Basically, the nature of manufacturing business compels it to carry out a great deal of book-keeping records based on accounting principles and information provided with the perpetual increase in the number of consumer of manufactured 4 products, it has become necessary to devise a systematic mean in handling the resultant book-keeping and accounting activities. A lot criticism has always been made about the service of the organisation, consumers complain of low quality product while employers complain of lack of promotion inadequate salaries, lack of training etc. Furthermore, the major challenge facing every financial institution\ business, organisation of today is market relevance. On-going fundament at changes in the global politics, economy and emerging competitions particularly challenges proper and adequate contemporal accounting information for management decision making. The company itself tries to coordinate all these challenge effectively and efficiently so as to minimize any anticipated and unanticipated pitfalls. If a sound and effective accounting system is applied property by the manufacturing organisation, the difference will be clear. Improper attention to the accounting system and handling of accounting information has given birth to the under mentioned problems.
Poor planning, Result to poor decision making, Poor organisation and control of business activities and unsatisfactory service to its customers, Poor decision making in administrative activities of the organisation.
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Background to the Study
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