A student teacher observed that the practical component of teacher training - practice teaching - was a challenging and stressful element of the course. She didn't seem to appreciate the experience. The experience of this student teacher desc...
The Term “Ratio Analysis” could be described as the analysis of financial statement in order to judge the performance of the COMPANY or group of companies.
The “Investment Decision” Means the allocation of funds t...
Abnormal behavior is described as failing to follow the rules or standards of society or the norms of the school. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary six editions, deviant behavior is defined as behavior that differs from what is...
Background Of Study
A farmer who planted corps expects results, just as a student who waits for an exam does. The same may be said for an investor. The farmer may be informed of the outcome in the form of a bountiful crop. A pupil would normally be satisfied with a resu...
The notion of auditing data dates back to ancient times, with the oldest signs of its existence discovered among major landowners of the Middle Ages in Italy and Egypt.
However, according to afounka (1993), statutory auditi...
Background of the Study
The capacity of a manufacturing industry's or, more broadly, an organization's members to operate reliably and efficiently to fulfill the industry's objectives is a necessary condition for the industry's sus...
Background of the study
According to Amidu, John, and Joshua (2011), accounting is important to the success or failure of modern business organizations. Systems are in responsible of recording, analyzing, monitoring, and assessing commercial companies&#...
Background of the study
For some months, the discourse of restructuring has dominated the public sphere, and this theme has been disseminated via the use of digital, print, and electronic media. Restructuring appears to be the in-thing currently in every quarter. Until...
The production of information for insiders such as firm managers is known as management accounting (Anyanwu, 2010). Managers utilize this data to track their progress toward their objectives and identify any possible issues ahea...
Word wide, manufacturing industries have grown tremendously in the last decade. Some of the industries are predominantly in the small scale sector employing mostly unskilled and untrained manpower. Besides, the increased consumpt...
Background to the study
Auditor independence refers to the ability of the external auditor to act with integrity and impartiality during his/her auditing functions. According to the Indonesian Accounting Association (2010), auditor independence is an ex...
Background to the Study
The trend and the volume are increasing on a daily basis and all levels of the society are involved. The rich, the poor, the young and the elderly, the male and female all are neck deep in fraud and fraud related activities that say a lot about...
The effectiveness of any marketing activities does not solely depend on the ability to offer competitive range of product and services rather sack up extensive campaigns for success, knowledge of the influences which affect buying preferences, is...
The history of planning is old as man himself planning had started from the ancient era during the primitive period when there were no industries or firms. Planning is a basic function of management thus therefore means that planning pervades all...
1. The problems of property taxation in Nigeria is undervaluation,incomplete registers and policy inadequacy, and ineffective administration.
2. The benefit of property taxation in Nigeria is that it provides a basis for local autonomy, facilitates...
The recent global financial crisis, which had its roots in the banking sector, highlighted, except from the existing regulatory gaps, the lack of proper and efficient internal audit functions within the banking institutions in or...
Nigeria seems to have acquired a name that is synonymous with corruption. As a nation, it has carved out for itself the reputation of the most corrupt in the world. Our treatment in international politics as a parish&nb...
The American Accounting Association (AAA) defines auditing as systematic process of objectivity obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic activities and events to as...
The role of internal auditing in the review of effectiveness of the internal control system is to find out whether the internal control system is functioning well as it is intended to do. The internal control system is called to be effective, if t...
Background to the Study
Conflict of interest and auditor’s independence are two concepts that must be considered properly in this project work. If there is any way auditors’ conflict of interest affects his independence.
To start w...
This study was carried out to examine the assessment of audit expectation gap in Nigeria using ICAN Lagos state as the case study. Specifically, the study aimed at ascertaining the responsibility and reliability factors which contribute to...
There is no disagreement on the importance of mathematics to both the science, social sciences, business and to our everyday life (Omenka, 2013). Mathematics is the key element and activity in t...
This study was carried out to examine Forensic Accounting And Audit As a Panacea For Preventing Corporate Fraud In Nigeria using First Bank Plc, Ikeja, Lagos State as a case study. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out if the i...
Fraud is an endemic that are gradually becoming a normal way of life in both public and private sectors, from the presidential cabinets, down to the political officer, to the ward councillors, from managing directors of companies...
Fraud is an endemic that are gradually becoming a normal way of life in both public and private sectors, from the presidential cabinets, down to the political officer, to the ward councillors, from managing directors of companies...
The problem of fraud, money laundering, and other unethical behaviors in commercial and government organizations has demanded the use of forensic or investigative accounting and the practice of those accounting methods. Investiga...
The problem of fraud in financial institution in Nigeria has remained one of the disturbing features of the banking sector. The menace is of the great concern to regulatory authorities the government and the general public...
Background of the study
The word non-profit making organizations explained that the organizations are not established for the purpose of making profits. Non-profit making organizations such as clubs, societies, charitable organizations and social organi...
Background to the Study
According to Swanson (2008), it is as important for corporations to know that their corporate structure and strategic decisions affect audit fees as it is for the auditor to adequately understand and evaluate the liability risk a...
Background of the study
In a development economy, where it is believed that adequate financial resources are a pre-requisite for industrial transformation, the importance of capital as a necessary though not sufficient condition for economic growth is recognized. Howeve...
The documentation management system in most audit firms no doubt, has a difficult task in today’s competitive auditing industry; hence there is the need for a fat, more efficient and effective processing system.
Client’s files cannot be as...
Background of the study
It should come as no surprise that huge sums of money and vast amounts of material are being put to use by various business groups (Baker, 2022). Both the quantity of and the monetary worth of activities carried out by the public sector have...
Background of the Study
Globally, auditing is an independent evaluation of an economic entity created by its management to examine the internal control system and report on its ampleness in terms of validity, economics, effectiveness, and the necessary...
Globally, electronic prescription, often known as EP, is an essential component of e-Health, which refers to the implementation of information and communication technologies inside healthcare delivery systems. Today, in hospitals...
The construction industry has evolved into an ever more intricate web of linkages between ever more rapid processes, choices, and actions. On the other hand, there is a movement in the direction of more sustainable practices (Boussabain, 20...
Background of the Study
The value of any local government is measure...
Recently, proper management and accountability of financial resources like funds in the public sector has begun to receive much prominence. This is primarily due to an increase in fraud and high inflation rates, which deval...
Background of the Study
Globally, auditing is an independent review of an economic entity that is established by the management of the firm in order to examine the internal control system and report on its ampleness in terms of validity, economics, effe...
Background Of The Study
This is now a national issue. The increasing incidence of fraud and misappropriation of funds and property by Accounting officers and chief executive in the public sector of the Nigeria economy pose pertinent question as to wheth...
The word "audit" originates from the Latin word "audire," which literally translates to "to hear in the holding days." The practice of conducting an audit can be traced all the way back to ancient ti...
This research is on the challenges of cost benefit analysis in a computerized auditing System. The purpose of this study is to enquire into the viability or other wise of computerized auditing Systems, with particularly referen...
This study was carried out to examine the effect of auditing and investigating in small scale business organization in First Bank Abuja. Specifically, the study examined the extent of substantial domination of the accounting and financial management...
The primary objective of carrying out this research was to have an overview of “The Effect of Auditing in the development of Nigeria Economy”.
Fifty subjects were used as the population for the research. This research work has been logically divided into f...
This study was carried out to examine internal audit as an instrument of management control using Lagos state judiciary, Lagos State. Specifically, the study examined the need for assisting the financial statement of government paras...
This study was carried out to Internal auditing as an instrument for effective management and accountability of financial resources in the public sector using Udi Local Government in Enugu State. The study adopted a survey researc...
This study was carried out to examine the effect of internal audit on the performance of private firms using anambra motor manaufacturing company as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at determining if internal...
Internal audit system plays a key role in the assurance chain towards accountability and control. therefore the purpose of this study is to provide evidence on the perception about the effectiveness of audit accoubtability in the Nigeria sector. In other to carry out a pr...
An auditor of the evidence may describe an audit as an examination from which final revenue accounts and balance sheet of an organization have been prepared. In order to ascertain that they present a true and fair view of the sum...
In this research work titled the impact of internal auditing on the profitability of money deposit bank with particular reference to First Bank Nig Plc. The researcher evaluated the impact of internal auditing on the profitability of First Bank Nig Plc...
This study examines the accounting system on the performance of non-profit making organizations in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to find out if non-profit organizations (NPOs) has a proper accounting and internal control system and also to find out i...