This study is on the impact of funding on the provision and maintenance of facilities in public secondary schools in kogi state, Nigeria, from (2014-2017). The study has eight (8) objectives among which are to: determine the impact of funding on the provision of infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools in kogi state, Nigeria, assess the impact of funding on the maintenance of infrastructural facilities examine the impact of funding on the provision of instructional facilities. These study objectives were designed to correspond with the research questions, hypotheses and basic assumptions. The study will be of benefit to school administrators, teachers and ministry of education officials and kogi state government. The study covered all public secondary schools in Kogi State and limited to impact of funding on the provision and maintenance of facilities in public secondary schools in Kogi State. The review of related literature is based on the issues of objectives of the study. The study adopted descriptive survey method. The population of the study was three thousand, six hundred and six (3,606). The sample size was three hundred and sixty-one (361) and stratified random sampling was used to drawn the sample. A structure questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The validity of the instrument was determined by two supervisors and other experts in Educational Administration and Planning. The reliability coefficient of the instrument using PPMC techniques showed the reliability value of 0.87. The research questions were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) presented in tables, frequencies, percentages and mean scores. All the eight null hypotheses were tested using One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Out of the eight hypotheses tested, five were retained while three were rejected. The findings, among others, showed thatthere was adequate funds for the provision of infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools in Kogi State and adequate funds was notprovided to maintain the available infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools.The conclusion and among others showed that adequate funds has impact on the provision of infrastructural facilities for the effective teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kogi State. The recommendations were made,which include Kogi state government should allocate 10% of annual budget yearly for the provision of infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools.There should be stakeholders’ forum where government, private organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and alumni associations would come together to provide funds to maintain infrastructural facilities in schools for effective service delivery