Education may be a strong pillar upon which each nation‘s economy depends also as a source of empowering the youths morally and intellectually. We cannot afford to observe it being crippled by any social problem like truancy. The Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary defines truancy because the practice of staying faraway from school without permission. A truant may be a child who stays faraway from school without permission. Truancy has also been defined by Okon (2001) because the conduct of staying faraway from school or lessons without good reason. This negative attitude among students has been attributed to lack of orientation. it's been suggested that this negative attitude must be changed through re-orientation of their knowledge without the importance of education. He further described truancy as being counter- productive and antisocial.
As observed in Ogbodo (2004), truancy among adolescents in secondary schools has contributed largely not only to the poor performance of scholars in examinations conducted internally and externally but also to the moral decadence prevalent among adolescents in secondary schools. consistent with Williams (2000) truancy is that the act of staying faraway from school or leaving home on the pretext of getting to school while roaming the road only to return home at the close of the varsity . In his view, a truant is a private who just doesn't want to travel to high school and makes plans to try to to another thing else. the reality remains that truancy may be a reflection‘ of the decay of social values and norms that have succeeded in destroying the very foundation of education and thus must be confronted head on. More worrisome is that the incontrovertible fact that truancy in our schools cuts across every stratum of the tutorial system, from the schools to the Polytechnics. In colleges of education, secondary and first schools the story is that the same, especially within the lyceum in Abia State, in Aba North government Area.
According to Rotmi (2005), same factors related to Nigerian schools have provided a tract for truants. These factors might include lack of teachers, idleness, lack of teaching and learning facilities, failure or lack of success in class , contempt for intellectual culture and lack of dedication on the a part of the teachers. Williams (2000) identified some home factors as being liable for students‘ truant behaviour. These home factors include defective discipline, disability of oldsters , lack of affection, marital adjustment, and broken homes among others. Williams (2000) further observed that truancy has interfered adversely with students‘ academic performance also as their moral standard. Lack of or inadequate guidance and counselling services in schools are identified together of the main factors liable for truancy among students in secondary schools. Therefore, there's got to determine the foremost effective counselling mode to assist students with truant behaviour especially people who manifest high level truancy in order that they will put up a more desirable and positive attitude towards their studies. At this juncture, it's important to say that the researcher was permitted to require up this study as a results of her personal experiences with lyceum students for over a decade within the field of teaching. it had been discovered by the researcher that students in secondary schools are not any longer curious about school. They leave their homes within the morning on the pretext of getting to school but they roam the road and return home at the close of the varsity . However, it's the assumption of the researcher that guidance and counselling can proffer an enduring solution to the present serious educational problem. Most students may have the skills and opportunities to review and achieve their ambitions in life but they'll not put these abilities and opportunities into use thanks to coevals influence and that they may become truants. Therefore counselling should be provided to encourage such students to simply accept the responsibility for full utilization of their potentials and opportunities.
Counselling may be a helping relationship which will be entered into by knowledgeable counsellor with one person only (i.e. individual counselling or with two or more persons (i.e. group counselling). Nwoje (2001) viewed counselling because the integral a part of guidance which provides the forum for interaction and exchange of views between the client and therefore the counsellor. Okobiah (2001) defined counselling as a process of helping the client understand and solve a drag. Consistent with Uzoeshi (2004), counselling is aimed toward assisting the client to beat his problems and become happier and simpler . Kolo (2000) also viewed counselling as a process of assisting a private with problem or problems through the expert advice of the counsellor which is given within the course of his interaction with the client. The enhancement of individual‘s growth and overcoming problem as gathered from the above definitions also can be made possible through either individual or group counselling. These counselling modes (individual and group counselling) have their unique advantages and drawbacks . Therefore, the counsellor‘s choice of any of the above counselling modes should be told by the merits and therefore the nature of his client‘s problem also because the facilities at his disposal.
Individual counselling consists of these one-to-one interactions with clients during which the therapeutic process is applied to resolving personal concerns, careers and academic decisions and problems of human adjustment. it's a customized , confidential personal help given to a client by a counsellor to resolve his or her adjustment problems so on become happier and more productive in life. consistent with Oladele (2002) individual counselling may be a counselling relationship involving the counsellor interacts or exchanges views with the client, with the aim of helping the client to present or solve personal problems or change some negative or maladaptive behaviour. In individual counselling the interaction is very confidential.
On the opposite hand, group counselling may be a counselling relationship that stimulates more closely social interaction and interpretation patterns than individual counselling. It's a counselling relationship between a counsellor and therefore the group members who are between 8 and 10 clients. Group counselling may be a counselling relationship between a counsellor and two or more clients. Group counselling operates on the principle of freedom of expression by the clients, that is, clients are liberal to express their feelings and attitudes without being reprimanded and judged. They share their feelings with one another , display empathy and interest in their member‘s problems, keep the rule of confidentiality and desist from resisting and manipulating behaviours which will hinder the progress and growth of the group counselling process. During the group counselling relationship, clients also learn desired behaviours. Group counselling is suggested for less than those students who are experiencing continuing or temporary problems. It attempts to switch attitudes stressing effective involvement of clients. Group counselling may be a process of using group interaction to facilitate deeper self - understanding and toleration, there's need for mutual respect and acceptance to exist between the counsellor and members within the group
Many adolescents encounter adjustment problems which mean they have a group of conditions that can occur when they have difficulty coping with a stressful life event. These can include the death of a loved one, relationship issues and so on. While everyone encounters stress, some people have trouble handling certain stressors.
This brings the counseling methods into usefulness as these methods may be the only means through which adolescents in secondary schools may learn to cope and keep their grades up. This study seeks to assess two counselling modes and their effect on adolescents adjustment problems in secondary schools.
This study seeks to assess two counselling modes and their effect on adolescents adjustment problems in secondary schools, Thus, the following objectives;
1. To investigate the role counseling plays in helping adolescents in their day to day lives.
2. To investigate whether group counseling would be effective on adolescents adjustment problems.
3. To investigate whether co-counseling would be effective on adolescents adjustment problems.
The following questions guide this study;
1. What is the role counseling plays in helping adolescents in their day to day lives?
2. Would group counseling be effective on adolescents adjustment problems?
3. Would co-counseling be effective on adolescents adjustment problems?
This study will be significant to school administrators and counselors as it relates to the counseling methods that can help with adolescents adjustment problems which may be used to aid adolescents. This study will also be an addition to the academic world as it would add to limited research works that have been conducted on such a subject matter and provide material for other researchers who wish to carry out a similar study.
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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