Background to the Study
To a large extent, the success or failure of any educational system depends on the successful planning and execution of the instrument called curriculum. A curriculum is like a plan of a house, it is a mapped out plan of instructions or guides to be followed in the process of teaching and learning in a formal learning institution. Some educationist claim that the wealth or poverty of a nation depends on the content of the nation’s educational curriculum. This is because, the value, dreams and desires of a nation are first of all interpreted in curriculum. Curriculum therefore, consists of a carefully mapped out programme containing what to teach, how to teach it, when to teach, and how to evaluate. Curriculum planning and development is therefore, concerned with the subject-matter, content, the pedagogical methods required to administer the content, the learner, the teacher, the physical and psychological environment of the learners. All these are required for the achievement of the goal of education. The curriculum is defined in various ways due to its changing nature. The changes in concepts emanate from changes in the concept of the knowledge, the learner, and the role of the learner. The concepts change to 1 2 cope with the knowledge explosion in the society. Based on the above, Ferdinand (2007) defined curriculum as the totality of all the experiences provided to a learner under the auspices of the school. Curriculum is concerned with all activities in the school which lead to the development of learner’s cognitive, affective and psychomotor. It is an official document used in the school or any formal setting prepared for a learner and serves as a guideline for a facilitator of learning. A worth-while curriculum is never static. It is subject to change. As societal needs change, it becomes paramount to match the polytechnic curriculum with the needs. This leads to the replacement of secretarial studies with office technology and management in order to meet societal changes and demands on information and communication technology (ICT). Emphasis on ICT brought about drastic change in course offering in polytechnic with ICT carrying the highest unit. This is in line with the first goal and objective for the acquisition of secretarial skills which states that graduates of the Office Technology and Management (ND and HND) programmes should fit properly into the office of any computerized organisation and perform professionally the functions of a secretary (Iredia, 2006).
Background of the Study:
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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