Fund-raising efforts at college and universities continue to be a top priority. It is clear that an institution’ s ability to realize their innovative but costly strategic goals is directly dependent on their ability to generate donations from alumni, foundations, friends, parents, and other institutional partners. The reliance on fund-raising dollars is even more pronounced due to the rising public scrutiny of the cost of higher education (Farrell, 2003; Trompley, 2003 ; US Department of Education, 2006) . Over the year’s students use manual ways to raise funds to support their election ambitions, help pay less privileged students school dues, sick friends and many other challenges which they face in the school. To overcome the problems of manual fund raising, the researcher has developed “an Online Campus Fund Raiser System”. The system which will be implemented on the internet and can be accessed on any operating device, either desktop or mobile devices connected to the internet. The system communicates with the database residing on a remote server. This system has been built with HTML, CSS and PHP.
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