The system of local government administration practiced anywhere in the world, is dependent largely on the historical, geographical, sociological, political and economic life of the people. This is no less true of Nigeria with a long...
Despite successive governments' efforts to alleviate poverty, Nigeria's condition is rather concerning, as the tale of poverty reduction appears to be bleak throughout the years (Abbas, 2017). It is not surprising, however, that impoveri...
Change is a major part of our lives, whether it is change in industries, technologies or various sectors such as transportation, education, health care or social policies. But we still know little about when and how change occurs. On 29 May 2015, General Muham...
Background to the Study
Igbo family is dynamic. It principally revolves around a very strong web of extended family system. This dynamism stems from marria'ge link which may either be polygynous whereby a man marries more than one wife; or monogamous whereby a man m...
Background to the Study
Like most other pre-modern human societies, the traditional societies in the territories later to be amalgamated as Nigeria were largely administered by monarchies. This is with particular reference to societies in the Northern, Western and Niger Delta parts of t...