge about those illnesses and diseases. As a result, the incidence of d...
Background to the Study
In any developing country, it is critical to describe the nature and trajectory of educational advancement. Education is a systematic intellectual and moral instruction aimed at acquiring information, character development, and m...
Marriage is a global institution that is recognized and revered in a variety of jurisdictions, even if the legal formalities of statutory marriage, which this study focuses on, may vary (Ayinla, 2009). Apart from the broad belief that marriage is...
Marriage is a global institution that is recognized and revered in a variety of jurisdictions, even if the legal formalities of statutory marriage, which this study focuses on, may vary (Ayinla, 2009). Apart from the broad belief that marriage is...
Communication, according to Greg Duran (2010), is the foundation of any interaction in today's society, including families, schools, and the globe at large, because information can never be communicated or conveyed without co...
Background of the study
Cost overrun is a global phenomena in the construction business, when projects are rarely completed within the projected cost. In a global assessment on construction project performance, cost overrun was recognized as the biggest...
All human beings, according to Islam, are members of the same family, with the same mother (Hauwa'u) and father (Adam), and they should be treated with respect and provided all of the necessities of life that Allah supplies....
Family planning and contraception are among the major topics being debated throughout the world. The production of as many offspring as possible was a major objective in early human cultures. Today, however, only a few cultures c...
In many African countries, inadequate education has proven to be the most significant impediment to political, social, and economic reform. School infrastructure has been identified as a significant influence in quantitative educ...
Background of the Study
Media as a watchdog and the mirror of the nation perform crucial roles in the society and as well it is influence in its editorial policy. Lazar field and Kendal (2002,p.32), insist that mass is truly applicable to the medium of...
Background to the Study
Mass failure in a course happens when a substantial percentage (about 70%) of students who enrol for a certain examination fail that test. According to research, there are several reasons that lead to widespread student failure i...
Learning has been revealed to be a highly difficult topic in the fields of education and psychology all across the world. Several researchers have attempted to describe it in various ways, and each description is somewhat correct...
Every society on the planet faces its own set of issues and challenges. Nigeria is no different. As a developing country, it has its own set of social, political, economic, and cultural issues, all of which have had a significant...
Education is a preparation for life. This is related to the acquisition of skills to earn a living. Today as always, the definition of education is the ever change and increasing in scope. Our schools are confronted with new pressures arising fro...
Background Of The Study
Internet technologies have impacted how individuals generate and distribute knowledge, as well as the nature of social media communication, during the previous few decades (Aburub & Alnawas, 2019). According to Alasmari...
Background of the study
Many impoverished individuals in emerging nations face declining living conditions and unemployment as a result of economic downturns. This has been exacerbated by the fact that the formal economy has been steadily losing jobs wh...
Background Of The Study
Nigeria's financial landscape has never been static. New services and products are offered on a regular basis, changing the way Nigerians engage with financial institutions and the Nigerian monetary and payment system (Adelma...
Background of the study
The use of computers for the gathering, retrieval, transfer, and operation of data or information is known as information technology. It's also seen as a subset of ICT. Information technology is the use of computers to store,...
Background Of The Study
Considering the rapid technological advancement and financial market evolution, a lot of innovative transactional products have emerged in recent years. According to McKarles (2019), the global financial system has clearly embrac...
Every society across the globe has its peculiar problems and challenges. Nigeria is not an exception. As a developing country, she faces her own share of social, political, economic and cultural problems which has in no small mea...
Background Of The Study
Digital currencies are money that exist entirely as electronic data and do not exist in physical form, but serve the core functions of money, such as being a unit of account, a store of value, and a means of exchange. As a result...
Background Of The Study
Apparently, the global financial system is embracing the present technological transformation from physical cash to practically virtual currencies. The birth of digital currencies has been ushered in by this wave. According...
Background Of The Study
Internet technologies have impacted how individuals generate and distribute knowledge, as well as the nature of social media communication, during the previous few decades (Aburub & Alnawas, 2019). According to Alasmari...
Background of the Study
The success of any nation's education and manpower development is crucial to that nation's economic growth. Education is the bedrock of any country's economic development and technological advancement. Education, as o...
Biotechnology is one of the most important scientific revolutions of the twenty first century, with applications that have the potential to revolutionise many industry sectors. The rapid development and applications of bio...
Background of the Study
Over a century ago, Nigeria was an agro-economy-based nation. Then Nigerian economy was sustained through agricultural produce such as cocoa, ground nut, palm produce. Agriculture then seemed sustaining because everybody was invo...
Education is a preparation for life. This is related to the acquisition of skills to earn a living. Today as always, the definition of education is the ever change and increasing in scope. Our schools are confronted with new pressures arising from changing needs with students; societal expectatio...
Background of Study
Mathematics is an aspect of science dealing with numbers. These numbers which are basic element of mathematics are abstract because these objects, which cannot be hold, felt or seen. However, lassa (1993) pointed out that mathe...
All human interactions are form of communication. In world business today, nothing can be achieved without good communication with employers, employees, clients, suppliers, and even customers (Bra, 201...
Background Of The Study
The advent of the internet in the 1990s led to major developments in the world of communication. Today the Internet has taken a firm place in people's lives. It is difficult to imagine a young man who at least once a day did...
Background of the Study
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a concept entails the practice whereby corporate entities voluntarily integrate both social and environment upliftment in their business philosophy and operations. A business enterprise is...
Marketing and promotion is a strategic tool for the business development and it helps in the proper growth and endurance of micro, small and medium enterprise. It plays a crucial role for the success of any enterprise and the lar...
The role of television as a mass medium in the democratization process is understood in the context of the public sphere, which is defined by Habermas stated in 2012 as "organs of information and political debates such...
Collective bargaining allows both workers and managers to discuss specific terms that can, depending on national law, determine the rules that govern their relationship, determine wages, deal with other maters of mutual int...
The study was designed to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women of Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area Kaduna State. The project is divided into 5 chapters in other to make easy understanding, chapter 1 scope and delimitation, aim...
This study identified difficult topics in senior secondary school biology curriculum. Biology students and teachers in Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State of Nigeria were used for the study. Two research questions were formulated to guid...
The shipping industry was transformed by the expansion of international trade and technological innovation, notably containerization, since the 1960s. Accordingly, this was followed by a significant increase in research addressing different aspe...
Background to the Study
The issues of poor academic performance of student in Nigeria have been of much concern to all sundry. The problem is so much that it has led to the widely acclaimed fallen standard of education. Education has been described as t...
There is no disagreement on the importance of mathematics to both the science, social sciences, business and to our everyday life (Omenka, 2013). Mathematics is the key element and activity in t...