The study investigated planning and utilization of school plant and students’ academic performance in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. Three research questions and five hypotheses were raised and analysed in the study. The study adopted the cross sectional survey research design which included public, private and federal schools in Education District IV in Lagos State. Four hundred and twenty three (200) subjects were randomly selected across the schools in the district and used as the sample of the study. Questionnaires were major instruments used to facilitate data collection from the respondents. The study was limited to senior secondary school (SSS I to SSIII). Data collected were analyzed using the simple percentage and Chi-square method of statistics. However, the study revealed that a significant relationship exist between adequate provision of school plant and academic performance of studentsin secondary schools in Lagos State; adequate provision and functional school physical plants are good strategies for enhancing a high level of academic performance and rapid increases in the school enrolments without a corresponding increase in the provision of educational facilities contributes to poor performance of students in education. The study therefore recommends among others that material resources for all subject areas should be sufficiently supplied to all the secondary schools in Lagos State and Philanthropists, Parent-Teachers Association should be encouraged to contribute their own quota to the development of secondary schools in the state.
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