This study investigated the perceptions of stakeholders on provision and management of resources in Senior Secondary Schools in North-West Zone of Nigeria. The study was set to achieve objectives such as examine the provision and management of human resources, determine the provision and management of material resources and find out the provision and management of financial resources in senior secondary schools in North – West Zone of Nigeria to mention but a few. Seven research questions were asked in line with the objectives. Also, seven null hypotheses were postulated some of which are; there is no significant difference in the opinions of stakeholders on provision and management of curriculum resources in senior secondary schools in North – West Zone of Nigeria, there is no significant difference in the opinions of stakeholders on time resource management and there is no significant difference in the opinions of stakeholders on provision and management of resources in rural and urban senior secondary schools in North – West Zone of Nigeria. Descriptive survey was used for data collection. The target population of the study was 24,978. A sample of 455 respondents, comprising 70 principals, 350 teachers, 35 ministries of education officials were selected using purposive sampling technique. A structured questionnaire adopted from Maina (2016), which was made up of 53 item statements was the main instrument used for data collection. The data collected were first compiled and presented using frequency counts and simple percentages and later subjected to One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe multiple comparison test. Seven hypotheses were formulated in line with objectives of the study and the research questions. The findings revealed that enough social science, arts, vocational and technical subjects teaching staff were not provided in most of the senior secondary schools. It was discovered that enough teaching, learning and recreational facilities were not provided in some of the senior secondary schools. However, the material resources provided were well managed. Adequate financial resources were not provided in most of the senior secondary schools and the few provided were not properly managed in some of the secondary schools. Most of the respondents disagreed that enough time resources were provided in most of the secondary schools. Curricula of most subjects were not reviewed regularly in secondary schools. However, the curricula of most subjects provided were well managed. Enough human resources were not provided in boarding schools, particularly in arts and commercial subjects and enough non-teaching staff such as cooks, security men were not provided. However, most of the resources provided were well managed in most of schools. From the findings, it was recommended that the state governments should recruit more teaching and non-teaching staff for secondary schools. Also, there should be more provision of material resources such as classrooms, offices, laboratory equipment, recreational halls and text books in areas of teaching and learning facilities. All agencies responsible for the review of curriculum should be mandated to do their work to meet the current needs of the study
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