Education is an instrument for developing the nation. It is also an instrument for developing hidden talents in an individual. It is the only means of eliminating illiteracy in any society. The importance of education to the development of in...
According to McQuail [2000], the word...
Background of the study
Mobile device are arguably another revolutionary invention of our time, besides computer and internet technologies. Mobile technology is growing by leaps and bounds. From 1990 to 2014, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 mi...
In today's dynamic Nigerian culture, the significance of broadcasting and broadcast media as agents of rural and national development, particularly at the information dissertational level, is now well acknowledged and embrace...
Background of the Study
University libraries are important sources of reference materials for high-quality teaching, learning, and research. Indexing and abstracting services in print and electronic media make reference materials available and accessib...
Background of the study
For some months, the discourse of restructuring has dominated the public sphere, and this theme has been disseminated via the use of digital, print, and electronic media. Restructuring appears to be the in-thing currently in every quarter. Until...
Globally, the concept of reading is one of the essential building blocks of learning, it is a process that requires the use of complex thought processes to interpret printed symbols as meaningful units, and to comprehend them as...
Drug abuse is a very sensitive and vital issue on our social, education, economic and moral life. It was due to the negative effect it have on the individual or society, that lead to the establishment of Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA...
Education is an instrument for developing the nation. It is also an instrument for developing hidden talents in an individual. It is the only means of eliminating illiteracy in any society. The importance of educati...
Education, according to Qureshi, (2001) consists of two components. He classified these two components. He classified these two components into inputs and outputs. According to him, inputs consist of human and materials reso...
Background of the study
Mobile device are arguably another revolutionary invention of our time, besides computer and internet technologies. Mobile technology is growing by leaps and bounds. From 1990 to 2014, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew fr...
ABSTRACT:- This research work was designed to finding out the importance of indigenous language in broadcast media. This project, therefore, clamoured for the development of indigenous language in the electronic media. Moreover, this project...
E-commerce is referred to as electronic commerce. It means the electronic media and the internet for dealing with goods and services. E-Commerce entails a company accessing the internet as well as IT, such as the electronic data interchange (EDI). E-commerce conce...
Background to the study
Communication is the most general form of interpersonal interaction required for decision-making and interpersonal influence in organizations.To this end, the second half of 20th century brought a tradition of communication resea...
In Nigeria, mass media efforts have been utilized to educate people, particularly pregnant women, about the benefits of using ITNs on a daily basis. In many developing countries, print and electronic media have been widely employed in behavioral c...
Mass media is a channel, medium, utility, device, or instrument used in the mass communication process. The mass media also includes, printed media, electronic media and Cyber media. Printed media such as newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets, b...
Despite the dimension that corruption has taken in history of country Nigeria corruption is seen as an increasing cankerworm or an epidemic in Nigeria state as a whole corruption has become a household word in the Nigeria society. It pervades a...
Background to the Study
In today’s world of modern governance throughout the world, the issue of good governance has assumed the front burner as an essential necessity for social, economic and political advancements (World Bank, 1989, Nanda, 2006;...
Background Of The Study
The mass media are particularly significant tools of communication since they are the means by which information may be disseminated to even the most remote parts of a community. They make it possible for us to speak with one ano...
Background of the study
Digital media, often known as new media, is the 'lovebird' of today's society. Messages intended for a big audience might be conveyed through a number of different methods (Omenugha, 2018). Print and electronic...
Background of the study
Unquestionably, media is a potent and swift mode of communication. It has a significant effect on education, politics, culture, and social cohesion, as well as a large audience. The media function as vigilant watchdogs, highlight...
The broad objective of this study is to examine the role of electronic media as a channel for creating awareness and mobilizing public support in national development using NTA as case study. The study adopted a survey research design and with the aid...
The basic aim of this study is to examine the effect of twitter ban on electronic media using Arise and Channels television in Lagos State as case study.Survey research design was adopted for the study using convenience sampling method 45 parti...
Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies in the world. In spite of that, there is paucity of research on causes of teenage pregnancies in African countries. Teenage pregnancies and the eventual dropping out of sch...
This research work explored the public understanding of the mass media and child trafficking in Nigeria using Enugu urban residents as the focus. Meanwhile the researcher adopted survey researcher method to study attitudes, perception and respo...
Business produce goods and services to satisfy the demand of customers. Much as these businesses declare profit year-in-year-out, they also face element of risk and uncertainties that may causes losses. This includes fire, theft, damage by artificial or natural...
The aim of this research is to determine the effect of electricity power supply interruption on electronic media user with particular emphasis on Television use and Radio.
Thus, its aim at determining its impact and its effects on the social and econo...
In Nigeria today, many people believe in listening to electronic media but they do not really believe in the message that is being passed across to the people.
In most programmes, a pre...
The broadcast media comprise of the radio and television, it has not been as enterprising as it should be. This is due to the majority ownership and control of the broadcast media by the government. Concisely put, broadcast is a society wide ty...
The focus of this study is to examine readers perception of the effectiveness of the print media in the creation of awareness against breast cancer a study punch newspaper in Etsako Local Government of Edo State. The study revealed the frequency of prin...
The focus of this study is to examine readers perception of the effectiveness of the print media in the creation of awareness against breast cancer a study punch newspaper in Etsako Local Government of Edo State. The study revealed the frequency of prin...
Education is a key factor for sustainable development (Chimombo, 2005). The significance of education, especially in developing countries, is increasing because of progressing pressure to catch up with the developed world regarding, for ex...
This research work was carried out on the problems and prospects of waste disposal in Bayelsa state, aimed at providing solution to problems of waste disposal in Bayelsa state. The major objectives of the study are; to determine the quality of waste generated in the study a...
This study was carried out on the role of electronic media/internet on democratic consolidation in Nigeria. The electronic media or internet has become almost an inseparable part of human life in places where they exist. In recent times, electronic media have e...
This study examined the electronic media as an effective instrument for cultural propagation. A case study of Osina Town in Ideato Local Government Area in Imo State.Osina was selected for the study because of its strategic geographical location between Anambra...
Definition of public Relation is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between organization and it’s environment. Promotion is one of the four mana...
The basic aim of this study is to examine the effect of twitter ban on electronic media using Arise and Channels television in Lagos State as case study.Survey research design was adopted for the study using convenience sampling method 45 participant wa...
The crisis that has rocked the Global economy in the past few year has been nothing but of great interest to governments, experts and scholars in different fields of study worldwide. Several phrases have been used to describe the situation. Indeed, names like;...
Material Procurement can be defined as the purchase of goods or services at a total cost of the optimum possible in the correct amount and quality of procurement. These goods and services are also purchased at the right time and location to express profit or the use of Gove...
Background to the Study
Over the years, educationists view knowledge as something that proceeds from the teacher to the learner which can only be acquired within geographically delineated areas called schools. Teachers were then viewed as custodians, givers and distributors of knowledge...
Background to the Study
Electronics media are considered as important instrument in modern world in facilitating quality instruction. The use of electronic media facilities has become a necessity for improving quality in teaching and learning in schools. Electronic medi...
Background of the Study:
Advertising is one of the tools used for persuasive communication to target audience. Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products. This communication is usually through various forms of paid media&he...
Background of the Study
Mass media are very important tools of communication, through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the society. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and space. They perform both primary an...
Background of the study
This chapter gives us an introduction to the research „‟Impact of Breath away (CRBC TV) as related to children behavioral problems (A study of Yakurr Local Government Area). The mass media is the means of passing information through the use of various chann...
Background of the Study
The impact of advertising for businesses and brands in the 21st century has become imperatively permanent and therefore cannot be overemphasized. Advertising, it is generally believed, dates back as old as man himself, and thus has been present in his economic an...
Background of study.
The Nigerian electorate in recent years has been intensely individualistic groups. Hence political parties usually confront pro-found cultural differences given the cultural structure of the Nigerian electorate. Independent Television Benin is an electronic media wi...
Background of the study
Technological advancement in communication technologies has continued to eulogize television as a powerful medium of mass communication. Interestingly, television programme span around the circuits of human endeavour including politics, culture and education. Ude...
Background to the Study
Broadcast media thrived globally before the coming of the internet and new media as a very significant medium for news, information, entertainment and social development although there were other media attempts before its advent. Globally, telegraph and print med...
This study assesses the Impact of electronic Media on teaching and learning of biology in senior secondary school. Specifically, the study examines the extent is electronic Media used in teaching biology in secondary schools, whe...