This study was conducted to access College of Education Home Economics students sewing skill in the production of children‘s wear in North central Nigeria. To achieve this, four objectives, four research questions and four hypotheses were formulated to grade the study, the population for the study was three hundred and sixty-four N.C.E 111 Home economics students from twelve colleges of education in North Central Nigeria. Two colleges were purposely selected and a systematic sampling technique was used to select an intact class of 30 students from each of the two selected colleges were used. A descriptive survey was used for the study. A scorecard adopted from quality standard checklist inform of a rating scale was used to determine the sewing skills in making the French seam, constructing and attaching puff sleeve, construction and attachment of Peter Pan collar and construction of gathers. A panel of five judges who are expert in clothing and textiles were engaged to rate the students. IBM SPSS Statistics package was used to analyzed the data the findings of the study among others reveal that Peter Pan collar 4(PPC4) ―fix according to correct method bias that hides the raw edge at the neckline is neatly attached flat was rated poorly‖, while in the making of gathers, all the four aspects tested were rated high which is a clear indication that student performs better in all. One sample t-test was used to determine the significance of the sewing skills demonstrated by the students. The result of analyses shows the students had significance adequate knowledge of the four sewing skills. (t-2.291, p.001; t=2.13, p.001; t=2.291, p.00; and t-2.232, p.00). The study, therefore, concludes that the student had adequate sewing skills of children wears. The study, therefore, recommends that; teachers should maintain the standards but try to focus more on the areas of the student's deficiency also clothing laboratory should be equipped and conducive enough to create interest in students to work. Teachers of clothing and textiles should teach in line with clothing construction skill to equip students with good sewing skill.
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