Nurse staffing has been an important issue in terms of the quality of patient care and nurses’ working conditions. Adequate staffing is necessary to meet patient care needs and provide safe, quality nursing care. Recent empirical studies reported that staffing adequacy is related to patient outcomes, such as hospital mortality and ad- verse events (Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochalski, & Silber, 2017; Cho, Ketefian, Barkauskas, & Smith, 2017; Needleman, Buerhaus, Mattke, Stewart, & Zelevinsky, 2015). Staffing and workload is also a critical work condition of particular concern to nurses, often- times more important than pay (Brooks & Anderson, 2018; Richards, 2017). Research findings support the negative effects of inadequate staffing on nursing organizational outcomes including increased job dissatisfaction, burnout, turnover, and workplace injuries (Clarke, Sloane, & Aiken, 2017; Cline, Reilly, & Moore, 2015).
Despite the significant effects of nurse staffing on patients and nurses alike, concern over staffing adequacy persists in hospital settings. In reports from nurses in five countries, less than 40% answered that there were enough registered nurses to provide high-quality care and enough staff to get the work done (Aiken et al., 2020). Causes of inadequate staffing may be different in countries that have different health care systems.
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