This project presents the design and construction of a battery charger. A battery charger is an electrical/electronic device used to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable battery by forcing an electric current through it. The system consists of a step down transformer, an AC to DC converter and a DC voltage regulator. The circuits are designed using copper wire, rectifier diodes, electrolytic capacitors, resistors with other passive and active component of electronics. A battery charger is an indispensible device for battery users because battery is an essential element that powers any electronic products like UPS inverters system, photographic equipments, hand-held lamps (flashlight or torch), computer-memory standby, toys, novelties and automobiles, etc. These products will become useless if there is no charger to refill their battery when it runs down. In this project, a sophisticated class of battery charger is designed not just to refill rechargeable batteries but to conserve the battery life because wrong handling and charging of a battery can permanently damage the battery even if is brand new. With this project, people can recharge both alkaline, NiCad and lead acid batteries by themselves and then save money on battery purchases
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Background to the Study
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