The Term “Ratio Analysis” could be described as the analysis of financial statement in order to judge the performance of the COMPANY or group of companies.
The “Investment Decision” Means the allocation of funds t...
From the smallest receipts and payments of a small club to the published accounts of huge public enterprises, accountancy encompasses the installation of bookkeeping and accounting systems, the writing up of accounts, and the creati...
In comparison, the majority of Small Scale Businesses (SSBs) are registered as sole proprietorships, which makes the registration process much simpler and easier than other types of company registration. Small businesses now outn...
Background of the Study
The capacity of a manufacturing industry's or, more broadly, an organization's members to operate reliably and efficiently to fulfill the industry's objectives is a necessary condition for the industry's sus...
Background of the study
According to Amidu, John, and Joshua (2011), accounting is important to the success or failure of modern business organizations. Systems are in responsible of recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing commercial companies&#...
The production of information for insiders such as firm managers is known as management accounting (Anyanwu, 2010). Managers utilize this data to track their progress toward their objectives and identify any possible issues ahea...
Background to the study
With the global use of progressively more sophisticated internet and information technology (Papazoglou, 2003), electronic banking is developing as a key channel for banking businesses (Wei et al., 2012). Globally, remote banking...
Banks and financial Institutions are the most acceptable versatile, delicate .and popular forms of the present day joint increased capital base and insurance cover has necessitated the demand for more capital . which in must cases has been achieved through issue...
The recent global financial crisis, which had its roots in the banking sector, highlighted, except from the existing regulatory gaps, the lack of proper and efficient internal audit functions within the banking institutions in or...
The local government global schedule analyses that most local governments of developing countries have no or underdeveloped Audit committees that would be advisory entity to the council, The Audit committee is described as an arm of the council that views Internal...
The problem of fraud in the public sector has assumed immense proportions with the increase in the volume and complexity of the organizations within this sector. No organization appears free from this malaise and there is c...
The role of internal auditing in the review of effectiveness of the internal control system is to find out whether the internal control system is functioning well as it is intended to do. The internal control system is called to be effective, if t...
Background to the Study
Conflict of interest and auditor’s independence are two concepts that must be considered properly in this project work. If there is any way auditors’ conflict of interest affects his independence.
To start w...
This study was carried out to examine the assessment of audit expectation gap in Nigeria using ICAN Lagos state as the case study. Specifically, the study aimed at ascertaining the responsibility and reliability factors which contribute to...
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of fraud and related financial crimes on the growth and development of Nigerian economy. Data for the study were collected from secondary sources only. The research analyzed the data generated using re...
In this study, our focus was on the extent of liability of banks for e-banking fraud, Enugu State as case study. The study is was specifically focused on examining the e-banking fraud risks that are of high concern in the Nigerian banking secto...
This work is all about fraud prevention, detection and control in the banking sector of Nigeria. This study has Habib Nigeria bank Limited, Enugu as a case study. From the study, such factors like poor staffing, poor remuneration, weak int...
Although efficient Internal control is a critical component of company management and a foundation for safe and sound operation of organisations, there is lack of mutual understanding with regards to the effective functioning of internal c...
The broad objective of this study is focused on enhancing financial accountability in private sector using 7up Bottling company as case study. Survey research design was adopted for the study and with the aid of convenient sampling method, the...
This study was carried out to examine Forensic Accounting And Audit As a Panacea For Preventing Corporate Fraud In Nigeria using First Bank Plc, Ikeja, Lagos State as a case study. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out if the i...
This study was carried out on fraud in financial institution and the auditors liability using Access Bank, Ikeja, Lagos State as case study. To achieve this 4 research questions were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the...
Fraud can be described as a conscious premeditated action of a person or group of persons with the intention of altering the truth or fact for selfish personal monetary gain. It involves the use of deceit and trick and some...
The study examined the impact of value added tax on the internally generated revenue of Lagos State for a 6-year period ranging between 2011 and 2016. The study established that VAT is a consumption tax on economic operations including imports....
The problem of fraud in financial institution in Nigeria has remained one of the disturbing features of the banking sector. The menace is of the great concern to regulatory authorities the government and the general public...
Background of the study
The word non-profit making organizations explained that the organizations are not established for the purpose of making profits. Non-profit making organizations such as clubs, societies, charitable organizations and social organi...
Background to the Study
According to Swanson (2008), it is as important for corporations to know that their corporate structure and strategic decisions affect audit fees as it is for the auditor to adequately understand and evaluate the liability risk a...
Background of the study
It should come as no surprise that huge sums of money and vast amounts of material are being put to use by various business groups (Baker, 2022). Both the quantity of and the monetary worth of activities carried out by the public sector have...
Background of the Study
Globally, auditing is an independent evaluation of an economic entity created by its management to examine the internal control system and report on its ampleness in terms of validity, economics, effectiveness, and the necessary...
Background of the study
In a banking environment that is becoming increasingly competitive, which is characterized by frequent changes in the regulatory environment, high cost of operations, dim misting spreads on profit from business as a result of sharp practices and...
Recently, proper management and accountability of financial resources like funds in the public sector has begun to receive much prominence. This is primarily due to an increase in fraud and high inflation rates, which deval...
Background of the Study
Globally, auditing is an independent review of an economic entity that is established by the management of the firm in order to examine the internal control system and report on its ampleness in terms of validity, economics, effe...
The concept of Economic Development has to do with innovation and improvement in people's quality of life; it is about a sustained rise in people's standard of living over time, whether in advanced or less developed countries, nations, go...
The word "audit" originates from the Latin word "audire," which literally translates to "to hear in the holding days." The practice of conducting an audit can be traced all the way back to ancient ti...
The study sought to determine the effect of internal control system on financial performance of manufacturing firms in Tuyil pharmaceutical ltd. To achieve the objective of this study, the study used hypothesis testing research design. The stud...
This study was carried out to examine the effect of auditing and investigating in small scale business organization in First Bank Abuja. Specifically, the study examined the extent of substantial domination of the accounting and financial management...
This study was carried out to examine internal audit as an instrument of management control using Lagos state judiciary, Lagos State. Specifically, the study examined the need for assisting the financial statement of government paras...
This study was carried out to Internal auditing as an instrument for effective management and accountability of financial resources in the public sector using Udi Local Government in Enugu State. The study adopted a survey researc...
The main objective of this study is to ascertain the efficiency of internal control system as a tool for the management of SMEs using Ilorin, Kwara State as case study.
Survey research design was employed for the study and with the ai...
In this study internal control as an aid to accountability in the public sector was researched on using Biase local government area, cross river state as the case study. The major objective of the study was to find out and understand how internal control aids a...
This project titled Effectiveness Of Internal Control In a Trading Company was considered necessary because of the frauds which are perpetuated in trading companies recently. That was part of wha...
This study was carried out to examine the internal control system as an aim to effective management in an organization with special reference to UBA, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Specifically, the study establish the relationship that exists...
This study examines internal control system as a necessity to survival and growth in public organisations. Specifically, the study ascertains the extent to which fraud and errors can be prevented or detected early and highlights...
This study was carried out to examine the effect of internal audit on the performance of private firms using anambra motor manaufacturing company as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at determining if internal...
Internal audit system plays a key role in the assurance chain towards accountability and control. therefore the purpose of this study is to provide evidence on the perception about the effectiveness of audit accoubtability in the Nigeria sector. In other to carry out a pr...
The focus of this study is to examine the effectiveness of internal control system and it’s impact on the activities of private limited companies using Phinorma Nig Ltd Ngwo in Enugu State as case study.
The study investigated the effectiveness of internal control system in an organization (A Case Study of Dangote Group of Companies). The study employed primary data collected from the employees of Dangote Group of companies in Lagos State. The primary data used...
The aim of this research study is to analyze and ascertain the extent to which fraud and poor management contributed to bank failure through a careful analysis of banking industry with a particular reference to the presently embattled Savannah Bank of Nigeria Plc. whose operati...
An auditor of the evidence may describe an audit as an examination from which final revenue accounts and balance sheet of an organization have been prepared. In order to ascertain that they present a true and fair view of the sum...
Every organization doing exceedingly well on the face of the earth rely heavily on budgets, and budgetary control measures to improve performance, through adequate resource allocation. Budget and Budgetary control, both at management and operational level looks at...