This project is on Corruption and Victimization in Isidore Okpewho’s Tides and Anthony Ndubuisi Abagha’s Children of Oloibiri. It is a study of the endemic corruption and Victimization that hold the Niger Delta captive and by extension the entire nation in spite of available monumental wealth and qualified manpower.
Abstract: The role of cultural intelligence in vocational education is increasingly recogni...
Online clearance system is basically design to save user information, facilitate the manipulation of data in a faster rate, provide concurrent acce...
Low language proficiency, arising from poor instructional strategies and defective knowledge of English grammar, contributes to...
The historical background of conflict in organization can be seen as far back a...
Background to the Study
Mass failure in a course happens when a substantial percentage (about 70%) of s...
ABSTRACT: This study examines the role of early childhood education in teaching equality among young children. Objectives include evaluating c...
Abstract: This research investigates the impact of social media on adult education engagement. The study aimed to explore how social media pla...
Background of the study
In 1949 the government of Nigeria appointed F.J. Harlow, principal of Chelsea Polytechnic (Londo...
Statement of Problem
The United Nations declared 1996, the international year of eradication of poverty and 1997 to 2006, decade of pover...
The modern man lives in a skeptical age, one which finds the very idea of personified evil spirits to be a superstitious remnant...