Background of the Study
Man had been looking for ways to improve the efficacy of his communication for thousands of years. Aristotle defined those critical factors in the communication process over two thousand years ago. According to him, communication...
The interdependence of businesses is a core element of modern economic life. No contemporary firm is self-contained. There is no question that small and medium-sized businesses are the true foundation of a country's economy....
Business Education programs are part of the total educational program in Nigeria. Co-ordinated efforts on the part of business educations, school administration and guidance counsellors have brought the necessary changes. Hi...
It has been noted that the efficiency and the productivity level of the workers in any organization depends to a great extent on how well the organization is managed. In the contemporary time, man has always geared...
Background to the study
Technical and Vocational Education and Training has been regarded as the bedrock to sustainable technology development programs in entrepreneurship, occupational professionalism, self-reliance, poverty alleviation, wealth creatio...
The findings of this study revealed that promotion influences business studies teachers’ job satisfaction in table 4.3. This was based on the analysis which showed that promotion increases sense of responsibility of teachers, makes teachers feel reliabl...
Teaching involves the impartation of requisite attributes, while learning can be seen as the acquisition of requisite attributes. These two concepts help in changing the behaviour of the students resulting from experiential interventions. The major aim of this res...
Business education is a field of education which deal with business experiences for specialized occupational uses. Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and process of business. As an arm of vo...
Learning has been so much associated with the school that some people almost think that learning goes on only in schools. This view of learning has been greatly reinforced by such reference to schools as institutions of learning...
The study was a descriptive research design, which focuses on teachers and students from five private and five public schools in Yaba Local Government Education District. The sample for the study comprises of 30 teachers and 70 students randoml...
The study was aimed at ascertaining Business Education teacher’s perceptions regarding the structure of JSC examination in Enugu State with particular reference to Enugu Urban. The target population of the study comprised a...
The world has become a vastly complicated place. Scientific discovery, business development, technological advancement, the struggle to earn a living, increasing global independence, the rapid advancement of information age, and the increasing size of gover...
Background of the study
The central tenet of the Nigerian educational system is the development of the whole person into a responsible and productive member of society. This is accomplished through the acquisition of the appropriate knowledge, mental and physical capabi...
According to the Australian Government (2015), the contemporary educational system serves to develop an individual's attitude, behavior, skills, and competence so that they may generate value in a number of contexts and...
Background of the study
One of the fundamental rights of every human being is education. Education prepares the individual for challenges in life. Consequently, Gujjar (2020) opined that education does not only deliver information, but for developing co...
In any given civilization, the purpose of education and training is to offer the individual receiving it with a sequence of well-organized levels for learning at each and every degree of education. Business education is a compone...
Background of the study
Education, according to Whitehead (2022), is the process through which society's cultural norms and values are passed down from one generation to the next.
According to the same point of view, Atwater and Yammarino...
This study investigated the Information and Communication Technology skills needed by Business Studies Teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in Adamawa State. To achieve this broad objective, four research questions were dev...
In this study, our focus was to carryout a critical analysis on the problems affecting the effective teaching and learning of business studies. A sample of 125 respondents was selected from secondary schools across mainland local government in Lagos state using the s...
This study examine the Influence of Class Size and Teachers’ Experience on Business Education Students Academic Performance in Lagos Mainland Education District, using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires were administered to...
The purpose of this research work is to analysis socio-economic factors affecting the academic performance of Business Education students in Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State. This study adopted a descriptive survey design to a...
Education is an important aspect of economic development. The social, economic and political needs of the citizens in a country may be met through the curriculum, however curriculum face challenges in its implementation. The study was carried out to ide...
The need to check the Problems and Prospects of teaching Business Studies as necessitate this research work. This Study was carried out at five selected schools at Shomolu Local Government Area of Lagos State. The total Population comprises of 80 whi...
The effect of teacher’s educational qualification and teaching method on student interest in business studies, the conventional, docile, passive and teacher centered approach is still been preferred also majority of the b...
This study was carried out to examine the role of formal school in promoting entrepreneurial capacities in Nigeria, using Edo university Iyamho, Edo State as a case study. The study was carried out to examine the role of for...
This study was carried out on the use of information and communication technology in teaching of business study. To achieve this 4 research objectives were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple ran...
The Nigerian National Policy on Education (NPE) was developed to meet national technological and economic needs. One of the ways of achieving this policy thrust was the introduction of Business Studies (Business Education subjects) into the Nigerian secondary school curriculum...
This study was intended to assess the factors responsible for the poor academic performance in public Junior secondary schools. This study was guided by the following objectives; Ascertain environmental factors as causes of poor academic performance of students...
The study examined the availability of instructional materials, its adequacy and relevance; characteristics of instructional materials, importance of instructional materials, and factors affecting the use of instructional materials on students’ academic...
This study is on problems and prospects of teaching and learning business studies in secondary school. The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected secondary schools in Nsukka educational zone Enugu state. The researcher used questionnaires...
Background to the Study
Education is a vehicle which conveys people from unknown to known or from abstract to concrete knowledge and facilitates their ability to distinguish wrong from right in all undertakings. This is why education is regarded as the totality of expe...
Background to the Study
Business studies refers to those business subjects taught at the secondary school level such as book-keeping, keyboarding, shorthand, general subjects-equal with education for entrance into business word given at any educational level. Business s...
The study was conducted to assess the adequacy of business studies curriculum implementation on students‟ skill acquisition in the secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study was necessitated by the continuous increase in the rate of unemployment of secondary school lea...
This study assessed the Assessment of Junior Secondary Business Studies Curriculum Implementation in Plateau State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research objectives among which were to identify the funding strategies adopted by government for the implementation of busi...
This study was conducted on influence of socio-economic characteristics of parents on secondary school students‟ academic performance in business studies in Kaduna State.Three specific objectives, three research questions were stated to guide the study and three hypotheses were...
This study investigated the ―Secondary Schools Students‘ Socio-economic Background and Academic Achievement in Business Studies in Zaria and Giwa Education Zones, Kaduna State‖. To achieve the aim of this research, four objectives were formulated in line with research que...
In any culture, the value of high-quality technical education cannot be overstated. In both developed and developing nations, technical vocational education and training (TVET) has been identified as the primary emphasis for econ...
Without students, schools, colleges, and universities are nothing. Any educational institution's most valuable asset is its students. The country's social and economic prosperity is inextricably connected to student...
This study was carried out to examine the influence of class size on teaching and learning of agricultural science in secondary schools in Ila local government. Specifically, the study aims to determine whether class siz...
Background of the study
Informal education has garnered significant attention as an alternative learning approach that fosters practical skills beyond the confines of formal classroom instruction. In Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State, informal education initi...
Background of the Study:
In an increasingly competitive global market, ethical considerations in business dealings have become essential for sustainable economic development. In Sokoto South LGA, Sokoto State, the role of moral education in shaping students’ ethical outlook toward...