Background to the Study
Libraries are a country's knowledge and information basis. A library gathers, organizes, and makes information resources available to people of various ages, backgrounds, and interests. According to Islam (2004), a library is...
Background of the study
The use of computers for the gathering, retrieval, transfer, and operation of data or information is known as information technology. It's also seen as a subset of ICT. Information technology is the use of computers to store,...
Background of the Study
A century and half ago, communication between countries involved physical presence. Once, a reporter had to run as fast as possible back to the newsroom after interviewing and tried to beat the competition to print. Wit...
As to the review of information technology, it combines the collection, gathering, recording, storing, processing and communication or dissemination of information from one source to another where the information is being passed....
ABSTRACT:- This study was carried out to examine the information seeking behaviour and utilization of information communication technology among reproductive health professionals in general hospital. Specifically, the study assessed the impact of ICT among health...
The recent advances in information communication technology (ICT) especially on the aspect of foreign policy making are becoming central to other processes, such as socio-economic and political development of nation states and ho...
Background To The Study
With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, libraries now use various types of technologies to aid the services they render. Everyday new technological advances affect the way information is handled in librari...
Electronic information resources offer the 21st century students new opportunities that were not available to previous generations, yet large number of students leave universities without necessary skills to cope within the information-based society...
Globalization, aided by ICT, is having a huge influence on library practices right now. In many sectors and facets of our society, ICTSs are important and valuable instruments for long-term growth. ICTs enable the achievement of developmental goal...
This project research was aimed at examining the effectiveness of ICT on teaching and learning, case study on basic technology in Edo State. A structured questionnaire tagged “ICT needs and competence level of Basic Technology teachers in Edo State”...
Prior to the introduction of information communication technology in Nigerian government ministries, departments and agencies, it has been seriously criticized for lack of efficiency and effectiveness; it is often seen as epito...
The development of libraries, regardless of kind, is based on the library's leadership. Library managers make or break a library's performance and productivity. Without appropriate leadership, libraries as a social instit...
There are large amount of information being generated on daily basis and it is the duty of Librarians to make these information accessible to users. Information processing and services has change from the traditional ways of hand...
Background to the Study
Mathematics and its applications have evolved significantly. The introduction of computation and computers as tools in mathematics has altered how mathematicians conduct mathematics as well as how scientists, engineers, and social scientists util...
Background To The Study
ICT (information and communication technology) has altered the manner in which people live, study, work, and associate. According to Tambe and Hitt (2016), ICT is a means through which businesses seek out creative ways of functio...
The study attempted to investigate the impact of information communication technology (ICT) on educational development of children in early childhood education in selected nursery schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State. In this study, some rel...
Worldwide Port and Maritime operations and their associated facilities and infrastructure collectively represent one of the single greatest unaddressed challenges to the security of nations and the global economy today. The reason th...
The study examined the effect of information communication technology on the academic performance of students in tertiary schools located in Lagos State. The descriptive research survey was used in order to assess the opinions of the selected respondents using...
This research project had the purpose of finding the impact of information communication technology on financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Information and communication technology is important to the banking industry i...
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to contribute to development, especially in rural areas of developing countries. But the mechanisms through which ICT can be combined with development agendas and an understanding of...
The topic research on was “influences of communication on teachers productivity in secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State”. A-24 item questionnaire was developed by the researcher and administered to 410 respondents male and femal...
This study identifies the roles of information communication technology (ICT) in the growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria using case study of some selected SMEs in Port...
Education is a key factor for sustainable development (Chimombo, 2005). The significance of education, especially in developing countries, is increasing because of progressing pressure to catch up with the developed world regarding, for ex...
The study researched into how telecom companies in Nigeria with particular focus on Globacom use Information Communication Technology (ICT), and its impact on their Marketing Communications. Empirical evidence in developed countries sugge...
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought unprecedented changes and transformation to academic libraries and information services. Taking into cognizance the recent trends in ICT and the Nigerian situation, this work elicits t...
Communication technologies have come to play a vibrant role in democratizing education not only in the developed but also in the developing countries. However, in spreading the use of information and communication technology some major difficulties are feet by...
The study focused on the use of information communication technology facilities by library professionals in Delta state. Objectives of the study were to assess the frequency of usage of information communication technology facilities by library professio...
This study was carried out on the use of information and communication technology in teaching of business study. To achieve this 4 research objectives were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple ran...
Office management has identifiedone of what companies require to dominate in an industry. Past studies have dealt with office management too broadly without considering specific aspects of office management which has led to a limited level of understanding on t...
Information communication technology has brought numerous innovative success in the construction industry and this has lead to increase in productivity in construction industry. The study presented in his context is about adoption of informatio...
Businesses need to continuously find better and fast ways to adapt to the competitive market place in order to compete in today’s high technology and fast pace environment. Learning organizations provide a framework that encourages finding bet...
The secretary occupies a sensitive position of an organization and organizes the vital elements needed for an efficient and effective service operation. The Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a contemporary force that is earnestly driving the future...
This research was focused on the implication of using information communication technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of integrated science in College of Education Ekiadolor Benin, Edo State. Conseq...
Background to the Study
Over the years, educationists view knowledge as something that proceeds from the teacher to the learner which can only be acquired within geographically delineated areas called schools. Teachers were then viewed as custodians, givers and distributors of knowledge...
This study was on application of Information Communication Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Niger State, Nigeria. Accordingly, five (5) research objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses each guid...
Background to the Study
The purpose of education is to develop knowledge, skills and character of students. Thus education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to schools or textbooks. Education is very important for an individual‘s life. According to Sa...
This study is on Women Religious and Pastoral Development in Onitsha Archdiocese 1967-2015: A study of Immaculate Heart Sisters. The human person across generations has the ontological problems of scarcity, of contingency and of powerlessness. This immediate yearning propelled...
The research study was carried out to assess the perception of the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) among agricultural extensions agents in Zamfara State, Nigeria. In order to achieve the broad objectives of the study, four specific objectives were raised which...
This research work assessed teacher and students‘ competence and the use of Information Communication Technology in Tertiary Institutions in Kaduna State in Nigeria. The statement of the problem was the challenges of integrating information and communication technology IC...
The study investigated the “Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the Management of Universities in Nigeria”. Nine objectives were postulated in line with research questions and hypotheses. The variables investigated in the objectives include c...
Biology is a subject that receives a great deal of attention. Its comprehension necessitates a well-balanced secondary school education. Biology as a school topic may contribute to the improvement of students' lives and their...
Information has shown to be the most basic factor in all aspects of life, particularly in developmental processes. Against this backdrop, agriculture has proven to be an information-driven business that depends o...
The importance of electricity to economic development of any nation cannot be overemphasised. Access to reliable electricity supply increases the productivity and welfare of society. To business enterprises, electricity serves as an indispe...
The importance of electricity to economic development of any nation cannot be overemphasised. Access to reliable electricity supply increases the productivity and welfare of society. To business enterprises, electricity serves as an indispe...
Background to the Study
It is observed that more and more organizations in Nigeria are shifting towards ICT driven systems to enhance its effectiveness and competitiveness, such as computer education. Computers are device capable for data storage and processing. Compute...
Background to the Study
It is observed that more and more organizations in Nigeria are shifting towards ICT driven systems to enhance its effectiveness and competitiveness, such as computer education. Computers are device capable for data storage and processing. Compute...