This project report describes a mobile android based job finder and applier. There is a crisis in Nigeria right now on job opportunities and availability. There is a huge population with fewer jobs every year in the country. Getting a job is a struggle and it is affecting mostly the less privileged. The internet is now a common place for engaging with different people and ideas in today’s world, therefore people’s needs, and services are provided through websites, mobile applications, and other online platforms. This project is focused on developing an android mobile application for job search and application which is an android application with an administrator to serve as a communication tool between the job seekers and the employers. This way, job seekers would not have to search for jobs going from office to office, home to home or through the traditional recommendations when they can apply for jobs from the palms of their fingertips on the mobile application, users can get registered, login and apply for jobs. These users can also edit their profile, it is possible to add, delete or edit their profile. This project also consists of the activity diagrams, the application architecture, uses cases and entity relationship diagrams. The technologies used in the execution of the objectives of this research are android studio as the IDE of choice and Google Firebase for the database. Upon compelling appraisal and system verification, the writer sees that the application can be used modestly, productively, effectively, and efficiently.
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