The implementation of the biometric based attendance system constrained by our scope and objectives was successfully achieved using the waterfall approach through the help of my supervisor and expert advice. We built a handheld device which was controlled by the ATMega1284p microcontroller, the program for the microcontroller was written in embedded programming. An Application software (backs up the attendance in database) which was built using python3 programming language in atom editor using MySQL as the database management system. It was indeed a challenging project and we believe it will enhance the education standard of not only Electronics and computer engineering but also NnamdiAzikiwe University for properly maintained and utilized.
Daucus carota (L.) commonly known as carrot belongs to the family of Apiaceae. The aerial part is used as component of livestock...
Abstract: Critical thinking skills are essential for technical education students to analyz...
Background To The Study
In the present age of science and technology, secondary school is viewed as a c...
Erythrophleumivorense isused in traditional medicine for the treatment of convulsion, swellings, body pain and as emetic agents....
In the mechanical Engineering department of institute of management and technology th...
The study was carried out to determine the Influence of Word-Processing and Shorthand Skills on professional secretaries functio...
The aim of embarking on this study was to provide a well detailed account on the Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Behavior...
Background Of The Study
Organisations have a greater ability today to establish, nurture, and sustain l...
This study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of cancer prevention strategies among staff of Federal unive...
Background to the Study
The foundation or idea of comparative study in the legal profession could be traced to two Germa...