Background to the Study
To assert that teaching is the oldest profession in the modern Nigeria should attract little or no controversy both in non-formal and formal setting. Against the modernist theorists depictingwesternization of Africans as the mark of real development, an average African trained her wards ever before the advent of colonialism. From a personal point of view, colonialism process only tinkered with the normal course of African educational process. More so, the rise of modern teaching profession in Nigeria coincides with the coming of Christian missionaries who held tenaciously to the belief that proper Christianization of African hinges on impartation of western education. The colonialist intervention in Education was regulatory in nature through the issuance of ordinance, and progressively establishment of government schools. Consequently the sprang of schools, both by the missionaries and the colonial government necessitated the establishment of training schools where prospective teachers were taught in the science of teaching and learning (Osuji, 2009) In retrospect, the majority of teachers employed by the missionaries and colonial government were considered untrained. The issue was a prominent focus of Ashby Commission report on Investment in Higher Education in 1959. Lord Ashby – an educator per excellence and one time Vice Chancellor of Cambridge observed that; “the quality of teachers at the primary and secondary level is poor and great majority of teachers have neither enough general education to qualify them to teach, nor adequate professional training”. The situation was very critical during the missionary era. Pupils in higher classes were used to train pupils in lower classes in the same school. The senior ones were taught in the morning while the senior turned to junior ones from noon till closing 2 hours (Ajibola 2008). With more commitment from the government, and pursuant to implementation of Ashby report, the country witnessed a substantial improvement in training and focus on professionalism Teacher as one of the most important inputs in the education system shapes the direction andinfluences to a great extent other educational inputs to achieve goals and objectives as indicated in the National Education Policy (1998-2010, p. 47), that “the teacher is considered the most crucial factor in implementing all instructional reforms at the grassroots level”. It is a fact that the academic qualifications, knowledge of the subject matter, competence and skills of teaching and the commitment of the teacher have impact on the teaching-learning process. Since thequality of educational outcomes depends to a great extent on the quality of teachers, the extent of their performance depend on the quality and quantity of the training they received. In recognition of this enormous role that the teacher plays, Ukeje (2007) observed that the power toheal or kill, build up or tear apart depends particularly much on the teacher who is the hub of the educationprocess. Furthermore, teacher performance seems to be a nagging issue in education. Several researchers pointed to the low quality of teachers (Adeyemi,2011), This could be attributed tomany factors and could also have adverse effects on students‟ performance which is one of the outcomes of teacher performance. Performance in the words of Vipinosa(2015) is the result of the efforts exerted and the resources utilized. It can be measured as a ratio of output to input. Inthe context of school system, Ajayi and Afolabi(2012) observed that performance is measured in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness of teachers‟ job practices, However, many factors are responsible for shaping the quality of teachers, trainingprogramme being an integral part of the education system, has greatly expanded and will expand further for 3 catering to the fast emerging needs of the country educational system. According to Lawal (2004) teacher training is an important aspect of education process that deals with the art of acquiring new skills in the teachingprofession. Training according to Ezeani and Oladele (2013) involves the development of specific skills and attitudes needed to perform a particular job or series of jobs tomaximize the productivity of theindividual and improve the overall organizational efficiency. They contended further that, it is a form of assistance or coaching, given to an employee to help him have current knowledge of the job content, scope and maintain optimum performance within the organization. This is essential especially with the frequent policy changes in education and also in the evolving newknowledge and technology based society. Training teachers can help them reduce mistakes and improveinnovations in the teaching profession. Teachers are different with respect to their attitudes and respond to emerging realities in teaching; Hammond (2000) observed that organizers of training programmes are usually faced with five major tasks in preparing new teachers or helping experienced teachers become better. These tasks are; determining the curriculum content of teacher training program, methods to use in conducting the training program, motivating teachers to learn, assessing teachers' learning, and dealing with individual differences among teachers. That is why teacher training programmes often include imparting knowledge about content and skills in instruction, classroom management, assessment, and developing teacher knowledge and skill. According to Asu (2004, p.15) there are several outcome areas that are potentially affected by teacher training programmes. These include: 1. Teacher knowledge, 2. Teacher records keeping, 4 3. Teaching methodology and techniques 4. Classroom management, and 5. Student discipline. Teacher training is broadly categorized into; pre-service and in-service program, according to Beardwell and Holdin (1994), pre-service is the training provided before employment of teachers and is generally a pre requisite for it. It is aimed at the professional growth of teacher and is planned in such a way that it Leads to the development of a positive attitude towards education and towards improving their performance in terms of better teaching. Since unarguably it appears the training received in teacher institutions has little or no relevance with thepractice in schools. There is, therefore, the need to address this mismatch through continuous training programme such as conferences, workshops, seminars and symposium etc. This enables teachers to be abreastwith the changes in the field of education orchestrated by modern technology.Kamau (2011).asserts that, the purpose of continuous training according to Musset (2010) is to update, develop andbroaden the knowledge that teachers had acquired during the initial teacher education and/or provide them withnew skills and professional understanding. Regardless of the training type or method adopted the important thing is for the teacher to be better equipped in instructional performance.Olagboye (1999) indicated that in order to meet the challenging demand of teaching occasioned by innovation and development in teaching practice, teachers must be availed the opportunity to constant training in addition to their background teachers education.
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