Lymphatic filariasis caused by mosquito borne filarial nematode, Wuchereria brancrofti, is a debilitating Neglected Tropical Disease of major public health importance. This study was carried out to determine the status of Filariasis among five (5) selected communities include Rugan gandu/Tudun Fulani, Sabon garin mangu/ matachibu, Sabon garin Madara, Tashan badukke and Dogon fili in Kotongora Local Government Area, Niger State. In this study, standard parasitological techniques, rapid assessment method and structured questionnaire were employed. The result of this study showed that out of the 1015 blood samples collected and examined for the presence of filariasis using Filariasis Test Strip (FTS), 111(10.94 %) were positive. The prevalence of infection varies among the communities with Rugan gandu/Tudun Fulani having the highest infection rate (17.37 %) followed by Sabon garin mangu/ matachibu (14.51 %) while Tashan Baduke had the least infection rate of (4.52 %). In relation to age group 56-65 years had the highest rate of infection (22.5 %) followed by the age group 66-75 years (21.43 %) while the age group 46-55 years had the least infection rate (7.44 %). Among the respondents infected with the disease, 17(60.71 %) believed that stepping on charm is the cause of the disease, while 104(37.68 %) of the unaffected respondents believed that fever is the cause. Majority of the infected respondents, 24(85.71 %), believed that avoiding mosquito bites is the most accurate preventive measure. The disease is therefore, endemic in Kotongora Local Government Area, Niger State with high chances of prevalence, intensity and clinical symptoms increasing overtime. There is therefore, urgent need to implement control measures with the aim of halting the transmission of this disease.
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