Small and medium businesses are commonly recognized as the bedrock of long-term economic development. According to UNDP (1974), developing countries, including Nigeria, have shown increased interest in the promotion of small...
Almost every business worked toward achieving its intended, planned, and overall goals. Every company, especially small businesses, strives for efficiency and proper effectiveness, and the quality of accessible accounting informa...
The interdependence of businesses is a core element of modern economic life. No contemporary firm is self-contained. There is no question that small and medium-sized businesses are the true foundation of a country's economy....
Because SSIs come in a variety of forms and have made significant contributions to nation building, the promotion of small scale industries has been a priority for governments all over the world (Aderemi et al. 2019; Tehseen &...
Word wide, manufacturing industries have grown tremendously in the last decade. Some of the industries are predominantly in the small scale sector employing mostly unskilled and untrained manpower. Besides, the increased consumpt...
The small scale industries (SSIs) form the bedrock of the economic growth in every nation. No country achieves a viable economic growth and development without the establishment of small scale business firms. They have always bee...
In view of the important of SMEs, government has been playing an appreciation role in promoting their survival and growth, various policies towards this has enunciated plan and the ongoing three year rolling plan, priority was accorded industrialization with emphasis on SMEs.
Thus, it h...
Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) are largely viewed as the engine wire of any nation’s economic growth and they are regarded as justifiable means that propel development globally. SMEs are labour intensive; as much...
Many economists developed and developing have come to realize the value of small scale industries, they are seen to be characterized by Dynamism Witty innovation, efficiency and their small size allows faster decision making process. This study seeks to find ou...
Before the onset of oil exploration in the early 1970s, the Nigerian economy was primarily agricultural. Nigeria was not considered a wealthy country at the time, but the country could feed itself enough and the economy was thriving. At the time,...
The economy of Nigeria was mostly based on agriculture for a long time until oil drilling began in the country in the early 1970s. At the time, Nigeria was not seen as a particularly wealthy nation; yet, the country was able to su...
Statement of Problem
An important feature associated with small and medium scale industries, which is particularly relevant to our economic problem, is that these industries characteristically depend less on imported inputs relatively to their local cap...
This extended essay aims to appraise the importance of financial institution in the development of small scale industries in Nigeria. The aim is to ascertain the importance of financial institution and how these financial institution support the growth and deve...
The every economy a critical look into it will reveal that the need and desire of people are sissified by numerous small-scale manufactures not withstanding the existence of big business organizations which are locally...
This research project is a very crucial study of contributions of small scale business enterprises to economic development. It is divided into five (5) chapter. Chapter one begins with introduction of the study which deals with the proced...
An appraisal Of Money deposit Banks in Financial Small Scale Industry in Nigeria. A case study of First bank of Nigeria plc. This study is to ascertain the extent to which Money deposit banks have helped to finance small scale industries in Sokoto. To achi...
This study examined the problems and prospects of oil palm cultivation using Nifor as a case study. In the process of the research questionnaires were administered to farmers and workers, so as to enable the researcher collect the required data which were s...
This research work examined the role of accounting record on the performance of small scale industries in Nigeria with special reference to selected Local Government Areas in Lagos State. The current trend and development in small scale industries in Nigeria pr...
The topic of dissertation is The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financial Small Scale Industry In Nigeria. A case study of union bank of Nigeria plc.The major objective of the study is to ascertain the extent to which union bank of Nigeria plc has helped to financ...
Generally this study seeks to explore the role of entrepreneurship growth in Nigeria Economy, with a case study of the hungry man restaurant. To find out if there is significance in the role played by entrepreneurship in Nigeria, also to emphas...
Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs) are very important to the economic growth and development of a nation.
Unfortunately, a large number of SMEs in Nigeria do not survive for a long period. This study believes that...
In this study the definition of small-scale industries was fully illustrated, which is the private and public sectors. The characteristics of the small scale industries was also defined which entails the importance of small scale industr...
This study assessed the role of government in developing small scale businesses in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of the study were to assess the pilot role of government and its institution towards the development of small-scale business; to examine the chal...
Generally this study seeks to explore the role of entrepreneurship development in Nigeria Economy, with a case study of the hungry man restaurant. To find out if there is significance in the role played by entrepreneurship in Nigeria, also to emphas...
This study examines the problems associated with financing Small scale industries in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The choice of the two areas was guided by the fact that they have large clusters of small and medium enterprises in the state....
The study investigates the impact of small and medium scale industries on the Nigerian economy, spanning from 1986 to 2010. The study adopted Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Linear Specification model. Using unit root test, the work shows that small scale industries significantly c...
Statement of the problem
Paint industry is one of the fastest growing economies in Nigeria. The effluents its discharge has contributed a lot to the pollution of our environment because of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that are emanating from them (Körbahti and Tanyolac¸ 2...
Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) are largely viewed as the engine wire of any nation’s economic growth and they are regarded as justifiable means that propel development globally. SMEs are labour intensive; as much as they are capi...