Tuberculosis is a chronic infection that still remains one of the major health problems in most developing countries. Poor treatment outcomes have serious consequences which include spread of the disease, morbidity and mortality. The world health organization (WHO) recommended minimum successful outcomes of 85%; this has not been achieved in most facilities rendering the services. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of Pharmacist Intervention on the treatment outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in secondary health facilities in Abuja. It has been found out that Pharmacists have not always been involved directly in the management of tuberculosis patients therefore this work was design to evaluate Pharmacist intervention on treatment outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis through phone calls and text messages. Two health facilities under Federal Capital Territory Abuja which were Asokoro District Hospital and Nyanya General Hospital were used. A total of 110 pulmonary tuberculosis patients 60 from Nyanya General Hospital and 50 from Asokoro District Hospital accessing Directly Observed Therapy Short course (DOTS) were recruited for the research and divided into control and intervention groups. They were then given health education and medication adherence counseling. The intervention group was accompanied with phone calls and text messages till the completion of their treatment each lasted for six months. Questionnaires were distributed at baseline to measure their knowledge of disease and social behaviour. Proforma sheet was used to collect their treatment outcomes which includes successful (cured and treatment completed) and unsuccessful (Died, failure, defaulter, transfer out). Questionnaire were then administered to measure improvement on disease knowledge and social history medication adherence was measured from patient medication refill cards. 95% confidence was set with p value p<0.05 significant level. The data collected were presented using percentages, tables and charts ix The study shows there were tremendous statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in medication adherence after interventions with more than 70% of participants having good adherence(100%), disease knowledge and social history in intervention group accompanied with phone calls and text messages as compared to control group. The study established successful treatment outcomes of tuberculosis of 87.5% in the intervention group as against 74.1% in the control group from the secondary healthcare facilities used for the research. Comparing Nyanya General Hospital to Asokoro district hospital, Nyanya General Hospital achieved successful treatment outcomes of 90% as against 84.5% in Asokoro District Hospital in the intervention group. While the control group had 80% and 66.7% in Nyanya and Asokoro Hospital respectively. It can be concluded that, the study showed that pharmacist intervention improves knowledge of tuberculosis disease, medication adherence with 87.5% successful treatment outcomes tuberculosis patients in the secondary healthcare facilities, Abuja.
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