This study employed correlational design in finding the relationship between home background and academic performance among secondary school students in Jigawa State. The population is 626 students. The sample of the study was made of 242 students, drawn through proposionate and simple random sampling techniques. The Instrument used to collect data was Parent And School Survey (PASS)Questionnaire And Students Performance Test. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and chi square.The objectives and corresponding research questions and hypotheses were answered and tested in mean scores and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while chi square was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealedno significant relationship between family type and academic performance (p=0.936) the second finding revealed that there wasno significant relationship between parents education background and academic performance in Jahun Education Zone Jigawa State. (p=0.787). The third finding revealed significant relationship between parent involvement and academic performance among secondary school students in Jahun Education Zone (p=0.000). Based on the research findings, the researcher recommended thatcounsellors, educational psychologists and teachers should help the students to reduce their personal concern or problem irrespective of their family type generally and academic performance by creating awareness to students on how to utilized their home and school environment.
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