The notion of auditing data dates back to ancient times, with the oldest signs of its existence discovered among major landowners of the Middle Ages in Italy and Egypt.
However, according to afounka (1993), statutory auditi...
Background of the study
Cost overrun is a global phenomena in the construction business, when projects are rarely completed within the projected cost. In a global assessment on construction project performance, cost overrun was recognized as the biggest...
Background of the study
According to Amidu, John, and Joshua (2011), accounting is important to the success or failure of modern business organizations. Systems are in responsible of recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing commercial companies&#...
There are typically triumphs and failures in all human endeavors. As a result, businesses are no exception. Many corporate enterprises and people struggled in an era of abundance and waste mania, such as we saw in the mid-seventi...
Background of the study
Connection to the financial system is very important to different economies in the world. Digital currencies have attracted strong interest in recent years and have the potential to become widely adopted for use in making payment...
Background Of The Study
There have not been any broadly agreed definition of digital currency. This is owing to the fact that the digital currency system is a novel transaction system that has never been used before, and it is impossible to compare to t...
Background to the study
With the global use of progressively more sophisticated internet and information technology (Papazoglou, 2003), electronic banking is developing as a key channel for banking businesses (Wei et al., 2012). Globally, remote banking...
Background of the study
The promotion of cashless policies has become a driving factor for global economies to investigate currency digitalization as it fast tracks online transactions. Various uses of e-transaction, includin...
Background Of The Study
Digital currencies are money that exist entirely as electronic data and do not exist in physical form, but serve the core functions of money, such as being a unit of account, a store of value, and a means of exchange. As a result...
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with a 2011population of 162.5 million.It possesses28percentof Africanprovenoil reserves, second after Libya, and it is the top producer of African crude oil, producing 24percentof 2010 Africanoil production equaling2.4 million barrelsper day(bpd)(UN...
Banks and financial Institutions are the most acceptable versatile, delicate .and popular forms of the present day joint increased capital base and insurance cover has necessitated the demand for more capital . which in must cases has been achieved through issue...
Discipline has been defined as a set of rules and regulations, rewards and punishment administered in order to teach self-control, increase desirable behaviour and decrease undesirable behaviour (Okoli, 1996). As Brown (2000) put...
Every country in the world tends to generate income throug...
Background to the Study
The trend and the volume are increasing on a daily basis and all levels of the society are involved. The rich, the poor, the young and the elderly, the male and female all are neck deep in fraud and fraud related activities that say a lot about...
Nigeria seems to have acquired a name that is synonymous with corruption. As a nation, it has carved out for itself the reputation of the most corrupt in the world. Our treatment in international politics as a parish&nb...
Fraud is perhaps the most fatal of all the risks confronting banks. The enormity of bank frauds in Nigeria can be inferred from its value, volume and actual loss. A good number of banks’ frauds never get reported to the appropriate authorities, rather they a...
Taxation is not a new word in Nigeria or the world as a whole. In Nigeria, taxation has been in existence even before the coming of the colonial men or the British. Taxation can be defined as the system of imposing a compul...
According to Reuter’s media briefs from Cameroon [16], British prime minister, cyber-crime costs the British economy some 27 billion pounds a year. On the other hand, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Report ranks Nigeria as third...
Background to the Study
Conflict of interest and auditor’s independence are two concepts that must be considered properly in this project work. If there is any way auditors’ conflict of interest affects his independence.
To start w...
Background of the Study
Public debates recently in Nigeria have centred on the increasing rate of corruption resulting from inappropriate public finance planning and implementation mostly in some of the developing countries, Nigeria inclusive which in t...
Nigerian banking sector continues to be a vital part of the economy. Even since the inception of the nation’s first bank in the 19th century, banks have recorded tremendous growth. In spite of the hardship in the economy, people still rush to w...
The problems of revenue losses to government due to fraudulent and illegal deals from her citizens and organisations within the country prompt the need for this research work. The researcher took time to check all about company income tax admin...
Education is the development of an individual through training, transmission of what is worthwhile to the point that he is able to fit into his environment and contribute to the best of his ability for the well being of...
The commercial world today has been devastated by random breaches of business ethics. This has resulted to rampant occurrence of white collar crimes committed mostly by top and highly educated professional personnel, these crimes are sometimes eu...
Fraud can be described as a conscious premeditated action of a person or group of persons with the intention of altering the truth or fact for selfish personal monetary gain. It involves the use of deceit and trick and some...
Background to the Study
Examination has been generally accepted as the best means of assessment. It is a formal test of knowledge or ability. Infact, in a school setting, examination is a means of evaluating the quantity of knowledge a student has acqui...
Education is the development of an individual through training, transmission of what is worthwhile to the point that he is able to fit into his environment and contribute to the best of his ability for the wellbeing of the societ...
Fraud is an endemic that are gradually becoming a normal way of life in both public and private sectors, from the presidential cabinets, down to the political officer, to the ward councillors, from managing directors of companies...
This study was carried out to examine fraud prevention and control in banking system using staffs of three (3) selected banks in Ikeja, Lagos State as case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at studying critically how fraud in banks...
Education is the development of an individual through training, transmission of what is worthwhile to the point that he is able to fit into his environment and contribute to the best of his ability for the wellbeing of the societ...
Fraud is an endemic that are gradually becoming a normal way of life in both public and private sectors, from the presidential cabinets, down to the political officer, to the ward councillors, from managing directors of companies...
Background to the study
Financial misappropriation is gaining attention throughout the world, with many nations undertaking deliberate and significant attempts to enhance the use of public funds. Financial misappropriation is a global issue that has a s...
The problem of fraud, money laundering, and other unethical behaviors in commercial and government organizations has demanded the use of forensic or investigative accounting and the practice of those accounting methods. Investiga...
The construction industry activities include procurement of goods and services as well as the execution of a variety of physical structures and infrastructure (Ayangade, Wahab and Alake 2009), using different procurement methods....
In the past, security was simply a matter of locking the door or storing files in a locked filing cabinet or safe. Today, paper is no longer the only medium of choice for housing information. Files are stored in computer databases as well as file cabinets....
The existing system used by FIRS has been a challenge to them. Amongst the problems affecting the FIRS from maintaining a steady reliable accounting figures and estimates are:-
Background of the study
It should come as no surprise that huge sums of money and vast amounts of material are being put to use by various business groups (Baker, 2022). Both the quantity of and the monetary worth of activities carried out by the public sector have...
Background of the Study
Automated Teller Machines, sometimes known as ATMs, are machines that allow clients of banks to do financial transactions. Typically, a user will insert a specific plastic card that is encoded with information on a magnetic strip into the ATM. Th...
Background Of The Study
The truism that bribery and corruption are the surest way to impede the development of any society does not need argument. Although it is considered by some that bribery and corruption might spur development (Otite, 2016). In spi...
Background of the study
Technology has been the success story of our century and has opened doors for beneficial inventions. Technology has countries interconnected and the world has now become a global village (Ojo 2019). he information of...
Learners are educated, prepared, and properly directed to develop appropriate skills and expertise, as well as how to conform to suitable public life, through education. Education is seen as a mechanism that encourages indiv...
Background Of The Study
The Treasury single account is a banking arrangement that was put into place in order to control several accounts that were formed by various ministries, departments, and organizations (MDAs). The primary goal of a TSA is to guar...
Background of the Study
Civic education is a vital component of adult education because it equips citizens with the skills, mindset, and information necessary to engage in the democratic process of the country in an effective manner. They are able to co...
It has already been mentioned that the losses of a credit card fraud can affect all consumers, merchants and issuing banks. Therefore, it is important to establish techniques for detecting and preventing credit card fraud. This research contains...
The epidemic of fake admission is ravaging the Nigerian tertiary institution as victims to such fraud are often left frustrated. Students are sometimes offered fake admission with fake documentations from fraudulent persons posing as University Offi...
This research work examine the effect of examination malpractice in secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Examinations are known to play very important roles in our education system. It is used for academic stratification or for assi...
This research work is determine, “The effect of credit management on profitability of Bank in Nigeria using First Bank of Nigeria plc as a case study. It is also examine the performance of banks based on its ability to generate income through the prov...
This research report examines the goal of effective management of life assurance product in Nigeria insurance industry; focusing on Lagos metropolis. The objectives of the study were identified which includes to know the important benefits of life assurance bus...
This study examines the Impact of Cashless Policy on the Performance of Nigeria Financial Institutions. This study employs survey research design. Analytically, the research adopted descriptive statistics to highlights the effectiveness of the cash-less policy...
The research proffers an assessment of the impact of triple entry accounting system on financial reporting, a study of bitcoins. It analyses triple entry accounting system and financial accounting, its functions and significance. The resear...