Background of the Study
The earliest and most fundamental responsibility of academic library is the conservation of knowledge. An academic library according to Akpata (1979) and Edoka (1992), refers to a library that caters :or the needs of those enqag...
Abnormal behavior is described as failing to follow the rules or standards of society or the norms of the school. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary six editions, deviant behavior is defined as behavior that differs from what is...
Background Of The Study
This project attempts to examine the effect of strike on the academic performance of schools in Nigeria at large and Oredo L.G.A. of Edo State in particular. The secondary school community is composed of many staff unions; strike...
The earliest and most fundamental responsibility of academic library is the conservation of knowledge. An academic library according to Akpata...
1 Background Of The Study
This project attempts to examine the effect of strike on the academic performance of schools in Nigeria at large and Oredo L.G.A. of Edo State in particular. The secondary school community is composed of many staff unions; stri...
Background of the study
Moral education is an issue that is currently being widely discussed as a result of the moral decadence of youths. The Nigerian society particularly is now in serious crisis for the high level of immorality that prevails in our s...
According to Reuter’s media briefs from Cameroon [16], British prime minister, cyber-crime costs the British economy some 27 billion pounds a year. On the other hand, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Report ranks Nigeria as third...
In this study, our focus was to examine the attitude of parents towards female education using selected schools in Uhunmwonde Local Governemnt Area of Edo State Nigeria as case study. The study specifically was aimed at enlightening and...
Background of Study
There are many reported cases of bullying among students in Nigeria secondary schools and other school levels. School administrators in their meetings with parents, for example at Parent – Teacher Association (PTA) meetings and...
The research work investigated the effects of single parenthood on pupils academic achievement in primary school in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. The research work employed the use of questionnaires in gathering data for analysis and it contained t...
Background Of The Study
Education is the aggregate of all processes by which a child or adult develops the abilities, attributes and other forms of behaviour that present values to his society. One of the cardinal objectives of education as spelt out in...
The research work is aimed at finding out the cause of deviant and delinquent behaviour among students in Emotan Girls Grammar School in Oredo Local Government Area, Edo State. The instrument employed in gathering the data include questionnaires, interview...
The Effects of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency by Studies show that family structure is an important factor in explaining delinquency among adolescents (Price & Kunz, 2003). There is a lack of research, however, pertaining to cohabitation. The main goals of this st...
The family as a universal social institution exists in all human society. It forms the basis without which no society can survive. It is from here the individual picks up a “self” through the process of socialization. Various factors have been assoc...
The study examined the use of information technology in teaching and learning of home economics at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State. Descriptive research survey was used in the assessment of the respondents’ opinions using questionnaire. ...
The study examined the influence of youth culture on the social orientation of adolescents in University of Lagos, Akoka Lagos.
The descriptive research survey was employed to assess the opinions of the respo...
The study examined the influence of youth culture on the social orientation of adolescents in University of Lagos, Akoka Lagos.
The descriptive research survey was employed to assess the opinions of the respo...
This study analyzed the causes and effects of delinquency among students in Olorunda Local Government Area of Osun State. The specific objectives were to examine the causes of delinquency, the acts of delinquency, and the effects of delinquency among students in the study area....
The research work investigated the effects of single parenthood on pupils academic achievement in primary school in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. The research work employed the use of questionnaires in gathering data for analysis and it contained t...
The study was aimed at investigating the influence of parenting styles and peer pressure on delinquent behaviors among Senior Secondary School Students in Mushin Local Government Area. To do this, four objectives, four research questions resear...
The study, “Sport coaching and peace building” is aimed at raveling the role of sport as a unifying agency and a tool for bringing about peace and development thereby reducing crime and delinquency in Nigeria, a case study of Platea...
The topic of this study is the cause of family instability and its effects on children in Umuchiatu Obe, Nkanu West Local Government Area Enugu State. The purpose of the study was to find out the causes of family, instability and its effects on children.Th...
The study investigates the effects of broken homes on academic performance of secondary school student. The study findings showed that broken marriages contribute a lot to student’s poor academic performance, psychological problems academic performance an...
This study was carried out on security challenges and coping strategies of university libraries for effective service delivery in Enugu state using University of Nsukka as a case study. To achieve this, seven significant research objectives wer...
Juvenile delinquency is seen as one of the menace that destroys life and property in our society today. Because of the nature of crime committed by juvenile parents, guidance, sponsors and well wishers are worried and disturbed about our future leaders. Crime associated with ju...
Background to the study
Adolescents have always been exposed to peer influence and parental support, but the kinds of peer influence that they encounter have changed tremendously in the past years. Peers can influence everything from what an adolescent chooses to wear t...
Curbing truancy among in-school adolescents in public secondary schools in Nigeria had attracted much attention from stakeholders. Efforts made by government, schools and families to check such behaviour have not produced the desired results, thus necessitating the introduction...
1.1 Background of the Study
Adolescence is a critical period of development, characterized by rapid physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, as well as increased vulnerability to external influences, including peer pressure and expos...
1.1 Background of the Study
Adolescence is a critical period of development, characterized by rapid physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, as well as increased vulnerability to external influences, including peer pressure and exposure to risky beha...