Statistically, prostitution is an alarming problem to the human society. Prostitution is a form of violence against women, it is violation of human rights. With a higher instance of physical violence perpetrated against them, female prostitutes are more likely to get murdered. This is a common occurrence across the country and contributes to the incidence of children without parents. Prostitutes have an increase incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. A study in Minecapolis, Minnesota revealed that only 15% of prostitutes who had prostituted for at least six months has an S.T.D. This figure does not include HIV/AIDS, Gynecological examination of the prostitutes in this study revealed an alarming incidence of positive pap tests. These women are at greater risk of cervical cancer and could spread the human papiloma virus among the population of the Minecapolis St. Paul Metropolitan area, either through direct transmission or indirect transmission.
The research reveals that rather than facing conditions of slavery men and women working as prostitutes are subjected to abuses which are similar in nature to those experienced by others working in low stratus jobs in the informal sector. However, the marginal position of sex workers in society excludes them from the international, national and customary protection afforded to other as citizens, workers or women. Their vulnerability to human and labor rights violations is greater than that of others because of the stigma and criminal charges widely attached to sex work. The report recommend that all national legislation which in intent or in practice results in the placing of sex workers outside the scope of the rule of law, should be repealed. The abolitionist approach declares that the institution of prostitution itself constitutes a violation of human rights. Raymond wishes to establish that all immigrant women working as prostitutes are victims f slavery and abuse. Average prostitution in Edo State was 70% female, 20%, male prostitutes and 10% customer. Whereas street prostitution accounts between 10 to 20% of the prostitution in Edo State. Research revealed that only 3-5% of the sexually transmitted diseases in Edo State relented to prostitution compared with 30-35% among teenagers. However, prevalent rate for prostitutes was approximately 50 percent in Edo State.
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