This seminar was carries out to find out effect of lack of adequate secretarial training facilities on the production of secretaries and it was written in five chapters. Chapter one introduced the topic with an overview of contemporary historical facts, about the effects of lack of adequate secretarial training facilities on the production of secretaries. It also features a statement of the problem, which discussed the effects of this lack satisfactorily. Other sub-headings leading considered here scope, limitation of the study, research questions statement of hypothesis and definition of terms. A systematic and expository literature search, research review and documentation formed chapter two. Chapter three dealt with the design of the study, the methods used in collection relevant data, the way, questionnaires were distributed, how many returned and the systematic way the project was carried out. The research went further to present, analyze and interpret data obtained from the research survey. Finally, the researcher summarized the finding, drew conclusion, tested the hypothesis, made recommendations and suggested areas for further study in chapter five
This study investigates the role of public health workers in tuberculosis management and preve...
ABSTRACT: This study explored the Benefits of Early Childhood Robotics Programs on Problem-Solving. The obje...
The compensation of employees at all level has become one of the major function...
ABSTRACT: The role of early childhood education in digital literacy is cri...
This research focuses on Manpower Planning and Development as an effective fool for Achieving Original Goals, using star paper M...
In the majority of underdeveloped nations, including Nigeria, maternal mortality is th...
The ongoing dilemma of digital age is balancing convenience against security. Security is a syst...
The study aimed at assessing the effect of hospitality and tourism industry on employment rate. The population...
ABSTRACT: Assessing the impact of early childhood education on refug...
The project is a comprehensive study of the changes in Accounting standard, the impact on financial statement...