The study was conducted to determine the influence of World Bank Assisted Fadama II in promoting ruminant production among farmers in Kaduna state, Nigeria. To enable the researcher achieve the purpose of the studythree research questions were generated and answered, also one null hypothesiswas formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive ResearchDesign was adopted for this study. The area of the study was Kaduna state. The population for the studyconsisted of 400 participants and non participants of the project. The samplefor the study consisted of 400 respondents comprising of 240 participants and 160non participants selected by proportionate sampling technique.Structured questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. The instrument wasvalidated by two senior lecturers in the Department of Vocational and TechnicalEducation, Ahmadu Bello University and three other Chief Agricultural Officers in KADP.The reliability of the instrument was obtainedusing Spearman Brown Reliability Test. A reliability coefficient of 0.81 wasobtained. Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis were employed in thestudy. The standard deviation, mean and z-test statistics were employed to analyzethe data collected. Among the major findings of this study was that significant differences existed where participants realized higher income than non participants.Also, the study revealed that as a result of the Fadama project services, skills havebeen acquired to an average level in animalproduction practices. Results revealed that participants acquiredhigher levels of skills when compared with non participants in the areas of animal production. The differences were significant, itwas an indication that the project impacted positively on the participants.Theimplication of the findings is that the continued implementation of the Fadamaproject and its expansion to areas yet to benefit from it will enable more farmersacquiring relevant agricultural skills for the adoption of right practices.Theacquisition of these skills surely will translate into sustained increase inproductivity, income and standard of living of rural farmers in particular and thenation at large. Among the major recommendations based on the findings of thisstudy is that Government should encourage more rural farmers to participate inthe Fadama project.This could be achieved through aggressive multimediacampaign aimed at showcasing the dividend of the project no matter how smallthey may be. Also recommended is that all agricultural intervention projects inNigeria should adopt the Fadama II project‟s demand driven strategy inidentification and execution of project in our communities
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