1.1 Background to Study
Family planning is widely acknowledged as an important intervention towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) four (4) and five (5) as it has proven to reduce maternal and child mortality. Family planning can prevent unwanted pregnancies and unsafe ab...
Background of the study
According to the WHO definition (2001), mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual makes full use of his or her abilities, successfully copes with stress in daily li...
Background of the study
Malaria is an acute febrile illness caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are spread to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles Mosquito. Malaria has been t...
Background to the Study
Children's play has always been a natural phenomenon. Children who are healthy and not disabled (physically challenged), according to Aziza (2000), cannot live without playing in their natural environments. In some cultures,...
Kenya's population is rapidly increasing, yet more than half of the country's people are poor (Tumbo-Oeri, 2000). People who live in poverty do not have enough money to meet their fundamental necessities of food, drink, a...
The most primary aim of language is communication, and communication can be transactional or interactional. However, different languages have different forms a...
Background Of The Study
The riches of a country is its health. Citizens' health is directly or indirectly tied to how productive a nation will be in terms of manpower and concerns relating to wealth creation. Furthermore, health is intimately relate...
Gender is clearly defined as the economic, social, and cultural characteristics, qualities, and opportunities associated with being either male or female. Men and women are fundamentally different in most civilizations, as seen b...
Background to the study
Entrepreneurship's dynamism is considered as capable of addressing new economic, social, and environmental concerns as globalization reshapes the global economic landscape and technological advancement creates more unpredicta...
Background to the Study
Libraries are a country's knowledge and information basis. A library gathers, organizes, and makes information resources available to people of various ages, backgrounds, and interests. According to Islam (2004), a library is...
In the history of Islam, doctrinal disagreements that resulted in the formation of sects were unavoidable, as the Prophet Mohammed is said to have predicted (S.A.W). 1Also, the notion of regeneration (Tajdeed) is based on another...
Malaria is a life threatening parasitic disease transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes. In Nigeria, malaria is responsible for around 60% of the out-patient visits to health facilities, 30% of childhood death, 25% of death in children under one y...
Education remains the biggest instrument for academic progress, social mobilization, political survival and effective national development of any country, it constitutes the largest enterprise/industry in Nigeria that is why, the...
Because of the alleged harmful consequences of antibiotic resistance on human health, there is growing demand to decrease or abolish the use of antibiotics in poultry feed (Javandel et al., 2008). A nationwide regulation prohibit...
Background to the study
The review of information contained in the business's accounting reports can provide a picture of how well the firm has fared. Managers owe it to various stakeholders, particularly investors, to generate accounting reports th...
According to Ajayi et al. (2006), supporting a secure, convenient, and inexpensive payment system is one of the criteria for the growth of the national economy. Today's world is shifting away from paper payment systems and to...
Background to the study
Brunekreef and Holgate (2002), Künzli et al. (2000), and Pope et al. (2002) all have considerable evidence that ambient air pollution has an impact on human health. The majority of research has focused on how air pollution a...
The term "trade union" refers to an organization of wage and salary earners created for the goal of preserving and enhancing the working circumstances of its members in a corporation or organizatio...
Background to the Study
Communication's role in fostering a feeling of belonging and social responsibility among members of a society is strongly entrenched in its ability to provide individuals with knowledge and information that may lead to self-d...
Marriage is a global institution that is recognized and revered in a variety of jurisdictions, even if the legal formalities of statutory marriage, which this study focuses on, may vary (Ayinla, 2009). Apart from the broad belief that marriage is...
Marriage is a global institution that is recognized and revered in a variety of jurisdictions, even if the legal formalities of statutory marriage, which this study focuses on, may vary (Ayinla, 2009). Apart from the broad belief that marriage is...
Background to the Study
It is not exaggeration that despite the effort of National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) and other bodies like the International Labour Organization (ILO)1, there are still cases and reports of women and child traf...
Field research is the collecting of data outside of a laboratory, library, or workplace context (Okafor, 2017). The tactics and methods utilized in field research differ depending on the discipline. Biologists, for example, may s...
Background to the Study
The ability of an organization's or institution's administrators to coordinate the various resources and activities of the enterprise toward objective accomplishment through management is a function of many variables, inc...
Background of the study
Mosquitoes are extremely important to man's health and economic progress. Both human and animal illnesses are transmitted and spread by them (Gouge, 2012). Mosquitoes are the most significant arthropods for public health and...
Background of the study
Transparency and accountability are essential for the effective operation of a contemporary democracy and the promotion of societal well-being. Many powers are allocated to governmental bodies in most countries. The delegators, t...
The expansion of the labor sector always needs a defined connection between union and management; this relationship, in general, concerns an organization's continuous existence in order to fulfill the objective for which it w...
Background to the study
Electronic banking in Nigeria has been considered by many, particularly economists, as having significant ramifications for the Nigerian economy, particularly the banking industry, over time. Nigeria's economy has benefited g...
Background of child Study
Child abuse constitutes one of the most terrible crises of childhood. The occurrence of such attacks is fundamentally repugnant to went virtually ignored and un- investigated. Statistics only began to grow as late as 1962 when...
Background Of The Study
The 21st century has witnessed a great exodus from the traditional business model (Brick) to Electronic business (Click).This paradigm shift can be associated with the corresponding increase in the knowledge of information t...
Background to the Study
Mass failure in a course happens when a substantial percentage (about 70%) of students who enrol for a certain examination fail that test. According to research, there are several reasons that lead to widespread student failure i...
Learning has been revealed to be a highly difficult topic in the fields of education and psychology all across the world. Several researchers have attempted to describe it in various ways, and each description is somewhat correct...
Coronaviruses are a kind of virus that infects both animals and humans. They are members of the Coronaviridae family. Human corona viruses can cause moderate sickness, similar to a common cold, or severe illness (such as MERS - M...
It is the responsibility of government to develop and execute policies that will benefit its citizens (Burtch, 2006). It is their responsibility to establish order and provide an enabling atmosphere for the flourishing of its peo...
Background of the Study
Environment is a comprehensive term, which comprises of all the factors which make up the surroundings. The air that one breathes, the land on which one lives, the water one drinks and all the living and non-living things that ar...
Background Of The Study
Nigeria's financial landscape has never been static. New services and products are offered on a regular basis, changing the way Nigerians engage with financial institutions and the Nigerian monetary and payment system (Adelma...
Background of the study
Food is the fuel necessary to get through a normal day. Calories in food provide energy to carry out regular day-to-day activities. Without an adequate amount of this energy, students may fall asleep in school or lack the energy...
Background to the study
With the global use of progressively more sophisticated internet and information technology (Papazoglou, 2003), electronic banking is developing as a key channel for banking businesses (Wei et al., 2012). Globally, remote banking...
Background of the study
In recent years, rapid technical advancement and new business models have led in a slew of novel retail payment options. These advancements are raising the possibility of significant changes in the re...
In the last few years, the social media phenomenon has become increasingly entertaining across the world. According to Bazley, (2016), social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional m...
Every society across the globe has its peculiar problems and challenges. Nigeria is not an exception. As a developing country, she faces her own share of social, political, economic and cultural problems which has in no small mea...
The thesis statistically analyzed of the role of microfinance bank in agricultural development in Nasarawa state. The study cover three selected microfinance banks, microfinance bank has played a vital role in the financing of various agricultural development programme. According to Schreive...
No matter how organized a business organization is, most of the problems faced by its’ executive are the effective management of its human resources to achieve organizational goals (Zhor, & Oldham, 2004).
Background Of The Study
Motivation is a common word often discussed by people in any given organisation and it shall be discuss in terms of management and employees relationship. Basically, management involves planning, organising, directing, coordinati...
Background to the Study
This study is designed to look at causes...
Background to the study
Cities are at the nexus of a further threat to the environment, namely the production of an increasing quantity and complexity of wastes (Chika, 2018). The estimated quantity of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated worldwid...
Occupational Health as defined by the joint committee of the ILO/WHO (1950) is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupation. It is further explained as...
Background to the study
Cities are at the nexus of a further threat to the environment, namely the production of an increasing quantity and complexity of wastes (Jude, 2019). The estimated quantity of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated worldwide...
Tourism in recent times has developed significantly to become one of most rapidly growing industries in the world. According W.T.O (2002), ‘global economy is presently driven by three major industries and these are tec...
Malaria is an acute febrile illness caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are spread to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles Mosquito. Malaria has been the focus of multiple declarations, and a range of targets have been set since...