Background to the Study
Purdar is a very harsh kind of rejection of women's participation rights. Women encounter a variety of impediments to full involvement in different parts of social life in Nigeria, owing to established cultural beliefs that d...
Background of the study
Nigeria's electoral process has been marred by violence. Recent forms of electoral violence, on the other hand, have taken on an unprecedented scale and are altering shape and character, with grave consequences for democratic...
Background to the study
Electronic banking in Nigeria has been considered by many, particularly economists, as having significant ramifications for the Nigerian economy, particularly the banking industry, over time. Nigeria's economy has benefited g...
Background Of The Study
The insurance business serves as the backbone of Nigeria's risk management system. Insurance companies are non-bank financial businesses that play an essential role in financial intermediation within the financial system of a...
Background to Study
The mass media comprises the means by which a society disseminates and receives information. The traditional instruments of the mass media to the modern man are the newspapers, magazines, radio and television. The Journalist is...
A formal and active capital market exists in Nigeria. Prior to 1961, practically all formal savings and deposits flowed through t...
Background of the Study
The history of insurance industry in Nigeria according to Augustine and Brennan(2012) could be traced to the British colonial trading companies that established agency offices in Nigeria, on behalf of insurance companies in UK. A...
The history of planning is old as man himself planning had started from the ancient era during the primitive period when there were no industries or firms. Planning is a basic function of management thus therefore means that planning pervades all...
Objectivity is undeniably one of journalism's most important characteristics. Individual journalists, however, find it difficult to accept journalism's values owing to the many issues they experience in their career due to the nature of the business ( Gold...
This study was carried out on the role of newspaper in mobilizing women for political participation in Nigeria. To achieve this, four significant research objectives were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple random...
This study was carried out to examine Ethno-Religious Conflicts In Nigeria; Issues, Challenges And Solutions using residents of Zangon Katab Local Government Area of Kaduna State as case study. Specifically, the study was a...
Background to the Study
Every government has as one of its main goals enhancing the wellbeing of its people. The fundamental principle of welfareism embraces all coordinated efforts made to ameliorate and raise the standard of life of the populace, hence fostering econ...
Background of study
"Contraceptives" are defined as "a medication, device, or technique used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant" in the Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary of Current English. 1 The use of condoms as a pre...
Background to the Study
Macroeconomic policy consists of the actions aimed at inducing appropriate changes in macroeconomic aggregates such as output, employment and the price level. The major components of macroeconomic policy include fiscal, monetary, debt manag...
The desire of the rural population to participate directly in the affairs of their communities is driving the rising demand for local government in every corner of the world. Local government is, in reality, as ancient as mankind, as it is...
It was once thought that a country's economy is centred on its banking sector. The banking industry plays a critical role in every country's economic growth. The banking sector's primary and most essential function is financial intermedia...
Background Of The Study
The activity that is referred to as "banking" refers to the procedure by which individuals who need money for immediate and justifiable reasons are able to borrow such money in a timely manner. To put it another way, ba...
Background to the Study
Several groups have urged the government to revamp the country's tax system. Nigeria has a monolithic economy with a high reliance on the oil sector; this reliance renders the economy vulnerable to external manipulation and h...
Background Of The Study
Electoral corruption is the single most potent threat to democratic transition in Nigeria(Aliu, 2020). Rigging is perpetrated by all political parties relative to their strength. However, it is the party with “incumbency fa...
With the world economy gradually globalizing, it could have been assumed that 'emerging' countries would catch up, yet the reverse has occurred. In certain nations, such as Nigeria, prosperity has been accompanied with rising in...
Background of the study
Radio, according to Kombo (2015), is a crucial driver for social transformation via public education. It exists as a result of the need for individuals to communicate with one another. Communication is the activity through which...
This study examines the influence of N.T.A Enugu in improving rural health care services in Ugwuaji community in carrying out this research both primary and secondary data were used and the researcher made use of sample size of 360 respondents...
The broad objective of this study is to examine the role of electronic media as a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support in national development using NTA as case study. The study adopted a survey research design and with the aid...
Since the beginning of corporate form of business entity in Nigeria, the banking sector has been playing important role in promoting economic growth and development by way of providing liquidity and capital in form of loans to firms and private i...
The need to have adequate record about savings and investment necessitated this study. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers; examine their savings profiles; identify the factors...
This research was carried out to study the relevance of community self-help initiatives to rural development in Nigeria with special focus on selected organizations in Suru LGA. It has been observed that successive governments in Nigeria for too long have neglected the rural or...
One of the activities of financial institutions (banks) involves intermediating between the surplus and deficit units of the economy. Banks as financial intermediaries emerge to lower the cost of reaching potential investments, exerting c...
One of the major functions of any government especially developing countries such as Nigeria is the provision of infrastructural services such as electricity, pipe-borne water, hospitals, schools, good roads and as well as ensure a rise in per ca...
Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) have been widely acknowledged as the springboard for sustainable economic development. According to UNDP (1974), developing countries including Nigeria, have since the 1970s shown increased interest...
The broad objective of this study is to examine the influence of Nigeria mass media on political campaign. The study specifically established if mass media help in mobilizing the Nigerian populace, ascertained if 2007 electoral proc...
In spite of the religious was of the people of Delta State, the question of the role of religion in the politics of Delta State still stand as a major challenge to religious scholars. This essay in its bid to unravel the role of religion...
The study basically focused attention on role of mass media in eradicating election violence in Osun State (A case study of OSBC, Gold F.M, Unique F.M). Broadcast media have over the years perform a very crucial role in the socio- political and economic develop...
This research is on an issue which is of great importance to the Nigeria economy, it is on the Nigeria money market and its role in savings mobilization visa viz economic growth.The seminar report comprises of three chapters, chapter one is on the introduction...
The advent of the Internet has triggered the emergence of improved and user-friendly media tools known as social media. These media channels allow the effective sharing of audio-visual messages across the globe within seconds with the click of the button. As a result of their (...
This study is a determination of the level of participation of youth in community development in Oredo Local Government Area. The main objectives of the study were to examine the extent to which the youth have and can still contribute their strength meaningfully to the developm...
The research was based on the topic “mobilizing Domestics savings for economic growth and development in the banking industry. (A case study of Union Bank of Nig PLC 1999 – 2000.
Two hypotheses were formulated, two research questions, The...
The study investigated effects of insurgency on educational development in Borno State. Basic education is the first level of education for children at primary 1 level to basic 9 which is the junior sec...
Development is the process of moving the world or mobilizing communities as a whole to engage in the task of self-improvement with the available resources. In same va...
The low rate of female participation in politics compared to that of their male counter- parts in Nigeria creates a need to examine the situation in this study, “The role of broadca...
The flexibility of radio makes it a unique tool in reaching diverse audience including those in rural area on socio-economy and political matters. It is on this notion that this examines the role of radio in mobilizing electorate towards participat...
The gross Domestic product Growth is a long term rise in the capacity to supply increasingly diverse economic goods o its population. This growing capacity is said to base on advancing technology.
The man trust of this study is to find out the role of radio in mobilizing Nigerian women in politics. This is studied in relation to other media of communication.
We became interested in this project since 4th March, 2004, when some of us listened to...
The purpose of this work is to reveal the women in politics.
Chapter one deals with the introductory aspect of the project work.
Chapter two deal with the historical antecedent of mobilizing women in politics.
Development is the process of moving the world or mobilizing communities as a whole to engage in the task of self-improvement with the available resources. In same vain, Education is necessary not only to help in improving all aspects of a person but also...
Background to the Study
All nations of the world strive to achieve sustainable economic growth on a long term basis. This desire is attributable to the fact that sustainable economic growth enhances the market size of a country thereby serving to project the economy as...
It is the desire of every society to achieve a sustainable level of socio-economic development through quality education at early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education level. The Federal Government of Nigeria (FRN) (2013) viewed tertiary institut...
Background to the Study
Nigeria is going through hard and perilous times. Nigeria is not alone in these challenges but it is a sad and pity to observe.According to Folaranmi (2012): Mention anything negative; corruption, violation of human rights, fallen standard of ed...
This study examines the influence of N.T.A Enugu in improving rural health care services in Ugwuaji community in carrying out this research both primary and secondary data were used and the researcher made use of sample size of 360 respondents across the local government area....
Background to the study
There are several factors that affect the performance of banks. In this research work profitability shall be used as the performance indicator of banks. The mostly direct factors that affect prof...
Background of the study
One of the pillars that support every democracy is elections. Elections seem to have become a major factor in the stabilization and democratization of emerging democracies. It forms an important pillar that places the power to go...