Excerpt from the Study
Internal combustion engine lubricants supposed to be eco-friendly. Their production and use should not have any threat to the environment and the users. However, production, use and unsafe disposal of lubricants such as engine oils for internal combustion engines have raised concern over environmental pollutions (Mobarak et al., 2014 and Aji et al., 2015). This has brought in attention towards the use of non-edible vegetable oils as an alternative to petroleum oil based lubricants (Bergstra, 2016). Non edible vegetable oil plants contain high amount of oils in their seeds which can be converted into biolubricant. Lubricants produced from vegetable oils are mostly used for low temperature applications and cannot be reliably used in Internal Combustion Engines due to their poor oxidative and thermal stabilities, gumming and low pour points due to the inherent weaknesses in their molecular structures (Srivastava and Sahai 2013). Development of chemically modified biolubricants which can be safely and reliably used at high and low temperatures is an option of prime importance which can overcome such problems.
The study of water quality using macro invertebrates as bio indicators of pollution in the Ikp...
Many countries worldwide including Nigeria use different parts of Waltheria indica (leaves, stem-barks, roots and whole plants)...
Respect and cooperation are concepts of social values that accord dignity, honour to others and ensure collaboration to achieve...
Fungi associated with the spoilage of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) during storage at ambient te...
Background of the Study
Transparency in fee structures is essential for building consumer trust in the banking sector. United Bank for Af...
Background of the Study
Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including heart disease, hypertension, and stroke...
Background of the Study
Family planning is the process of having a specific number of children at intervals acceptable b...
Waste is the greatest danger facing mankind today therefore measures must be nationally and internationally taken to control dis...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Local beadwork represents a rich cultural heritage and a source of econom...
This project work is design to investigate the effect of teachers’ qualification and instructional materi...