Background of the study
The teacher’s task is by no means easy as it involves someone who has some ideas, knowledge, information or experiences trying to share what he or she has with someone else who does not have a similar experience. It is a communication task...
Breastfeeding is the process of feeding an infant mother's milk, either through direct nipple-baby mouth contact or by expressed breast milk. Breast milk is classified into two types: colostrum, which is the initial yello...
For many years, educators, politicians and people in general have debated on the number of students a teacher can work effectively to ensure students adequate learning. Although most people would agree that having a few...
Background of the study
Financial service delivery is progressively merging with developing technologies in Nigeria, resulting in the already well-known 'financial technology.' Fintech was not a thing a few years ago, or rather, there was a significant gap betwe...
Kenya's population is rapidly increasing, yet more than half of the country's people are poor (Tumbo-Oeri, 2000). People who live in poverty do not have enough money to meet their fundamental necessities of food, drink, a...
Background Of The Study
The riches of a country is its health. Citizens' health is directly or indirectly tied to how productive a nation will be in terms of manpower and concerns relating to wealth creation. Furthermore, health is intimately relate...
Background To The Study
It's important to emphasize the importance of Apapa Creek Road. Any traffic congestion on it would undoubtedly cause several glitches in the logistics company, which is the primary operation on this route.
Creek roa...
Background of the study
Leadership is one concept that has emerged in productive connections between companies and society at large. Leadership is described as the process by which an individual inspires a group of people to work toward a shared goal or...
Background to the Study
Libraries are a country's knowledge and information basis. A library gathers, organizes, and makes information resources available to people of various ages, backgrounds, and interests. According to Islam (2004), a library is...
Background of the study
Library is a fast growing organization, the ancient methods of maintaining it are no longer dynamic and efficient for expeditions, retrieval and dissemination of information and better service for the students; application of modern techniques ha...
Background of the study
“Rural” means open land and tiny settlements in general, although "rural areas" are typically taken for granted or left undefined in policy-oriented and scientific literature, in a process of description that is sometimes la...
The goal of primary health care (PHC) was to provide accessible health for all by the year 2000 and beyond. Unfortunately, this is yet to be achieved in Nigeria and seems to be unrealistic in the next decade. The PHC aims at providing people of t...
Education remains the biggest instrument for academic progress, social mobilization, political survival and effective national development of any country, it constitutes the largest enterprise/industry in Nigeria that is why, the...
In the last few years, the social media phenomenon has become increasingly entertaining across the world. According to Alford, (2013), social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which deliv...
Background To The Study
Human Resource Management (HRM) is of strategic importance in all organizations. It contributes to the success of the organization and creates competitive advantage for the organization (Rana & Rastogi, 2010). The way HRM practices and polici...
Information Technology had turn to a very significant tool in order to ease our daily activities. Several organizations had accepted the use of Information Technology as a tool that need to be understood, know the concept, and have the ability to...
Libraries are mainly entrusted with a host of predetermined tasks like acquiring, organizing, preserving, retrieving and disseminating information to the user. From ancient times to the present Internet age, the primary objective of library has a...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) caused unprecedented disruptions in human activity, including education (Mouchantaf, 2020). Governments forced citizens to practice a new way of life that limited persona...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) caused unprecedented disruptions in human activity, including education (Mouchantaf, 2020). Governments forced citizens to practice a new way of life that limited persona...
The pressure from globalization has made manufacturing organization moving towards three major competitive arenas: quality, cost, and responsiveness. The process of production planning and control is central to the success of any manufacturing company.The Manufacturing sector comprises estab...
The function of performance appraisal is a strategic aspect in any review of the conditions required for an organization's growth and survival. It is considered that both the person and the organization require knowledge of h...
Information managers may leverage the ever-evolving Internet platform and technical breakthroughs in the field of information management to come up with new ways to acquire, store, manage, and disseminate information (Opeke et al...
In order to make economic decisions, all corporate organizations require information. Information, according to SINHA (2002), is an integrating force that combines organizational resources into a cohesive whole, directed toward...
Manufacturing has long played an important part in emerging countries' economic progress. The manufacturing industry is concerned with the design, processing, and preparation of goods made from commodities and raw materials....
Background of the Study
Articles 19 and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of December 10, 1948, state that the availability and use of information are essential human rights problems. In this information age, it is more important th...
Background of Study
Infant feeding practices are a significant driver of infant nutritional status, which has an impact on infant morbidity and death. Breastfeeding is one of the most important feeding strategies since it is essential for an infant'...
Every government, particularly those in developing countries, is worried about their country's economic progress. As a result, they work hard to attain better rates of economic growth and increase the living standards of their inhabitants....
Background of the study
Cost overrun is a global phenomena in the construction business, when projects are rarely completed within the projected cost. In a global assessment on construction project performance, cost overrun was recognized as the biggest...
Background to the Study
The ability of an organization's or institution's administrators to coordinate the various resources and activities of the enterprise toward objective accomplishment through management is a function of many variables, inc...
Background to the Study
The most widely used substance among teenagers is alcohol. It's a common toxin that may affect practically any organ or system in the body if consumed in excess (Anderson, 2007). As a result of intoxication, alcohol intake involves a risk of...
Nigeria is a country rich in natural and human resources, with a population of more than 140 million people primarily engaged in agriculture and small-scale business. Micro, small, and medium-sized firms (MSMEs) and both peasa...
Nigeria as a nation is characterized by a developing economy because the various sectors responsible for economic development are not optimally utilized, as a result of which we have not been able to fully tap the natural resourc...
Background of the Study
For a long time, small and medium-sized businesses have been seen as a source of financial development and improvement. As a result of this growing recognition, the World Bank Group has made small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) a...
Background to the study
The material or inventory management function is one of the most relevant roles in most businesses in terms of its importance and integration into the broader organizational architecture. Despite growing recognition of the import...
Because SSIs come in a variety of forms and have made significant contributions to nation building, the promotion of small scale industries has been a priority for governments all over the world (Aderemi et al. 2019; Tehseen &...
Background Of The Study
Maternal and child mortality are not new concepts in the social and medical sciences. They both pose serious threats to human survival especially in the future generations. It is a saying, that the future of any society depends o...
Libraries are mainly entrusted with a host of predetermined tasks like acquiring, organizing, preserving, retrieving and disseminating information to the user. From ancient times to the present Internet age, the primary objective...
Background of the study
The pressure from globalization has made manufacturing organization moving towards three major competitive arenas: quality, cost, and responsiveness. The process of production planning and control is central to the succ...
Background Of The Study
Security of library resources is very paramount in the provision of efficient library service delivery. Where there is insecurity of library collections, the resources are exposed to dangers such as theft, mutilation, and vandali...
Background of the study
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) caused unprecedented disruptions in human activity, including education (Mouchantaf, 2020). Government...
Background Of The Study
Nigeria's financial landscape has never been static. New services and products are offered on a regular basis, changing the way Nigerians engage with financial institutions and the Nigerian monetary and payment system (Adelma...
Background to the study
With the global use of progressively more sophisticated internet and information technology (Papazoglou, 2003), electronic banking is developing as a key channel for banking businesses (Wei et al., 2012). Globally, remote banking...
Background of the study
Banks are a vital part of every economy. It is the driving force behind society and economic progress. The importance of banking services to any economy's growth and development cannot be overstated. Prior to the introduction...
Background of the study
A bank is a financial organization that collects deposits and puts those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets (Uremadu, S. 2012). Customers with capital shortages are linked to customers wi...
Generally, in the whole world, particularly in Nigeria, education has been considered to be the corner stone for development. It forms the basis for literacy, skill acquisition, technological advancement and ability to harness hu...
Background of the Study
In the world over, education has become an essential commodity that determines the level of development or growth of any nation. It has become services that require the involvement of both the private and public sectors. The invo...
Background of the study
The notion of electronic banking was born as a result of technological improvement in the banking system. Customers no longer need to visit a physical financial institution to complete a transaction; instead, they can do it from...
Nestle Food Plc, case study of my project topic is well known for it vendor selection and rating. The study of purchasing and supply management can not be complete without proper selection of vendor and rating of their performance.The progress...
Background to the Study
This study is designed to look at causes...
The Management and administration of the Nigeria Educational system is by law vested concurrently in the hands of the Federal, State and Local Government. Whereas the Federal and State Governments carry out their responsibility a...