The Fulani are the biggest ethnic group in the Sahel, with a population of 20 to 30 million people. The Fulani were formerly semi-nomadic cattle herders who traveled great miles along grazing routes in search of nourishment for t...
Background to the study
Entrepreneurship's dynamism is considered as capable of addressing new economic, social, and environmental concerns as globalization reshapes the global economic landscape and technological advancement creates more unpredicta...
In terms of economic growth and job prospects, the construction industry is one of the most significant (Powell, Hassan, Dainty,...
Background of the Study
The local government system is a system of government established as a third tier of government after&nb...
There is a symbiotic relationship between language structure and language function, which is particularly exploited by literary artists to relate language forms deployed in their texts to their intended messages and visions. This is possible be...
Background of the study
The word non-profit making organizations explained that the organizations are not established for the purpose of making profits. Non-profit making organizations such as clubs, societies, charitable organizations and social organi...
Background to the Study
Through the medium of language, cultures may be comprehended. Since language and social reality are inextricably linked, it is claimed that language is culturally transmitted (Heath, 2003). This indicates that changes in result in changes in lang...
There have been heated debates on the issue of the relationship between Africa and the United Nations, especially as it concerns the reform agenda of the latter. Part of the significance of this study is that it is a contribution to an on-going...
In every discussion, humans continually and subconsciously negotiate meaning. Failure to negotiate meaning is frequently the source of language disagreement in communication. In term...
An organization makes use of a wide variety of resources, including monetary, natural, and human resources. Human resources continue to be the most crucial aspect of every business, and this is due to the fact that with...
This study was carried out on the challenges of the internet in today's Nigeria business environment using SME operator in Oyo State as case study. To achieve this 3 research objectives and three research questions were formulated. The survey design w...
Modern form of Co-operative leaves their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth Century in Europe. Much of the early interested in co-operative structure seemed from deep regards to the social con...
WhatsApp has significantly penetrated the various spheres of peoples’ lives all over the world. The purpose of this study is to look at two aspects of WhatsApp text-based status notifications; namely, the most common discursive realizatio...
Like its users, one important feature of language is its dynamism. Thus, language adapts to situational constraints as its users vary across regional/geographical, social, educational, occupational, etc. domains. English is such a typical language that, as a result of vast geog...
This study was carried out to examine impact of staff welfare on the productivity of workers using staff of Ibadan North local government. OYO state as a case study. Specifically, the study ascertain there is a welfare program...
Nigerian English coinages have been widely investigated in different literatures ranging from studies in Sociolinguistics, Semantics, Pragmatics, and Syntax to Metaphors and Cognitive linguistic studies. This present study is a re-visitation of the Nigerian En...
This study is designed to examine how effectively Christian Handbill and posters in Abuja communicate religious message. In other words it looks into whether the posters are designed in a way the audiences understands them. It also explores the...
This thesis titled “A Pragmatic Interpretation of Child Language: A Case Study of Telegraphic Speech has been carried out to determine the role of context in understanding language use by children or children‟s speech. Pragmatics is...
This study assess of the legal structure for the protection of women’s rights in Nigeria. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the platform provided under the Nigerian law for the protection of women’s rights as well as to study the...
Slangy expressions and catchy phrases are deliberately used in hip-hop songs in order to reduce the degree of vulgarity in the content of the song so as not to disrupt society moral norms, and to increase the rate of acceptability of such song amidst listeners,...
This study was undertaken to identify the pragmatic acts of locution, illocution and perlocution of President Muhammadu Buhari’s speeches during the campaign build-up of the March 2015 general elections. To do this, the study adopted the Speech Act Theory of Austin (1962)...
The gradual shift from the offline to online communication such as text messaging has given way to innovative language-short forms whose morph-syntactic aspects have permeated the linguistic characters of the t...
Modern form of Co-operative leaves their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth Century in Europe. Much of the early interested in co-operative structure seemed from deep regards to the social co...
It is a known fact that Discourse Analysis is the analysis of language in use. This work showed how discourse analysis and pragmatic elements can be used in decoding facts and foregrounded information in the Holy Bible especially Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan wom...
Background to the Study
This study focuses on describing the sound system of Jaba. The research comes under the purview of phonology which is a branch of language study. Language is a major cultural...
Discourse, stylistics and pragmatics are sub-fields of linguistics that have attained independent statuses in the arts. With the seeming differences between these fields, there exist a lot of relationships that connect the three areas of study together. Thi...
Background to the Study
The intricacies in language use have brought philosophers (first) and then linguists (later) into the study of language. Although, the first attempt made to study language was prescriptive, less technical, superficial, unprofessional, shor...
This long essay focuses on the pragmatics study of selected political posters imprinted in the pages of selected newspapers. It seeks to identify the influence of pragmatic elements on encoded texts or utterance; it analyse the thou...
This reach work “entitled the liability Regime for Redress and Compensation for victims of aircraft Accidents in Nigeria.” Revealed that aircraft accident is a recurrent decimal world over, and in particular, plane crashes result in a number of casualties, affecting...
This work studied the discourse analysis of Athol Fugard’s Sizwe Bansi is Dead. The encoded meaning in the conversational exchange among the characters in play has been analyzed through the use of some discourse elements like, turn taking, discourse participant e...
Human Right has made significant impact on both national and international law. In the National level, the following impacts are evident.
This study critically investigated the impact of non-oil exports on the growth of the Nigerian economy from 1990-2020 using a disaggregated approach. Specifically, the study investigated the impact of agricultural product export, manufacturing product export, solid mineral expo...
As use of the Internet has expanded to become ubiquitous, so has the use of filtering technology to selectively block access to content. In order to restore access to blocked content, filtering circumvention technologies have also been developed. This dissertation addresses the...
This chapter introduces the dissertation by describing its context, the identified challenges, how the chosen challenge was met, the achieved impact, relevant publications, and how the thesis is structured. 1.1 Context In science data is the essential focal point in todays...
1 Background to the Study
The major purpose of education is to equip recipients with knowledge and skills needed to function effectively and thus contribute to the development of the society. Education has remained an instrument for change and national development. Education is a proces...
Background to the Study
8The interest of linguists in analysing conversational texts has gradually shifted from the traditional focus on the linguistic structure to investigating language use as a social phenomenon. The functional approach to language studies goes beyond the study...
Background to the Study
The purpose of education is to develop knowledge, skills and character of students. Thus education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to schools or textbooks. Education is very important for an individual‘s life. According to Sa...
Housing has been described as an unstructured, complex, multi-dimensional phenomenon and its delivery as an important social policy issue. However, housing delivery in Nigeria is enmeshed in a myriad of perennial problems: huge housing deficits; acute shortages; overcrowding; h...
Background to the Study
It is not an assumption that many indigenous languages are facing the challenge of relevance in the contemporary global missionary and religious expressions. The Igbo language, for instance is seemingly on the brinks, inspite of the early effort...
The interest of linguists in analysing conversational texts has gradually shifted from the traditional focus on the linguistic structure to investigating language use as a social phenomenon. The functional approach to language studies goes beyond the study...
This study is on Women Religious and Pastoral Development in Onitsha Archdiocese 1967-2015: A study of Immaculate Heart Sisters. The human person across generations has the ontological problems of scarcity, of contingency and of powerlessness. This immediate yearning propelled...
Background to the Study
Language, Stubbs (1989) opines, is a set of acceptable symbols and sounds written, signed or uttered to perform specific functions in society. In whatever form it takes, language has greatly helped human beings to meet different needs at all times. Very often, la...
This study focuses on the challenges of proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to peace-building in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The study provides a critical analysis of the nature of warfare in Africa with the use of small arms and light weapons and child soldiers....
Poetic discourse has always been considered an important aspect of discursive practices that presents a scholarly approach to creative uses of language. Poetic discourse is considered to be comprehensively language-dependent; it relies mainly on the rhetorical and pragmatic con...
Background to the Study
A cardinal principle on which democracy rests is popular mandate. It is the basis of representative democracy practiced all over the world. Popular mandate presupposes the unrestrained participation of the relevant community in the affairs of the...
In exchange for the employee's labor, the company pays the employee money. People are compensated for their abilities, attention, and efforts in meeting others' emotional needs. The comedian, hairdresser, and funeral decorator, for exampl...
Economic reforms, particularly what became known as the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), have almost always been implemented in response to national financial distress that can be traced back to macroeconomic distortions, a...
Background of the study
The internationally recognized definition for the marine environment was developed by Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), currently known as Aspects Of Marine Environmental Protection, which sta...
Background of the Study
Broadcasting in Nigeria, entered a new era with the decision of the federal government...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Political ideologies are fundamental in shaping the direction of policy-making in any democratic society. They provide a framework through which political parties and leaders define their positions on key issues, influence...