The Term “Ratio Analysis” could be described as the analysis of financial statement in order to judge the performance of the COMPANY or group of companies.
The “Investment Decision” Means the allocation of funds t...
Almost every business worked toward achieving its intended, planned, and overall goals. Every company, especially small businesses, strives for efficiency and proper effectiveness, and the quality of accessible accounting informa...
From the smallest receipts and payments of a small club to the published accounts of huge public enterprises, accountancy encompasses the installation of bookkeeping and accounting systems, the writing up of accounts, and the creati...
The function of performance appraisal is a strategic aspect in any review of the conditions required for an organization's growth and survival. It is considered that both the person and the organization require knowledge of h...
Accident, literally, a befalling, an occurrence that occurs without forethought or anticipation; a sudden and unexpected event, chance, circumstance; character, a casualty; a misfortune; as, to diesis an accident. When an occurrence is unpl...
Background of the Study
The success of corporations is influenced by a variety of factors, one of which is dividend policy. Dividend policy is used to keep a manager's opportunism under check. Empirical studies reveal that companies in underdevelope...
Background Of Study
A farmer who planted corps expects results, just as a student who waits for an exam does. The same may be said for an investor. The farmer may be informed of the outcome in the form of a bountiful crop. A pupil would normally be satisfied with a resu...
The notion of auditing data dates back to ancient times, with the oldest signs of its existence discovered among major landowners of the Middle Ages in Italy and Egypt.
However, according to afounka (1993), statutory auditi...
There are typically triumphs and failures in all human endeavors. As a result, businesses are no exception. Many corporate enterprises and people struggled in an era of abundance and waste mania, such as we saw in the mid-seventi...
Nigeria as a nation is characterized by a developing economy because the various sectors responsible for economic development are not optimally utilized, as a result of which we have not been able to fully tap the natural resourc...
Background to the study
The material or inventory management function is one of the most relevant roles in most businesses in terms of its importance and integration into the broader organizational architecture. Despite growing recognition of the import...
In any commercial organization, as well as other sorts of groups, communication is a critical tool. It is an element that may help any company stay afloat. Communication also aids in comprehending the concepts and factors that cross an...
Background To The Study
Infrastructure is very significant to a country’s developmental prospect, the adequacy of infrastructure may determine a country’s success of failure in diversifying production, coping with population growth, reducing...
Background To The Study
Infrastructure is very significant to a country’s developmental prospect, the adequacy of infrastructure may determine a country’s success of failure in diversifying production, coping with population growth, reducing...
Most business established nowadays, are not managed by the owners (shareholders), but by the others appointed by the owners. This practice is known as “stewardship”. Also,...
Banks and financial Institutions are the most acceptable versatile, delicate .and popular forms of the present day joint increased capital base and insurance cover has necessitated the demand for more capital . which in must cases has been achieved through issue...
Planning is one of the most important aspects in the management o a firm. It involves an appraisal of the past performance of the firm and a projection into the future. It is also related to existing strengths and weaknesses of th...
Background to the Study
The trend and the volume are increasing on a daily basis and all levels of the society are involved. The rich, the poor, the young and the elderly, the male and female all are neck deep in fraud and fraud related activities that say a lot about...
Background to the Study
Accounting is regarded as the language of business used by corporate firms in communicating their financial positions to their users through the publication of annual financial statements containing the required financial account...
Background of the Study
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a concept entails the practice whereby corporate entities voluntarily integrate both social and environment upliftment in their business philosophy and operations. A business enterprise is...
Central bank of Nigeria is the apex financial institution in Nigeria charged with the responsibility of maintaining fiscal and monetary. Stability in the economy. The CBN has its headquarters in Abuja (F.C.T) with some zonal offices in Lagos, Kaduna, Enugu...
There is no doubt given the findings of this study, that corporate social responsibility performance plays significant role in improving the performance of business organization as a whole. It should however be noted that for the company to be more responsive in a...
Fraud is perhaps the most fatal of all the risks confronting banks. The enormity of bank frauds in Nigeria can be inferred from its value, volume and actual loss. A good number of banks’ frauds never get reported to the appropriate authorities, rather they a...
The study sought to determine the effect of earnings management on financial performance of selected commercial banks in Lagos, Nigeria where a sample of 82 senior managers drawn from accounts departments in 8 banks were selected using stratified random sampling p...
Adeiza, Kabiru, and Muhibudeen (2015) utilized the variables in the listed chemical and paint firms in their study in Nigeria, they employed multiple regression as a data analysis methodology. In a Nigerian-based study, Mukhtar (2015) used OLS to...
Adesina, Nwidobie and Adesin (2015) suggested that management of quoted banks in Nigeria consistently use debt and equity as a way of improving earnings, an indication of a significant relationship between capital structure and financial performan...
Background to the Study
Conflict of interest and auditor’s independence are two concepts that must be considered properly in this project work. If there is any way auditors’ conflict of interest affects his independence.
To start w...
Background to the study
The increased interest in the role of business in society today has been prompted by increased attention to the awareness of environmental and ethical and moral issues. It means our society has become increasingly concerned that...
A director is a person duly appointed by the company to direct and manage the business of the company. This definition goes a step further than the 1968 Act by adding due appointment as a condition precedent. Section 244 (2) provides a rebu...
A firm's leverage refers to the mix of its financial liabilities. As financial capital is an uncertain but critical resource for all firms, suppliers of finance are able to exert control over firms. Debt and equity are the two major classes of li...
The current business environment and even more economic recession, have in recent times pushed the top management of many organizations into paying attention to how to make the financial statements of their organizations look bet...
The commercial world today has been devastated by random breaches of business ethics. This has resulted to rampant occurrence of white collar crimes committed mostly by top and highly educated professional personnel, these crimes are sometimes eu...
Fraud can be described as a conscious premeditated action of a person or group of persons with the intention of altering the truth or fact for selfish personal monetary gain. It involves the use of deceit and trick and some...
Background of the Study
Dividend is the return that accrues to shareholders as a result of the money invested in acquiring the stock of a given company (Eriki and Okafor 2002). While dividend policy on the other hand is concerned with division of net pr...
Corporate growth was much desired by most companies operating in Nigeria these was because of the advantage of high profit ability to dictate to some certain degree in terms of industry and market which lead to enlargement in market share brought about by the g...
This research work is to know the effect of working capital on the operation of business organization using 7up bottling company Nig. Plc as a case study. In most of the business organizations today, the management ha...
This research project was designed to examine “effects of Published Financial Statement on Shareholders Investment Decision” (A Study of Guinness Nigeria Plc). The primary and secondary sources of data were ad...
This study is motivated by the existence of a deficiency in the financial reporting system in Nigeria, which is the act of creative accounting. The rate at which financial statements of various Nigerian companies are being manipulated is increa...
In this research work titled “Relationship between dividend payment and corporate performance of Access Banks Plc and Guarantee Trust Bank Plc”. The researcher examined the relationship between earning per share and dividend per sha...
Background to the Study
According to Swanson (2008), it is as important for corporations to know that their corporate structure and strategic decisions affect audit fees as it is for the auditor to adequately understand and evaluate the liability risk a...
Business organization, especially the large ones exit to carry out certain duties and responsibilities to their owners and those who have interest in...
Background To The Study.
At independence, Nigeria joined the committee of nation with the hope for a better tomorrow. We were able to feed ourselves and were of course almost self-sufficient. Subsequently our hopes seemed unattainable. We seem to be go...
Background to the Study
According to Osemene O.F. (2012), many organizations in Nigeria are established for the purpose to make and increase profit to the neglence of all the stakeholders.
Some organizations do not respond to the need and inte...
Academics and practitioners have been striving to establish and agreed upon definitions of the concept of corporate social responsibility for over 30 years. Davis (1960) suggested that social responsibility refers to businesses’ “deci...
Loan service for small organizations individuals was initiated after a number of considerations on the banking system. Major Banks are mainly guided by financial profit for their shareholders. They are after minimization of financial risks. Such strategies don’t leave much...
Background of the study
It should come as no surprise that huge sums of money and vast amounts of material are being put to use by various business groups (Baker, 2022). Both the quantity of and the monetary worth of activities carried out by the public sector have...
Background of the study
In a banking environment that is becoming increasingly competitive, which is characterized by frequent changes in the regulatory environment, high cost of operations, dim misting spreads on profit from business as a result of sharp practices and...
Background to the study
ACHIEVEMENT in the banking industry is influenced by a variety of external variables. Within the scope of this study, profitability will serve as the ACHIEVEMENT indicator for financial institutions. The regulatory framework with...
Background of Study
Capital structure decision is very crucial to any organization; it is very difficult to decide the best combination of debt and equity. The success of insurance companies in the business environment of Nigeria depends on the ability...
It was once thought that a country's economy is centred on its banking sector. The banking industry plays a critical role in every country's economic growth. The banking sector's primary and most essential function is financial intermedia...