Background to the Study
Legumes are nutritious and economical sources of protein for population of developing countries and play an important role in diet (Gavcia, et, al. 2009). Soybean Cheese (Tofu) it is made from legume plant is a soft cheese-like food made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the curd milk into block. Soymilk and Tofu are important non fermented soybean product. Tofu is an excellent source of high quality protein, lipids, carbohydrate, (Shurtleff and Aoyagi, 2007), also rich in calories, mineral and vitamins ((Habibullah, et, al. 2007). Soybean cheese (Tofu) is commonly used by vegetarians as a substitute for meat for healthy living (Habidullah et. al 2007). Tofu is also generally added to soups as low cost meat substitute by low income families in part of Nigeria (Odebunmi, et al, 2009). Soybean crop entered Nigeria with an attempt to improve nutrient intake, especially the protein intake of the low income populace (Obatulu, 2006). Soybean has long been stable food of the human diet in Asian, especially as soymilk or Tofu, (Shurtfleff& Aoyagi 2007). Consumption of soybean product is increasing in Nigeria due to an increase in Asian immigrants, greater acceptance of soy foods populace increase by the recognition of its health benefits and nutritional fact. Several investigators such as (Pampluna and Roger 2004) have suggested that soy bean consumption may contribute to lower rates of diseases such as hormone dependant, cancers, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Soybeans cheese (Tofu)also contain many of the essential amino acids that are deficient in most cereal grain based diets commonly fed as energy sources to poultry and swine (Bruce et, al. 2006). According to (Stein et al, 2008), It has a unique chemical composition of an average 2 diary matter basis. It contains macro nutrient, protein, carbohydrates and fats content compared to other crops and the second highest oil content among all the food legumes, the oil is higher in term of quality; it contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acid (Iwe, 2003). Soybean is a protein rich legume, it may therefore be a useful strategy to overcome protein malnutrition disease especially in rural areas where malnutrition is common (Murtala, et al, 2016). In Kaduna metropolis, boarding secondary schools comprises of private, state, federal and technical schools, some are single sex schools while others are mixed (boys and girls) These schools are served with meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner using cheaper sources of food, their source of protein which includes meat, fish, beans and eggs are not sufficient to meet their daily protein requirement. The incorporation of soybean cheese (Tofu) into boarding secondary school meal as a source of protein with high nutritional value and health benefits will be a step forward towards promoting good health. Moreover,It has the potential to replace their daily protein intake since animal protein such as meat, fish eggs are expensive. Adding Tofu to student’s diet can improve their overall well-being and help to protect them against serious health problem. The health benefits and high nutritional facts of soybean cheese(Tofu) motivated the researcher to evaluate the physical properties and nutritive value of three forms of Tofu; soft, fried and dried, and its acceptability among boarding secondary school students in Kaduna metropolis. The Food and Agricultural Organization (F.A.O. 2009) stipulated that every individual is expected to consume 71grams of protein everyday to obtain good health. According to International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA, 2007), the health of consumers is significantly better with soybean product; the evidence is that soybean cheese (Tofu) has a positive impact on consumer’s health. 3 Processing soybean cheese Tofu into different forms such as fried, soft and dried will create variety and palatability into student boarder’s diet; Tofu can be used in the absence of sufficient animal protein, this will help to prevent the occurrence of protein malnutrion disease.
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