The study focuses on both quantitative and qualitative analysis of high resolution aeromagnetic data for the estimation of geothermal potential in parts of Central Nigeria Basement Complex and correlating the results from the analysis of radioactive concentration data of the study area. The study area covers a total of 6050 km2 . Two aeromagnetic sheets were used to cover the major towns; Kaguru and Geshere. The study areas are bounded by latitude 100 00' N to 100 30' N and longitude 7o 30' E to 8o 30' E. The aeromagnetic data subjected to Fourier analysis and spectrum analysis of 10 blocks were carried out to determine the curie depth within the study area. The spectral depth method was employed in evaluating the geothermal parameters. The region found to have a shallow curie point depth of 12 km and the highest Curie point depth of 56 km are located within the North Central regions and South Eastern parts of the study area respectively with an average value of 30.46 km. The heat flow of the study area has values ranging from 30 mW/m2 to 160 mW/m2 with an average value of 80.60 mW/m2 . The North-Central region surrounded by Wugana, Kaguru, New Kwasam and also the Western edge of the study area records high and anomalous heat flow values ranging from 105 mW/m2 to 160 mW/m2 . The geothermal gradient also has values ranging from 8 0C/km to 50 0C/km with an average of 25.19 0C/km of the study area. Correlating this result with the analysis of radiometric result from Ternary map shows that the region of high concentration of Potassium, Thorium and Uranium contents correspond to the regions of relatively high heat flow and geothermal gradient at the North-Central portion of the study area
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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