Background of the Study
The earliest and most fundamental responsibility of academic library is the conservation of knowledge. An academic library according to Akpata (1979) and Edoka (1992), refers to a library that caters :or the needs of those enqag...
Background of the study
Library is a fast growing organization, the ancient methods of maintaining it are no longer dynamic and efficient for expeditions, retrieval and dissemination of information and better service for the students; application of modern techniques ha...
In the last few years, the social media phenomenon has become increasingly entertaining across the world. According to Alford, (2013), social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which deliv...
Environmental laws are meant to safeguard humans from extinction. It is also the responsibility of the Nigerian federal government to assist in the oil and gas sector in order to prevent oil spills into the oceans (Jane et al, 20...
Nigeria, the country of many rivers, is also rich in lakes, reservoirs and wetlands but many of them had been degraded due to a lot of factors (FGN, 1993). Sustainable fisheries production and development depends largely upon go...
Background Of Study
Globally, tourism has become an important policy tool for community and regional development in many developed and developing countries. Tourism also has significant potential to influence and change the use of natural and cultural r...
Nestle Food Plc, case study of my project topic is well known for it vendor selection and rating. The study of purchasing and supply management can not be complete without proper selection of vendor and rating of their performance.The progress...
Background Of Study
Globally, tourism has become an important policy tool for community and regional development in many developed and developing countries. Tourism also has significant potential to influence and change the use of natural and cultural r...
The earliest and most fundamental responsibility of academic library is the conservation of knowledge. An academic library according to Akpata...
Background of the Study
Agriculture is the foundation and bedrock upon which the development of stable human community has depended on throughout the whole universe such as rural and urban communities. It is concerned with the husbandry of crops and ani...
It has been observed in recent times that the role the environment play to a nation‟s development process can not be relegated to the background. Apart from being the physical surrounding for natural habitats, the environment pro...
Background of the Study
Agriculture is the foundation and bedrock upon which the development of stable human community has depended on throughout the whole universe such as rural and urban communities. It is concerned with the husbandry of crops and ani...
This research work was designed to examine the causes and effect of soil erosion in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. Five (5) research questions were formulated and questionnaires were administered to one hundred (100) respon...
Sustainable increase in honeybee production and productivities is sine qua non to bridge honey products gaps in Nigeria and a path to self-sufficient in food production and conservation of ecosystem through honeybee pollination service. The stu...
The study examined the energy consumption and economic growth in Nigeria, using the time frame 1986-2016 (30years). It was established in the study that before the introduction of appropriate energy consumption, energy sector funds...
Background to the study
The paper discussed the concepts educational technology, lifelong learning and sustainable development in detail. The paper also described how instructional media and technologies can be employed to facilitate lifelong learning,...
This study examined the effects of soil erosion in emerging urban centre of Afuze, and its environs. It identifies the problems, conservation, strategies, control techniques and suggest proper management practices. The study adopts the survey research design in...
Open spaces, such as public parks, natural areas, and golf courses, offer a variety of benefits to local inhabitants, such as recreation and beautiful vistas. Residents who reside close to these resources, on the other hand, may face drawbacks su...
Variance measures the variability or difference from a mean or response. A variance value of 0 indicates that all values within a set of numbers are identical. Statisticians use variance to see how individual numbers or values relate to each othe...
Nigeria, which can be found in West Africa, spans a total of 983,213 square kilometers throughout its landmass. According to estimates provided by the World Bank, the country now has an estimated population of more than 150 milli...
Background to the study
Land is a natural gift to humanity that serves as a basic resource for economic production and human existence. Land usage by people and governments for diverse economic and social objectives is critical to societal progress. Land is an im...
Background of the Study
Various people describe drugs in a variety of ways. By definition, a drug is anything that when consumed by a living organism tends to alter one or a myriad of its functions. Owing to their chemical nature, drugs (legal or...
Background of the Study
The principles of freedom, fairness, and equality in treatment of all people, including men and women, on an equal basis, by the society, are the cornerstones of democratic governance (Nwabueze, 1993:2). (Nwabueze, 1993:2)....
One area of the environment that has lately attracted global attention is biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity is defined as the variety and variability of living species and the ecological complexity in which they live as observed by Altier...
Background of the Study
The importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in achieving economic growth, particularly in developing countries like Nigeria, cannot be overstated. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) continue to be the bedrock and...
Background Of The Study
Agbada (2019) maintained that education is the constant restructuring of experience, which is in line with the more extended statement made by Plato, who says that by education is the major channel for the transmission of knowled...
This research study aims at identifying the presentation and conservation of Local history collections in Nigeria, a case study of National War Museum, Umuahia, Abia State.
In the process of carry out this research, the researcher identifies the pr...
This study was carried out on sustainable tourism as a driving tool to cultural heritage site development using Osun-Osogbo Sacred Groves, Osun State, Nigeria as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at ascertaining how tourism he...
This study was carried out to examine the Preservation and conservation of information materials in Rivers state Unive...
The study explains preservation and conservation of library materials. In order to achieve this, causes of deterioration of library materials such as poor paper manufacture, improper storage, rough handling, pests and knowledge of disaster occurrence, electroni...
This study was carried out to examine the relevance of Africa traditional religion in this modern age: scholars perspectives. Using the Yoruba religion in Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined To examine the concept of religion in the Afric...
This research work was designed to determine the influence of graduate entrepreneurship fund (GEF) on youth economic inclusion. a case study of selected BOI beneficiaries in Awka L.G.A . The objectives of the study includes to evalu...
This study was carried out in some parts of the South Western s of Nigeria with the objective of identifying the traditional soil conservation options avail...
1 Background of the study
Over the years there have been many definitions of entrepreneurship and they have all been acceptable definitions but i define it as the
Auditing is a systematic examination of books, accounts, documents and vouchers of an organization to ascertain how far the financial statements present a true and fair view of the concern. It also ensures that the books of accounts are properly maintained by t...
Akwa Ibom States is located in the rainforest belt of Nigeria known for preponderance of agricultural biodiversity. Agricultural biodiversity or agrobiodiversity is succinctly referred, is the diversity of agrogenetic resources used directly fo...
Biology is basic for understanding the complexities of life. This aspect of science for example, genetically making significant contribution such as genetically modified foods to many of the inventions that are shaping modern day, and has helped to explain many...
Public procurement as a business process, within a given political system distinct consideration of integrity, accountability, national interest and effectiveness defines it. This study was undertaken to examine the impact of public procurement act on the accou...
This study was carried out on the level of community participation in the conservation of natural resources. in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Southern Cross River State, Nigeria is aimed at establishing the extent of community participation in natural resour...
The project focuses on the Identification of Difficult Biology Topics Amongst Senior Secondary School Students in Makurdi metropolis. It investigated the topics in biology that students find difficult either to learn and comprehend or to answer questions in the...
The study examined the energy consumption and economic growth in Nigeria, using the time frame of thirty (30) years period from 1986-2016. It was established in the study that before the introduction of appropriate energy consumption,&nbs...
Background to the study
The university plays a central role in the development of a nation; it provides the intellectual force and manpower needed to sustain the socio-economic and political aspiration of the nation. According to Wikipedia, the free online encyclo...
Residential Building: This is defined as the building which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential purposes. It is provided with or without cooking or dining or both facilities. Residential building includes one or...
Soil erosion is recognized as one of the world's most serious environmental problems (Pimentel et al 1995, Shiferaw and Holden, 1999). Globally, about 80% of the current degradation of agricultural land is caused by soil erosion. In most developing c...
Energy conservation in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a key area of research aimed at addressing the challenge of efficient energy utilization. This is due to the fact that the Sensor Nodes (SNs) have limited energy. The limited energy has to be utilized efficiently in orde...
The aim of this study was to carry out a flood risk assessment for Ofu River Catchment in Nigeria. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission Digital Elevation Model (SRTM DEM) and River Map of Africa were used to delineate the catchment boundaries in ArcGIS 10.2.2 coupled with ArcHydro...
Globally, human-wildlife conflict is increasing due to increased encroachment by human populations into natural habitats. The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious) is often involved in human-wildlife conflict in Africa. This conflict is a major threat to hippos, which are clas...
This study examined the effects of soil erosion on settlement in Agbor, and its environs. It identifies the problems, conservation, strategies, control techniques and suggest proper management practices. The study adopts the survey research design in data colle...
Biological diversity-the variety within and among species and ecosystem is essential for our planet, human wellbeing, livelihood and cultural integrity of the people. Nigeria is known for its abundance of biodiversity resources endowment, it is the second largest wetland in the...
Background to the Study
Literature is a carrier and reflector of society which captures the life and essence of a people’s existence in totality. Terry Eagleton in Literary Theory: An Introduction posits that “literature is concrete rather than abstract, displays life in all...