Background Of The Study
The riches of a country is its health. Citizens' health is directly or indirectly tied to how productive a nation will be in terms of manpower and concerns relating to wealth creation. Furthermore, health is intimately relate...
Background of The Study
Education is connected to an individual's well-being and chances for improved living and plays a critical part in the development of human capital (Cunningham, 2012). It enables the development of information and skills that...
Small and medium businesses are commonly recognized as the bedrock of long-term economic development. According to UNDP (1974), developing countries, including Nigeria, have shown increased interest in the promotion of small...
Background of the Study
As a watchdog and a mirror of the country, the media plays an important role in society and has a significant effect on editorial policy. We will include not only the mechanical devices that transmit and sometimes, messages (TV c...
Background Of The Study
Substances misuse among youths has been investigated for a long time, with the aim of specifically identifying and studying interventions that will minimize drug use in this group(1). Information on the relationship between risk behavior and use...
Background to the study
The review of information contained in the business's accounting reports can provide a picture of how well the firm has fared. Managers owe it to various stakeholders, particularly investors, to generate accounting reports th...
Human beings are wired to continuously search for ways to make things simpler and more pleasant in their lives (Martha, 2014). This underlying universal component that drives inventions, innovations, and tactics may also be used...
Background of the Study
During the past decade and a half, Nigeria had an extraordinary succession of agitations in the form of kidnappings and abductions, armed robberies, bombings, and carnages of varying magnitudes. Despite the fact that kidnapping h...
Abnormal behavior is described as failing to follow the rules or standards of society or the norms of the school. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary six editions, deviant behavior is defined as behavior that differs from what is...
Background of the study
Accounting is critical to the success or failure of modern commercial organizations. (Amidu, John, & Joshua. 2011). Systems are responsible for recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing the financial health of corporate...
Background Of Study
A farmer who planted corps expects results, just as a student who waits for an exam does. The same may be said for an investor. The farmer may be informed of the outcome in the form of a bountiful crop. A pupil would normally be satisfied with a resu...
Background to the Study
It is not exaggeration that despite the effort of National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) and other bodies like the International Labour Organization (ILO)1, there are still cases and reports of women and child traf...
Background of the Study
The capacity of a manufacturing industry's or, more broadly, an organization's members to operate reliably and efficiently to fulfill the industry's objectives is a necessary condition for the industry's sus...
Background of the study
According to Amidu, John, and Joshua (2011), accounting is important to the success or failure of modern business organizations. Systems are in responsible of recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing commercial companies&#...
The production of information for insiders such as firm managers is known as management accounting (Anyanwu, 2010). Managers utilize this data to track their progress toward their objectives and identify any possible issues ahea...
Business Education programs are part of the total educational program in Nigeria. Co-ordinated efforts on the part of business educations, school administration and guidance counsellors have brought the necessary changes. Hi...
Background of the Study
The Internet continues to evolve into a major news source. The internet is the worldwide system of interconnected computers which make use of telecommunication resources. It is defined by Ani (2010) as...
Background to the study
Auditor independence refers to the ability of the external auditor to act with integrity and impartiality during his/her auditing functions. According to the Indonesian Accounting Association (2010), auditor independence is an ex...
The political entity called Nigeria has continued since independence under one form to the other. Especially with military rulers who have had to be rule throu...
Crime is a social problem that every society seeks to address. Once a crime occurs, it instantly throws up different layers of victims. In the dynamics of victimisation and social re...
This paper evaluates Nigerian press reportage of political campaign during the 2011 presidential election. The major focus of the paper is to assess the role of the Nigerian press in the struggle for political position.
Most business established nowadays, are not managed by the owners (shareholders), but by the others appointed by the owners. This practice is known as “stewardship”. Also,...
Substances misuse among youths has been investigated for a long time, with the aim of specifically identifying and studying interventions that will minimize drug use in this group(1). Information on the relationship between risk behavior and use of substances in the societal environments is neces...
Planning is one of the most important aspects in the management o a firm. It involves an appraisal of the past performance of the firm and a projection into the future. It is also related to existing strengths and weaknesses of th...
Financial management focuses on decision making about the use and management of the finances of an organization or corporation. Financial management is a subset of managerial activities that concentrates on how to plan and contro...
Background of the Study
The history of insurance industry in Nigeria according to Augustine and Brennan(2012) could be traced to the British colonial trading companies that established agency offices in Nigeria, on behalf of insurance companies in UK. A...
Abstract- This project on ― impact of Freedom of Information Act: A study of journalism practices in Uyo community – from January to June, is aimed at finding out how Freedom of Information Act impact positively on the life of practicing journalists in Uyo communi...
Background to the Study
The trend and the volume are increasing on a daily basis and all levels of the society are involved. The rich, the poor, the young and the elderly, the male and female all are neck deep in fraud and fraud related activities that say a lot about...
Urbanization dynamics with the physical power and forces of pulling a large number of people to become permanently concentrated in a relatively small area of forming cities as a result of large number of people migrating in searc...
Background to the Study
Accounting is regarded as the language of business used by corporate firms in communicating their financial positions to their users through the publication of annual financial statements containing the required financial account...
That there is a growing awareness of journalists on the FOIA. This is not coming as a surprise as journalists a long side other civil society organization were at the forefront for the passage into law of the Freedom of Information. This awareness, it is discovere...
Objectivity is undeniably one of journalism's most important characteristics. Individual journalists, however, find it difficult to accept journalism's values owing to the many issues they experience in their career due to the nature of the business ( Gold...
Background of the Study
The Internet continues to evolve into a major news source. The internet is the worldwide system of interconnected computers which make use of telecommunication resources. It is defined by Ani (2010) as...
Television is defined as an audio-visual medium. It blends pictures with sound to produce a communication experience exhibited on the screen. It uses sound to explain the visuals presented on the screen. It addresses the emotion and intellect in a...
An Accounting system is then the totality of methods and procedures as well as the processes adopted by an economic entity for applying fundamental accounting concepts to its financial transactions as well as its financial reporting systems. It re...
Background to the study
Communication is the most general form of interpersonal interaction required for decision-making and interpersonal influence in organizations.To this end, the second half of 20th century brought a tradition of communication resea...
Taxation is not a new word in Nigeria or the world as a whole. In Nigeria, taxation has been in existence even before the coming of the colonial men or the British. Taxation can be defined as the system of imposing a compul...
Dominick (2019) explains that advertising is not only paid for in this era but word of mouth (viral advertising) is used to harness paid advertising. Advertising through traditional media relied on a model of interrupting and disrupting consumers&...
While the exact numbers may be uncertain and under reporting is inevitable, 395 000 deaths were estimated in Africa in 2015. Infection with P. falciparum in the absence of overt clinical symptoms is also common.It is often referred to as bei...
Modern journalism refers to the era of online journalism, the era of internet, which has become pervasive. Nowadays there is no media organization worth the name that does not have an online presence. Playing an active role in the process of colle...
The problem of fraud in the public sector has assumed immense proportions with the increase in the volume and complexity of the organizations within this sector. No organization appears free from this malaise and there is c...
Management control is a process in which organization strives to achieve the planned or desired results, or "performances". In doing so, organizations may take various actions to minimize the negative effects arising from the external an...
A definition credited to Gordon Brown Chancellor of the Exchequer June 2004 is that forensic accounting is the identification, interpretation and communication of the evidence of economic transactions and reporting agents. It is the application of...
Background to the Study
Conflict of interest and auditor’s independence are two concepts that must be considered properly in this project work. If there is any way auditors’ conflict of interest affects his independence.
To start w...
Background to the study
The increased interest in the role of business in society today has been prompted by increased attention to the awareness of environmental and ethical and moral issues. It means our society has become increasingly concerned that...
This study was carried out to assess the broadcast media in the campaign against child labour and human trafficking in Nigeria using 4 selected broadcasting media stations in Lagos State as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed a...
This work set out to study the workability of freedom of information Act (FOIA) in Journalism profession in Nigeria. In 2011, the bill FOIA was assented to by the president of the federal republic of Nigeria president Goodluck Jonathan af...
The focus of this study borders on bibliographic information on corruption in Nigeria political system. The researcher followed the accepted rules of the qualitative research method in order to offer a high-quality work. The usual analytical and descripti...
In this study the independence of auditors was critically evaluated and the importance of auditors’ independence in financial statement credibility was analyzed. In order to make informed decision it is important for the financial stateme...
In this study, our focus was on the extent of liability of banks for e-banking fraud, Enugu State as case study. The study is was specifically focused on examining the e-banking fraud risks that are of high concern in the Nigerian banking secto...