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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background to the Stusy

Science serves as a veritable tool for the sustainable growth and development of a nation. Indeed the strength of a nation and the respect she commands from other nations are functions of her level of scientific and technological development. Science and Mathematics are the keys to innovation and power in today‟s world (Friedman, 2005). However, the increasing complexity of the world today imposes new and changing workforce requirements. This means that new workers will need ever more sophisticated skills in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology which, in effect, require improved approaches to the teaching and learning of science. It is also instructive to note that since Science and Technology aim at improving production and productivity, the standard of living of citizens in countries that develop scientifically and technologically is most likely to improve appreciably. Ahmed, Abimbola, Omosewo and Akanbi (2012) note that any nation wishing to be recognized globally must ensure „she is sound fated in science and technology‟. Development in Science and Technology however does not come about by chance but by sound and conscious effort powered by appropriate, efficient and result-oriented science education that is dynamic enough to respond to current and emerging challenges. It is therefore not surprising to see nations that have visions invest heavily in the development of Science and Technology and constantly researching into how their educational systems can produce great scientists. Countries that are in the forefront scientifically, technologically and economically are those that have shown great improvement in the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics. This reflects in learners‟ achievements in both subjects. For example, the report by the National Science Foundation (2002) on the performance of American science learners in Mathematics and that of Science achievement by 2 the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows generally that performance in Mathematics and Science has improved since the late 1960s and early 1970s. A slight decline in performance was experienced in the late 1970s, which however increased again during the 1980s and early 1990s, and has remained mostly stable since that time. NAEP Mathematics achievement has been increasing among 9-, 13-, and 17-year-old students since the early 1980s, although most of these gains occurred before 1992. In terms of international comparison, Science News (2012) reveals in its report on Global Student Achievement in Mathematics, Science and Reading Literacy that countries that have highest achievement in Science and Mathematics are the world leaders in terms of growth and development, using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) which provides the first global assessment of Mathematics and Science. TIMSS provides data about trends over time, measuring achievement in these subjects every four years at the fourth and eighth grades since 1995. As in previous cycles, TIMSS for 2011 -- the fifth assessment -- reports achievement at four international benchmarks that describe what students know and can do in Mathematics and Science, and can be used to help interpret achievement scores. In Mathematics at the fourth grade, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong were top performers, followed by Chinese Taipei and Japan. Northern Ireland, the Flemish Community of Belgium, Finland, England, and the Russian Federation also performed very well. In addition, the US state of North Carolina also had high achievement, though lower than the East Asian countries. In Mathematics at the eighth grade, Korea, Singapore, and Chinese Taipei led the world in achievement, followed by Hong Kong and Japan. There was a substantial gap in achievement between these five East Asian countries and the next highest performing countries, including the Russian Federation, Israel, Finland, the United States, and England. For example, the gap in average achievement between Korea and England is more than 100 points. In addition, the US states of Massachusetts and Minnesota also had high achievements.


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