There is no universally agreed notion of what constitutes violence against women. In other words, there is no agreement among scholars and practitioners on what is meant by violence against women (Mouzos and Makkai, 2020). For example, is pushing a woman or sending harassing text messages violence against women? If a husband verbally insults his wife or controls the purse strings, is this violence against women? Mouzos and Makkai (2019) opine that women who were victimized by a stranger were more likely to regard the behaviour as violent than if they were victimized by someone known to them even though the behaviour may be the same. This lack of agreement about what violence against women is, undoubtedly contributes to inconsistencies in estimates of prevalence of violence against women. Be that as it may, whether a female is victimized by a stranger or an intimate partner, it is still regarded as violence against women. The perpetrator of the violence does not really matter but what matters most is that a woman has been victimized and the act should be regarded as violent. Although men are more likely than women to be victims of violent crimes, patterns of victimization differ. Women are far-more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate partner (Bachman, 1994; Bachman and Saltzman, 2020). Infact, Bachman and Saltzman (2019) maintained that violence against a woman is usually perpetrated by someone known to the woman. It is important to note that attacks by intimates are more dangerous to women than attacks by strangers (Bachman and Saltzman, 2019).
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