Background of the study
Financial service delivery is progressively merging with developing technologies in Nigeria, resulting in the already well-known 'financial technology.' Fintech was not a thing a few years ago, or rather, there was a significant gap betwe...
Background To The Study
It's important to emphasize the importance of Apapa Creek Road. Any traffic congestion on it would undoubtedly cause several glitches in the logistics company, which is the primary operation on this route.
Creek roa...
The pressure from globalization has made manufacturing organization moving towards three major competitive arenas: quality, cost, and responsiveness. The process of production planning and control is central to the success of any manufacturing company.The Manufacturing sector comprises estab...
Almost every business worked toward achieving its intended, planned, and overall goals. Every company, especially small businesses, strives for efficiency and proper effectiveness, and the quality of accessible accounting informa...
From the smallest receipts and payments of a small club to the published accounts of huge public enterprises, accountancy encompasses the installation of bookkeeping and accounting systems, the writing up of accounts, and the creati...
Background to the study
Shipping has been around for almost 5000 years, with the earliest known marine commerce network connecting Mesopotamia, Bahrain, and the Indus River. Shipping is always evolving, and today's shipping is very different from wh...
Background of the study
Accounting is critical to the success or failure of modern commercial organizations. (Amidu, John, & Joshua. 2011). Systems are responsible for recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing the financial health of corporate...
Background Of Study
A farmer who planted corps expects results, just as a student who waits for an exam does. The same may be said for an investor. The farmer may be informed of the outcome in the form of a bountiful crop. A pupil would normally be satisfied with a resu...
The construction industry's productivity is extremely important to its efficiency. According to...
The interdependence of businesses is a core element of modern economic life. No contemporary firm is self-contained. There is no question that small and medium-sized businesses are the true foundation of a country's economy....
The name Bank is derived from the Italian word banco, which means "desk/bench" and was used by Florentine bankers during the Renaissance to execute this transaction over a desk covered by a green tablecloth. However, th...
Background of the study
Transparency and accountability are essential for the effective operation of a contemporary democracy and the promotion of societal well-being. Many powers are allocated to governmental bodies in most countries. The delegators, t...
Background to the study
Electronic banking in Nigeria has been considered by many, particularly economists, as having significant ramifications for the Nigerian economy, particularly the banking industry, over time. Nigeria's economy has benefited g...
Background of the study
According to Amidu, John, and Joshua (2011), accounting is important to the success or failure of modern business organizations. Systems are in responsible of recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing commercial companies&#...
The relationship between government expenditure and economic growth has continued to generate series of debate among scholars. Government performs two functions-Protection (and security) and Provision of certain public goods...
Decision about prices of a company’s product and services are among the most important activities the business organization undertaken infact few decision that these organization make arouse as much interest as those concerning prices. The...
Background of the Study
For a long time, small and medium-sized businesses have been seen as a source of financial development and improvement. As a result of this growing recognition, the World Bank Group has made small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) a...
Background to the study
The material or inventory management function is one of the most relevant roles in most businesses in terms of its importance and integration into the broader organizational architecture. Despite growing recognition of the import...
Background Information
Housing has a central importance to quality of life with considerable economic, social, cultural and personal significance. Though a country’s national prosperity is usually measured in economic terms, increasing wealth is o...
Until relatively recently, the discipline of development appraisal has remained the provenance of surveyors and developers. It largely been ignored by other participants in the development process, particularly planners, architects and constructi...
Background of the study
Transparency and accountability are critical for the efficient functioning of a modern democracy and for fostering social well-being. In most societies, many powers are delegated to public authorities. Some assuran...
In any commercial organization, as well as other sorts of groups, communication is a critical tool. It is an element that may help any company stay afloat. Communication also aids in comprehending the concepts and factors that cross an...
The term communication means different things to different people. Some can expand its meaning to include the equipment used in the passing of information like telegram, telephone, television etc. Others can take it to mean the communicatio...
Background of the study
The pressure from globalization has made manufacturing organization moving towards three major competitive arenas: quality, cost, and responsiveness. The process of production planning and control is central to the succ...
Background Of Study
Globally, tourism has become an important policy tool for community and regional development in many developed and developing countries. Tourism also has significant potential to influence and change the use of natural and cultural r...
Background Of The Study
According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF 2014), digital currency is a digital representation of value that is digitally transmitted while functioning as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value, and it...
Background of the study
In recent years, rapid technical advancement and new business models have led in a slew of novel retail payment options. These advancements are raising the possibility of significant changes in the re...
Background of the study
Business Organizations are established to achieve certain corporate objectives including corporate growth and increases in profitability. Growth is a major yardstick by which the success of a business firm is measured. Given that...
Background Of The Study
Motivation is a common word often discussed by people in any given organisation and it shall be discuss in terms of management and employees relationship. Basically, management involves planning, organising, directing, coordinati...
Organization will be interested in transacting business in an environment filled with fragility and unfriendliness (Turnbull, Oliver, & Wilkinson, 1992).
Also, no firm will appreciate, if they took time to ignite bus...
Nestle Food Plc, case study of my project topic is well known for it vendor selection and rating. The study of purchasing and supply management can not be complete without proper selection of vendor and rating of their performance.The progress...
Labour is one of the vital resources required for high level productivity at both organizational and national level. Without labour, other factors of production like capital, machines and land may remain passive. This is so becau...
The owner of a business naturally wishes to run his business as efficiently as possible. One of...
In this nation today, as economic activities advance, administration activities are changing fast. New markets are emerging, trading blocks are extending, and communication channels are diversified. Even selling of services are...
Background to the Study
Career development and employee retention are key strategic ...
Background Information
Housing has a central importance to quality of life with considerable economic, social, cultural and personal significance. Though a country’s national prosperity is usually measured in economic terms, increasing wealth is o...
Background Of Study
Globally, tourism has become an important policy tool for community and regional development in many developed and developing countries. Tourism also has significant potential to influence and change the use of natural and cultural r...
One of the most commonly discussed issues in economics is on how taxes as means of fiscal policy at stabilizing the general economy relate to economic growth of developing countries such as Nigeria. A lot of studies have tend t...
The owner of a business naturally wishes to run his business as efficiently as possible (Emma, 2010). One of the pur...
One of the most commonly discussed issues in economics is on how taxes as means of fiscal policy at stabilizing the general economy relate to economic growth of developing countries such as Nigeria. A lot of studies have tend to...
This study is aimed at finding out the cost of economic cultivation of cassava in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. It is one of the world’s most important staple food crops and provides a major source of carbohydrate to those w...
Background of the study
This study is aimed at finding out the cost of economic cultivation of cassava in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. It is one of the world’s most important staple food crops and provides a major source of carbohydrate to...
Background of the Study
Inventories are vital to the successful functioning of manufacturing and retailing organizations. They may consist of raw materials, work-in-progress, spare parts/consumables, and finished goods. It is not necessary that an organ...
The term communication means different things to different people. Some can expand its meaning to include the equipment used in the passing of information like telegram, telephone, television etc. Others can take it to mean the communication system in the organization such as grapevine compliant...
The term ‘ethnicity’ has its roots in the Greek term ethnos/ethnikos, which was commonly used to describe pagans, that is non-Hellenic and, later, non-Jewish (Gentile) or non-Christian, second-class peoples, its acade...
Background of the Study
Today it becomes necessary for every organization to have full level of its employee commitment in order to have outstanding performance on long term basis.
Organizations are also increasing realizing that it is only wi...
As to the review of information technology, it combines the collection, gathering, recording, storing, processing and communication or dissemination of information from one source to another where the information is being passed....
Planning is one of the most important aspects in the management o a firm. It involves an appraisal of the past performance of the firm and a projection into the future. It is also related to existing strengths and weaknesses of th...
The relationship between government expenditure and economic growth has continued to generate series of debate among scholars. Government performs two functions-Protection (and security) and Provision of certain public goods...
All businesses and particularly financial institutions have been affected to some degree in what is happening in the global market place. Now, not only do organizations aim to satisfy the customers but they attempt to do this more efficiently and effectively than their rivals in the competitive m...